
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
give oneself airs/put on airs 装模作样A: I dislike Helen now. She is always giving herself airs.A:我现在很讨厌海伦,她总是装模作样。B: Maybe she thinks she came back from abroad.B:也许她自己觉得刚从国外回来的吧!A: What of it?A:那有什么了不起?B: Sure.B:可不是。give someone the fish-eye 冷眼相待A: I simply couldn't help giving him the fish-eye when I knew all that.A:当我了解这一切以后,我只是忍不住对他冷眼相待。B: But Ben is not a bad man. I know him from A to Z.B:但是本不是一个坏小伙,我非常了解他。A: However, he disappointed us very much this time.A:但不管怎么说,他这次让我们太失望了。B: I can understand. But...B:我能理解,但是……
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1217612.html
