
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


16. calculate[5kAlkjJleIt] vt.1. 计算:Has he calculated the result? 他算出结果了吗? 2. 估计:I calculate you’ll get there in time. 我估计你们赶到那里是来得及的。3. 计划,安排:The room is not calculated for such use. 这房间不是打算做这种用途的。

17. candidate[5kAndIdeIt] n.1. [C]候选人:He is a probable candidate. 他是有希望的候选人。2. [C]投考者:Each candidate must answer all the questions without exception. 每个考生都必须回答全部问题,没有例外。

18. champion[5tFAmpIEn] n. [C]冠军,优胜者:We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion. 听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。

19. concentrate[5kCnsntreIt] v.1.集中注意力,专注:I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on.如此吵闹,我无法集中注意力。2.把…集中,集结,聚集:The population is concentrated along the river bank. 人口集中在沿河两岸。3.浓缩

20. conflict[5kCnflIkt] n.[C,U]1.冲突,抵触,争端:I try to avoid conflict wherever possible. 我尽可能避免争执。2.矛盾,冲突:There is a conflict between the two sides of his personality. 他的性格中存在着相互矛盾的两个方面。[k[n5flIkt] vi.冲突,抵触:Their views often conflict. 他们的观点经常互相抵触。

21. constant[5kRnstEnt] adj. 1.不变的;固定的:at a constant speed 以恒速2.经常发生的,连续不断的:Constant dropping wears away a stone. (谚)滴水穿石。[只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。]

22. creature[5kri:tF[] n.[C]1.(不含植物的)生物,动物:The monkey is a clever creature. 猴子是一种聪明的动物。2.(尤指赋予同情色彩的词语)人:The poor creature has suffered a lot these years. 这几年来,那个可怜的人受苦不少。

23. debate[dI5beIt] n.1. [C]讨论会,辩论会:hold a debate on a subject 就某一题目举行一次讨论会 2.[C,U]讨论,辩论:There’s been a lot of debate about the cause of acid rain. 已经有很多人讨论过酸雨的成因。v.讨论,辩论:The subject was hotly debated. 这个话题曾热烈讨论过。

24. decorate[5dekEreIt] vt.装饰,美化;点缀:The room has been decorated with balloons. 这间屋子已经用气球装饰起来。

25. decrease[dI5kri:s] v.减少,减小,降低:The price of meat has decreased by 20%. 肉的价格降低了百分之二十。n.[C,U]1.减少,减弱,减轻,降低:The decrease in the price of industrial products makes people pleased. 工业产品价格的降低使人们感到很高兴。2.减少之量,减少额:There has been a decrease of about 10 percent in the number of violent crime this year. 今年暴力犯罪的数量大约下降了百分之十。■on the decrease 在减少

【用法】decrease后接介词by + n.表示“所降低的幅度”,decrease后接to + n.表示“所降到的程度”

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/165887.html
