“be said+不定式”考点归纳(二)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


结构六 “be said+不定式的完成式的被动式”


Mr Smith is said to have been told the news. 据说已经有人把这消息告诉了史密斯先生。

They were said to have been killed in the battle. 据说他们已在战斗中被杀死了。

This book is said to have been translated into English. 据说这本书已译成英语。

结构七 用于“There be said+不定式”

There is said to be plenty of oil off our coast, 据说我国沿海有大量的石油。

There is said to have been an earthquake in Japan. 据说日本发生了一次地震。

There was said to be disagreement between the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary. 听说,首相和内政大臣意见有分歧。


1.“be said+不定式”结构只有被动式,没有主动式。如:


正:He is said to know many languages.

误:They say him to know many languages.

但是,可以换成it’s said that…句式。如:

正:It is said that he knows many languages. (from www.nmet168.com)

2.“be said+不定式”结构中的不定式有时可能是目的状语。如:

These words were said to frighten you. 说那些话是为了吓唬你。

【思维发散】与“be said+不定式”结构相似的还有“be reported (believed, supposed, thought, etc) + 不定式”等,其用法和搭配均大致相同。如:

She is believed to be staying with her aunt. 可以相信她住在她姑姑家里。

There is supposed to be a train at 12:37. 12点37分想必有一班火车。

Thousands were reported to be working as slaves there. 据报导数以千计的人在那里作奴隶。

He is reported to have been chosen chairman of the trade union. 据说他当选了工会主席。


1. In some countries, thirteen ______ an unlucky number.

A. is believed being B. is believed to be

C. believes to be D. believes being

2. The case against Mr. White is said ______ tomorrow.

A. to hear B. being heard

C. to be heard D. being heard

3. This kind of beauty cream is said ______ able to smooth away wrinkles.

A. to be B. being

C. having been D. to have been

4. Shakespeare is said ______ the foremost writer in the English language.

A. to be B. being

C. having been D. to have been

5. This book is said ______ into several foreign languages.

A. to translate B. translating

C. to have translated D. to have been translated

6. David is said ______ in computers there, but I don’t know how his business is going on.

A. to have dealt B. to deal

C. to be dealing D. being dealt

7. Robert is said ______ one of my classmates the other day, but I don’t know who she is.

A. to marry B. to have married

C. to be marrying D. being married

8. Robert is said ______ one of my classmates very soon, but I don’t know who she is.

A. to marry B. to have married

C. to be marrying D. being married

9. Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to _______ since the flood hit the area last Friday.

A. have been missing B. have got lost

C. be missing D. get lost

10. Beethoven’s dying words are said ______ “I shall hear in heaven”.(from www.nmet168.com)

A. have been B. to have been

C. having been D. being

【参考答案】1—5 BCAAD 6—10 CBAAB

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/127316.html
