
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网




  各种时态语态状语从句 宾语从句


  Unit 1

  由……组成 be made up of

  成年 grow up

  各行各业 all walks of life

  从事 take up

  授课 explain lessons

  教育机构 educational institutions

  批改书面作业 correct papers

  获得新知 gain new knowledge

  社会上 in society

  有很多任务 be involved in many tasks

  在学期末 at the end of every term

  给学生打分 give grades to their students

  他们对学生的影响 their impact on students

  终生 all through one’s life

  尽全力做某事 try one’s best to do

  布置作业 give homework

  康复 get well

  修复功能失常的器官 repair the organs that no longer work properly

  决定着(病人)的生死 mean the difference between life and death

  为病人做手术 operate on sick people

  负责病人的治疗 take care of the patient’s medical treatment

  把信息储存在电脑中 store information on a computer

  接待 receive people

  包括写信 involve writing letters

  制定计划和时间表 work out plans and timetables

  接听电话 answer telephone calls

  担任秘书工作 work as secretaries

  把文件整齐有序地摆放到档案柜里 put papers in good order

  老板和客户间的联系人 as a link between the boss and the visitors

  很多年轻人 a number of young people

  时装模特 fashion model

  穿着最时尚的服装 wear the latest styles of clothes

  收集时装图片 collect fashion pictures


  通过电视、报纸和杂志 through television, newspapers and magazines

  崇拜那些T台上的明星 admire those superstars of the catwalk



本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1204884.html
