
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
对话一:be above oneself 得意忘形A: I dislike Susan. She is always above herself.A:我讨厌苏珊,她总是趾高气扬。B: Don't you know that she was the only one who had received the invitation in the office?B:你不知道哟?她是办公室里唯一收到请柬的人。A: What of it?A:有什么了不起?B: Sure.B:可不是。对话二:Barbie Doll 没有头脑的人A: Sometimes you look like brains, and sometimes you're simply a Barbie Doll.A:有时你很聪明,但有时却徒有其表。B: I don't know whether I am a Barbie Doll or you are one.B:我不知道是你徒有其表还是我徒有其表。A: Maybe I am a Barbie Doll, but I won't do Barbie Doll things.A:也许是我吧,可我不会做没头脑的事。B: Well, I am not going to flog a dead horse, Let's get down to our brass tasks and tidy these things up.B:好吧,我们别瞎耽误工夫了,收拾东西,干正经事吧。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1228312.html
