
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网
Kill sb. with kindness 热情过度Every time I went to the supermarket the salesgirls killed me with kindness and convinced me to buy a lot of things.每次我去超市,那些推销员都会热情过度地向我推销很多东西。释义:直译是用热情将人杀死,引申为热情过度,让人受不了。Kill time 消磨时间The train trip was long and tiring, but we killed time by playing carbs.火车旅程既长又困,我们就以打牌来消磨时间。释义:时间乃抽象之物,实难杀死。kill time实乃消磨时间而已。Keep my edge 保持最好的状态I have to speak English every day to keep my edge.我必须每天说英语以保持最佳状态。链接:stay sharp:保持锋利lose one's edge:不在状态Keep my fingers crossed 祝你成功,祝你好运I know you are looking for a job so I keep my fingers crossed for you.我知道你在找工作,祝你好运!释义:把中指?在食指上交叉作十字状,表示暗中希望上帝保佑自己正在做的事成功。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/1320741.html
