
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
catch sb. on the hop 使某人措手不及对话:A: It's a great pity he left suddenly.A:他突然走了,真叫人遗憾。B: Yeah, He caught us on the hop.B:是啊,真让我们措手不及。A: He has lost a good chance to understand others.A:他失去了一次了解他人的好机会。B: Perhaps you're right.B:也许你是对的。chat up with 与……搭讪上对话:A: Henry is chatting up with the pretty girl.A:亨利和那个漂亮姑娘搭上话了。B: He's always popular among girls.B:他总是很受女孩子的青睐。A: Perhaps because he's very handsome.A:也许因为他很帅吧。B: Not exactly. I guess it's what some people call"charisma".B:不完全是,我看这就是人们所说的“超凡的魅力”了。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1271873.html
