2013高考英语高频词汇:habit practice custom convention

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

【摘要】词海茫茫,高考7000个词汇如何复习?抓不住重点? 话说单词应该放在句子中记忆,才能事半功倍,小编精心整理了2013高考英语高频词汇:habit practice custom convention,此乃精华中的精华,帮你抓住重点,做到有的放矢。

◆ habit, practice, custom, convention这组名词一般含义为“习惯”。

◇ habit指个人的“习惯”,通常用于表示做事、思考问题或行为举止的不自觉的方式方法

That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.


◇ practice 既可表示个人的也可表示社会的“习惯”,这种“习惯”从性质上看是一种反复不断的或是有选择性的行为或者方法

On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat——the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.


She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her general practice she had shut them before going out.


◇ custom 具有 habit 和 practice 的一切含义,此外,custom 还包含这样一层意思:长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,按照某地区人们共同生活及其行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义

Don't be a slave to custom. 不要做风俗习惯的奴隶。

From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour.


◇ convention 其实是其他3个词的近义词,它的含义为:固定的或公众一致承认的行事或表达思想的方法

They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.


◆ hand down;hand in;hand over;hand out ; by hand ;hands up

◇hand down作“把……传下来”解。例如:

…knowledge, customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race.


The story was handed down from one generation to another.这个故事世代相传。

◇ hand in为“把……交上来” 、“交给”、“递交”之意。例如:

Time is up.Hand in your examination papers.时间到了,请把试卷交上来。

◇ hand over作“转交”或“移送”解。例如:

Please hand over this money to XiaoZhou.请将这笔钱转交小周。

The thief was handed over to the police.小偷已被移送到公安机关了。

◇ hand out为“散发”之意。例如:

When I got to the classroom the teacher had already begun handing out the test papers.


◇ hands up表示“举起手来”;◇ by hand表示“用手”、“手工”,是介词短语,作方式状语。


①This toy was made . ②After class, you mustyour homework. ③If you have any questions to ask,please . (Keys:①by hand ②hand in ③hands up)

◆ have sb.do sth.;have sb./sth.doing sth.;have sth.done

◇ have sb.do sth.为“使(让、请)某人做某事”之意,其中作宾补的不带to的不定式只表示发生过某事。例如: The soldiers had the boy stand with his back to his father. 士兵们让男孩背对着父亲站着。

◇ have sb./sth.doing sth.为“让某人(某事)一直做某事”之意,其中作宾补的现在分词表示保持或一直存在的状态。例如: The two cheats had their lights burning all night long. 两个骗子让灯整夜地亮着。 Although the farm is large,my dad has only two men working for him. 虽然农场大,但我爸爸只雇了两人为他(一直)干活。

◇ have sth.done 有两层含义和用法: *其一,作“(有意地)让他人为自己做某事”解,即过去分词所表示的动作由别人完成,而宾语是过去分词所表示动作的承受者或动作对象。例如: I’ll have a new suit made of this cloth. 我要用这种布料做一套新衣服。 *作“(无意识地)让某人(或某物)遭受不幸”解。例如: He had his handbag stolen. 他的手提包被人偷了。

◆ hear of/ hear from/ hear◇ hear of表示“听人说起”、“听说过”,侧重于间接听说;◇ hear from表示“收到……的来信”、“收到……的来电”,后面接指人的名词或代词;◇ hear表示“听见”、“听到”,后面接名词、代词或宾语从句。


①I that our team won. ②I my brother twice a month. ③I her death last week. ④Can you some birds singing? (Keys:①heard ②hear from ③heard of ④hear)

◆ holiday(holidays),leave, vacation 这三个词都有“假日(期)”的意思,但含义用法并不相同。

◇ holiday(holidays)一般指“休假”

Tom and I are going to have a holiday.我和汤姆准备去度假。

I've already had my holidays this year. 我今年已经度过假了。

During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car.


Postcards always spoil my holidays. 明信片总是弄得我过不好假日。

My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/191101.html
