
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网



1、语法覆盖面广、粗略统计已涉及了20 多种语法现象及固定句型,如there be句型、it occurred to sb. that等;

2、重点语法反复呈现,如:10年71题和2011年71题考点为倒装、10年 72题与11年74题考点为分词短语作状语、非谓语动词历年都有2-3题、定语从句、倒装、虚拟、形容词比较级、情态动词加现在完成时等连续几年都有涉及到;



5、紧密联系教材,许多题目在教材上能找到对应的雏形,如winning the scholarship、might have had a hand in等;

6、对句子成分的分析是做好题目的关键,如2011第80题, _____ (比较这两把牙刷) and you’ll find the purple one is softer. (compare),特别是分隔现象的使用;




1、句子结构知识掌握不牢,容易受英汉表达思维差异的影响。如, 写作中通常出现类似这样的句子:There were a lot of students took part in the tree planting activity. We are very glad that our teacher is going to teach us swim.

2、 惯用句型识别不清,如:It cost me. 很多考生审题不能将汉语提示和英语部分结合考虑, 也没有考虑到cost的主语不能是人,其过去时和过去分词均为cost, 所以才出现I cost, I costed等错误。惯用句型是完成句子的热点之一,考生学习中要注意分析和掌握常用句型。3、复合宾语结构混淆,特别是使役动词have、make, let, leave等; 此外还有感官动词see, watch, notice…+ sb / sth + do /doing的用法和区别都是高考完成句子的重中之重。

4、语态表达差异牵制,题目中有意识的不提“被”字, 考生要注意判断。有时汉语不提“被”字,不等于英语不使用被动;相反汉语习惯用被动时,英语却习惯不用被动。






I.动词的时态和语态 (NMET2011湖北卷77题)


The news ___________________________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower price.(fall)

This is the only one of the regions __________(遭受攻击)by the earthquake last year.(attack)

2. Already、just、yet、never、lately、recently、in/during/over+ the last/past+时间、since 、up to now、so far、for+一段时间、in recent years等表示现在完成时的时间状语;by+过去时间、by the time+过去时间、before+过去时间、by the end of +过去时间等表示过去完成时的时间状语;by+将来时间表示将来完成时的句子。

We Chinese do take pride in ______________(我们取得的成就)in the last ten years.(achieve)

Mother wanted to be a good provider ,a role _______________________(她一直肩负着)since her marriage to father.(shoulder)

By the time the police conclude the investigation, the truth of the murder ______________________(会水落石出)(light)

______________________________(有巨大的增长)in the number of tele-workers in recent years and by 2100 it will have risen to 85%.(growth)

3.经常考查现在进行时的被动语态 现在进行时表示一种赞扬或评的感情色彩,现在进行时表示将来时用于一些位移发生改变的词语;经常考查过去进行时以及被动语态;将来进行时表示在将来的某个时刻正要发生的动作,如at this time tomorrow、this time next week。

Has Li Lei finished his work?

I have no idea, but he ___________________(做实验)when I saw him this morning.(conduct)

This time tomorrow,we_________(在听)a lecture by a visiting professor from aboard.(listen)


You speak good French!

Thanks. I_____________(学过法语)in Sichuan University for four years.(study)

5. 时间、条件状语从句中通常用现在时表示将来时;祈使句加and、or再加上将来时的句子。

If the building project to be completed by the end of this month ____________(推迟),the construction company will be fined.(delay)

___________(产生问题)if you don’t know enough about the mountain you are climbing.(arise)


系动词look、feel、sound、smell、taste、seem、appear、go、prove、turn(颜色、数字、零冠词的名词)+形容词或者名词;表示主语的某种属性的词:read、write、act、cut、draw、drive、sell、wash、clean、wear/open、cook、lock、shut等。The door won’t lock. This coat dries easily. The plan worked out wonderfully. The engine won’t start. The pen writes smoothly.

A product__________________________(会更畅销)if promoted with a slogan.

答案:that house price will fall down; that was attacked; what we have achieved; she has been shouldering; will have come to light; there has been a huge growth; was conducting an experiment; will be listening to ; studied; is delayed; Problems will arise; will sell better.


1.过去分词做状语是一般位于句首,而且该动词和句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系;某些过去分词已经被形容词化了,往往用于系表结构中,既不表示被动也不表示完成只表示一种状态。如:lost 、seated、 absorbed、dressed in、tired of(厌倦)、hidden(躲)等,不管做什么成分都不用ing形式。

_______________________(专心读书),he didn’t notice me enter the room.(absorb)

2.现在分词作状语时,该动词和句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。Doing表示一般性动作或者正在进行的动作;having done则表示发生在谓语动作之前的动作,通常有表示完成的时间状语,Not 必须放在V-ing之前。

Dina, __________________(奔波)for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(struggle)

When ____________________________(比较不同的文化),we often pay attention to the differences without noticing the many similarities.(compare)

______________________________(没有完全康复)from the operation,the patient was advised to stay in hospital for other two weeks.(recover)

3.Ving 作主语相当于一个名词,有被动being done和否定not doing/not being done的形式。Ving作宾语常放在admit、appreciate、avoid、can’t help、delay、escape、imagine、suggest、be devoted to、be accustomed/used to、look forward to、object to、lead to、insist on、make a contribution to、get down to、can’t stand、have difficulty (in)、have a good time (in) 等,若表示被动就用being done的形式。动词need、want、require表示需要时后面加Ving的主动形式表示被动意义,be worth 也是如此。

_____________________(解雇)by one company doesn’t necessarily mean that you have no way to support yourself.(lay)

____________________(暴露于)sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.(expose)

Can you imagine what difficulty people had this year ______________(抵抗)several natural disasters?(resist)


With many books ________________(出版),he became more and more famous.(come)

With_____________________________(如此多的工作充斥着)my mind,I am stressed out.(fill)

Lucy was much annoyed to find the computer ________________________(她让人修理了)several times broke down again when she returned to her office and got down to her work.(repair)

Keeping the mind _______________________(充满着任务) - no matter how meaningless - staves off (避开)negative emotions, the study found.(occupy)

5.当我们确定是非谓语作定语时,必须判断动词和所修饰的名词的关系(若是动宾关系,过去分词表被动或者完成,being done表示正在被做,to be done表示将要被做)。

I’m not sure if I can attend the wedding ceremony ____________________(举行)at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.(hold)

There were many talented actors out there just ______________________(等待被发现)(discover)

Many buildings in the city need repairing,but the one __________________ (首先要修的)is the library.(repair)

Play ,often ____________________(视为一种活动)for younger children,is still important in the social development of teenagers.(see)

I’m afraid we’ll have to work extra hours,for there are still some problems________________________ (剩下要解决)(remain)

Teleworking means people save time previously ______________________________-(花在旅行上班)and allows them to be more flexible in working hours.(spend)

6.have sth done=get sth done表示让某事由被人去做

have sth done还可以表示主语遭受了某种情况

have sb/sth doing表示让某人、某物持续地做某事

get sb/sth doing表示使某人、物开始行动起来

have sb do =get sb to do表示让某人去做某事

have sth to do 主语有事需要自己做

have sth to be done 主语有事需要别人来完成

答案:absorbed in a book;having struggled; comparing different cultures; Not having fully recovered; Being laid off; Being exposed to;resisting;coming out; so much work filling;she had had repaired; occupied with tasks; to be held; waiting to be discovered; to be repaired first; seen as an activity; remaining to be settled; spent travelling to work.

III.名词性从句——主语、宾语、表语、同位语从句 (NMET2011湖北卷76题)


News came from the school office _________________(他已被录取)Beijing university.(admit)

She is very dear to us .We have been prepared to do ______________________ (不惜一切代价)to save her life.(take)

_______________________(他说了)something improper at the meeting surprised all of us.(say)


The patient’s son asked the doctor the question _______________________(他的父亲是否会幸免)the big operation.(survive)


After the Philippines hostage-taking incident ,the Chinese government demanded that the problems referred to __________________________(特别注意)(pay)

The order came that the medical supplies ____________________________(送往)Yunnan for the victims there.(send)

4.It doesn’t matter to sb +how/whether……或者It makes no difference to sb +how/whether……结构中的主语从句不能提到句首。


Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class ________________ (他不得不)meet his uncle at the airport.(have)

答案:that he had been admitted to; whatever it takes; That he said; whether his father would survive; should be paid special attention to ; should be sent to; that he had to .


1.区别不同的情态动词的意思特别是will、would“会”、must“一定”can’t、couldn’t’t “不可能”should“竟然、按道理来说应该如此”

Mike ______________________(肯定不在打扫)the classroom now. I saw him playing basketball on the playground a moment ago.(clean)

I can’t imagine _______________________(竟然短缺)of water in Yunlan ,the southwest of China where there used to be adequate rain.(shortage)

This kind of kite made of silk _____________ (不容易撕破), so don’t worry about it.(tear)

2.对过去的动作进行推测用情态动词+have done 的形式; 对过去正在进行的动作进行推测用情态动词+have been doing的形式;对现在正在进行的动作推测用情态动词+be doing的形式。

3.含must 的反意疑问句,当must表示推测时不能用must引导反意疑问句。对现在的动作进行推测则用表示现在时的助动词来引导;当句中有must have done 的形式且后面又有表示过去的时间状语,此时用表示过去时的助动词来引导;当句中有must have done 的形式且后面没有表示过去的时间状语,此时用have、has 来引导。

You must have watched that football match last night,________________?(不是吗)(you)

He can speak Spanish very fluently .He must have learned the language before,____________(不是吗)?(he)

4.名词性从句中含有“坚持、命令、建议、要求”时insist、order、command、advise、propose 、demand、desire、request、require、urge、recommend以及这些词的名词形式,用should也可省表示虚拟语气。

Representatives attending Copenhagen Conference recommended that _______________________ (采取严厉措施)to reduce carbon emission.(take)


It’s a pity that he failed the exam. If he ____________________(更加注意)his handwriting,he would have done better.(concentrate)

If ____________(不采取有效措施),we would have lost all our tropical forests by 2100.(take)

6.would rather+从句用虚拟语气 当表示于现在或者将来事实相反时用过去时 若表示与过去事实相反的则用过去完成时

Do you feel like dining out for a change or would you rather we two __________(吃晚饭)at home?(have)

7.含蓄条件句 without, with, but for, otherwise等。

---Why didn’t you tell him the possible danger ?

---But__________________________(我能做什么)otherwise?He never listens to me.(do)

Last Friday’s charity pop concert was a great success as a whole .Actually we _________________________ (会满意)with half of the money collected.(satisfied)

It was vital to choose exactly the right place to cut or the diamond________(本来可能成为碎片)(break into)


——The weather has been very hot and dry.

——Yes. If it had rained even a drop ,things ______________________ (就会更好)now!My vegetables wouldn’t have died.(be)

答案:can’t be cleaning; there should be a shortage;won’t tear easily;didn’t you; hasn’t he; strict measures should be taken; had concentrated more on; no effective measures were taken; had dinner; what could I have done; would have been satisfied; could have broken into pieces; would be better.


1.介词+关系代词的宾语只能是which或whom;复合介词+which引导时,往往用逗号隔开,用倒装语序;of +which/whom表示“其中”前面还可以加some、many、most、half、80%、等;the+名词+of +which/whom=whose+名词。

In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person to_____________(她能求助) for help.(turn)

Look out! Don’t get close to the house ,________________________(其屋顶正在修理)(repair)

His younger brother teaches in a secondary school , in front of ___________(流淌着一条小河).(flow)

A lot of problems came up at the meeting last night,_________________(我们还未发现) the solution.(find)

There are 51 students in class Three,______________________(没有谁失败)in the exam.(fail)


She is the only one of the girls in our class______________________(通过了)the interview.(pass)

My mother was so proud of all __________________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

Occasions are quite rare ____________________(我有时间) to spend a day with my kids.(time)

Mr Green stood up in the defense of 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one __________________(该责备)(blame)

3.关系词as引导的定语从句常用在句首用逗号隔开;也用在such+名词+as…..和the same +名词+as……的句型中作主语、宾语、表语。

As a teacher ,I never give my students so difficult a problem ___________(他们不会做的).(do)

As__________________________(我谈过的)many times on the subjects,at some point you need a reliable partner to do this job.(talk)

It’s likely that such a question, if it can be called a question, _______________________ (你提的), can’t be answered by any human beings.(raise)

答案:whom she could turn; whose roof/the roof of which is being repaired; which flows a small river; to which we haven’t found; none of whom failed; who has passed; I had done; when I have time; who was to blame; as they can’t do ; I have talked about ; as you raise.



_______________________(出席会议的)some scientists from China.(present)

2.否定词位于句首never、not、hardly、little、seldom、rarely、at no time、in no case、by no means、on no condition等。

The customers were so angry that they demanded that in no case ____________________(公司推迟)the goods ordered three months ago.(delay)

why can’t we smoke here?

At no time ______________________(允许吸烟)in the meeting room.(permit)

Don’t be rude to your father .Never in his life _______________________(对他说话)in that way up to now.(speak)

Little ___________________________(妈妈禁止我)to do whatever I like except when I play computer games long.(forbid)


Peter looks sleepy.

_________________________(你也会的)if you had a fever.(so)

Since my return to China,I haven’t seen my host mother in America,nor________________________(未收到她来信)(hear)


So difficult ________________________(我发现)to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.(find)


On the table _______________________(有一只旧信封),which contains many photos.(lie)

答案:Present at the meeting were; should company delay; is smoking permitted; has he been spoken to; does mother forbid me;so would you; have I heard from her; did I find it ; lies an old envelope.

VII、   形容词、副词等级和倍数

1.as+形容词+a(an)+名词+as 表示同级比较,注意形容词和名词的位置。

It’s generally believed that teaching is ???????????????????????______(同样是一门艺术) as it is a science.(much)

Believe it or not,swimming is ___________________________(像……一样好的方式)as any to lose unwanted weight.(way)


There are two tables in the room ,__________(其中较大的一个作为)the dining table(serve as)


The more careful you are,____________________________(你犯的错误会越少)(make)

The more carefully you prepare,___________________________(你花的时间越少)(take)

The more ways you have of looking at a problem,___________________________(越有可能)that we can find solutions.(likely)


——Are you satisfied with what he said at the meeting?

——No. It_______________________________(不可能再差了).(be)

5.no+比较级+than 表示两者都不

Your proposal is ________________________than his.(同他的一样没有道理)(reasonable)

The X-games are ________________________(较不为我们熟悉) than sports like football and basketball.(familiar)

6.比较级+than+ any other +单数名词    表示比任何别的都……(把自己要除外)

7.倍数+as +many+可数名词+as或者倍数+as +much+不可数名词+as

If the student had spent ____________________________________(一半的时间在学习上)as he did in copying ,he would have passed it.(time)

8.A is+倍数+what引导的名词性短语     A is +倍数+that+of +B

The output of this year is __________________________(三倍)2008(times)

Our total income of 2010 was ____________________(三倍)in 2000.(what)

9.倍数+比较级+than+ that 或者 倍数+as+形容词/副词+as+that   that代替上文出现的名词

Ten years ago the village’s population was __________________________ (是他们村庄的两倍)(large)

10.倍数+the +length/width/height/weight/size+of

答案:as much an art; as good a way; the large of which serves as;the fewer mistakes you will make; the less time it will take you; the more likely it is ; couldn’t have been worse;no more reasonable;less familiar to us;half as much time studying;three times that of;three times what it was;twice as large as that of their village;twice large than that of their village.

VIII.it的用法   (NMET2011湖北卷77 、78题)


Five hours is __________________(所需要的时间)for you to travel from BJ to Shanghai.(take)

He ____________________(没有弄清楚)when and where the meeting would be held.(make……clear)

This organization ________________________(已经使之成为一项制度)that all motorcycle helmets must be checked before use.(make)

It’s already 11:00. I wonder _________________________(怎么回事)that she was two hours later on such a short trip.(come)

We don’t consider _________________________(他们有必要)to buy a new flat since they have such a nice one to live in it.(necessary)



It was at the church ______(我领你参观的) last weekend that the accident took place. (show)

----Where was the wedding ceremony held?

----It was in the church ___________________(我们见面)for the first time.

It was the computer which broke down half way _____________________(该责备)for the loss of all my files.(blame)

I still wonder _________________(是什么)let him down badly. Shall we go and comfort him?(it)

Was it midnight________________________(火灾发生时)(break)


It will(not) be +一段时间(long)+before+现在时句子表示要过或者过不了多久

It was (not)+一段时间(long)+before+过去时的句子表示过了或者没有过多久

It is/has been +一段时间+since+过去时的句子    瞬间的动作表示自从做某事已经有多久了;若是持续性的动作则表示动作已经结束了。

It’s the first time+现在完成时的句子 It was the first time+过去完成时的句子

4、It……that……和sb/sth ……to……的句型的转换

It’s reported that……= sb/sth be reported to……(若表过去的动作用have done的形式)    believe/likely/seem/known/happen等用法同上

Studies show that ___________________(人们更有可能)suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.(likely)

The mudslide is reported ____________(已夺去)more than 1,400 lives in Zhouqu County.(claim)

Your sister is said _______________________________(粗暴对待)in the supermarket when she was doing shopping yesterday.(treat)


I hate it when people talk with their mouth full.

I can’t help it if he is always late.

I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand.

Please come whenever ___________________(你方便的时候).(convenient)

答案:what it takes;didn’t make it clear;has made it a rule;how it came about;it necessary for them;(which) I showed you around;where we met; that was to blame; what it was that;when the fire broke out;people are more likely to; to have claimed ;to have been badly treated;it is convenient to you.

IX.状语从句 (NMET2011湖北卷79题)


According to their memory,the couple finally arrive___________________(他们偶遇的地方)each other for the first time.(come)

This photo was taken _____________________(坐落在那里)the famous Eastern Bright Pearl in shanghai.(stand)

2.特殊的时间状语连词the moment/minute/instant/On doing sth /on one’s +名词表示一……就the first time/the last time/the next time /each time等。

_____________________(每次他踢足球),David Beckham is watched by thousand of fans all over the world.(time)

3.As/though引导的让步状语需要用倒装如:hard as you may try/wait as you may/child as he is .No matter 或者----ever也可以引导让步状语从句。

________________________________(无论多么严重的问题)you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.(serious)

______________________________(不论天气如何)tomorrow,our ship will set sail for Macao.(whatever)


Time flew and _____________________(不知不觉),it was time for me to go home.(know)


All the dishes in the menu ,_____(除非明示)otherwise,will serve two to three people.(state)

The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if __________________ (有规律地进行),can improve the health.(carry)

Though _________________(看见我们很惊讶),the professor gave us a warm welcome.(surprise)

If not ___________(工作劳累),I will spend some time locked in my study every evening.(tired)

答案:where they came across;where stood;Each time he plays football;whatever a serious problem/However serious a problem; whatever the weather is like; before we knew it ; unless stated; carried out regularly; surmised to see us ; tired from work.


1.         定语从句中,当关系词在从句中作主语时,要注意主谓一致。

2.         强调句型中,当强调主语时,that后面的谓语要和被强调的主语一致。

3.         a large quantity of 和large quantities of 加可数或者不可数名词时,谓语动词的单复数和quantity保持一致。A large amount of 和large amounts of 加不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词的单复数和amount一致。

4.         many a/more than one +单数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数;no/each/every+单数名词+and+no/each/every+单数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数。

5.         with/along with/together with/as well as/ but/except/like/ besides/including/rather than/in addition to加名词位于主语的后面,谓语动词的单复数以前面的名词为准。

6.         非谓语动词、名词性从句作主语时用单数。

The teacher ,together with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class,______(参观)a museum when the earthquake struck.(visit)

According to my father,movies ,such as the one you talked about yesterday,______(不值得一看)(worth)

The number of the people ,who have access to their own cars,______(增加)sharply in the past decade.(rise)

答案:was visiting;are not worth seeing;has risen




3、高考题型的专项训练,在一轮复习中要求学生不脱离课本,熟读课文,对每单元的重要句型进行归纳总结和操练,熟记短语动词,固定搭配。严格训练,训练学生在做完成句子题目的细心,不原谅错误,规范第一,如大小写,单复数,单词拼写正确,不掉小词 a,the等。其实很多时候学生出现的错误并不是知识性的错误,而是由于不细心而导致的低级错误,这种错误往往会导致考生失掉1-2分是很常见的。强化训练,大量、适时训练,建议考生每天做十个完成句子练习,既是对“完成句子”题的复习,也是对书面表达一种很好的备考方法。落实训练,在平常训练中针对做错的题要落实到位,到点,发现错误应及时反馈纠正,要培养考生对错误的自觉性和敏感性



本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/154570.html
