
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

As global stock markets tumbled and the value of the pound plummeted to a 30-year low following the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union, it appears that some people are now having serious regrets.
The #REGREXIT hashtag began trending on Twitter on Saturday morning, just as a petition calling for the country to hold a second referendum on its membership in the European Union passed 2.5 million signatures. The total now stands at 3 million.
As Brexiters realise full implications of voting out commences, I hereby declare today the 25th June as Regrexit Day...#REGREXIT
? Pauline Mayers (@emergentp) June 25, 2019
You stupid, stupid people! #regrexit
? Andy MacInally (@bluekraut) June 25, 2019
Tweeters vented their anger on a variety of themes. Some of those who voted “leave” said they now felt betrayed and wish they could turn back time and opt to remain. Others called out those same “leave” voters for choosing to exit the EU without having done the proper research:
People who voted to leave, and now “regret it” because they “didn’t think it would happen”, should have their rights to ever vote revoked...
? Owen Davies (@ODPixel) June 24, 2019
To the man on @BBCNews in Manchester who voted leave but is now “shocked” that his vote mattered and is now “worried”, well done sir. Moron.
? Suzie Wright (@suziewright94) June 24, 2019
Multiple people have reportedly admitted they didn’t actually understand what they’d been voting for, either believing they were registering a protest vote against the government or just presuming that the “leave” campaign would never win.
此次脱欧还出现了一大批英语新词,比如: Italeave(Italy+leave), Departugal(depart+Portugal), Czecheout(Czech+out), Finish(Finland+finish)。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1135636.html
