
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
for goodness' sake 做做好事吧A: Where are you from?A:你从哪里来?B: Gansu Province.B:甘肃省。A: For goodness' sake, I didn't know we're from the same place.A:天哪,我还不知道呢,我们是老乡啊。B: Did you have a good time tonight?B:今晚你在这儿过得怎么样?A: Yes, marvelous time!A:好极了。from the housetops 公开的A: I think, for this thing, he has gone too far.A:在这件事情上,我觉得他做得有些太过分了。B: Why?B:为什么这么说?A: You know, he shouted from the housetops that Susan had done such a thing.A:你看,他公开大声宣告是苏珊做的那件事。B: Yeah, It's nobody but she did that.B:可的确是她而不是别人干的呀。A: But I think we should spare her feelings.A:可是我觉得还是应该给她留点儿情面。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1144700.html
