英语高考备考 单词拼写热点词:apologize

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网



■I must ______(道歉) for not having been able to write to you sooner. (2000年全国卷)

■Yesterday Michael a________ to his boss for being late. (2008年浙江卷)


apologize[E5pClEdVaiz] vi.道歉,辩白。用法如下:

First, apologize to him. 首先向他道歉。

I apologize for not coming to the party. 我没来参加晚会向你道歉。

If I said that, I apologize. 如果我说了这话,我向你道歉。

I must apologize for coming so late. 我来得这样晚应向你道歉。

I apologize for not having kept my promise. 我没遵守诺言向你表示歉意。

Very soon she apologized and left. 不久她表示了歉意就走了。

She apologized for having been mean to me. 她因对我不好向我表示歉意。

He never went again, nor did he write to apologize. 他再也没去,也没去信致歉。

I called him by the wrong name, for which mistake I apologize. 我把他名字称呼错了,为此我表示歉意。

I must apologize for my impolite behavior earlier today. 我必须为我今天早些时候无礼的行为表示歉意。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/168322.html
