
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
  不管你混迹的是朋友圈、微博、QQ空间还是 Instagram,一张好的照片胜过千言万语。



  #1 用左脸

  Show the Left Side

  Most people know their “good side,” but according to fashion photographer Garance Doré and a scientific study, usually the left side of the face is more attractive.


  #2 别怼着

  Don't Get Too Close

  Never stand the closest to the camera, or you’ll look disproportionately larger. Instead, position yourself on an even plane with the other people in the photo.


  #3 仰拍

  Low-Angle Shot

  According to fashion blogger Chriselle Lim, a lower angle visually stretches your figure, making you look taller and leaner.


  #4 别拍正脸

  Not Straight-On

  Turning your head slightly is more flattering than facing the camera straight-on because it will give your features more depth. Hello, cheekbones!


  #5 俯拍

  High-Angle Shot

  When seated, ask the photographer to take the picture from above, and tilt your face up to meet the camera, which will help define your jaw. According to Garance Doré, “a shot from above is a godsend!”


  #6 切图

  Crop It

  If you’re the one posting the photo, crop it so your entire body fills the frame. This will create the illusion of vertical length.


  #7 说“钱~”

  Say 'Money~'

  The hard “e” sound at the end of “money” makes the corners of your mouth go up and makes your eyes crinkle, creating the affectation of a genuine smile.

  重读 money 末尾的 e 音可以让你的嘴角上扬,还能让你的眼部弯起来,这样能制造出一种“笑得很真诚”的假象。

  #8 侧身显瘦

  Look Slimmer by Changing Your Angle

  Angle your body 45 degrees away from the camera, push your weight on to your back foot, tuck your "away arm" behind your back, and remember the golden rule: If it bends, bend it .


  #9 先闭眼

  Close Your Eyes First

  Ask the photographer to count to three before taking the picture. Close your eyes and breathe in. Then, just before the shutter clicks, breathe out, open your eyes and smile. Your face will look relaxed and your smile will be real.


  #10 离瘦子远一点

  Stay Away from the Thin One

  Never pose beside a thin person. Especially if you're wearing the same dress.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1305165.html
