
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网












段落是一组句子的集合。段落必须表达完整的意思:如描写事物,争论某件事,驳斥某观点,对某事提出疑问、提出要求或者给事物下定义。典型的段落由三部分组成:主题句、支撑句和结论句(May, 2009)。以下是一个典型的段落:

[段落示例1]The students in the class come from many different parts of the world.(主题句) Some are from European countries such as France, Spain and Italy. Others are from Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Still other students were born in Asian countries including Japan and Korea. The largest number of students are from Latin American countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Peru.(支撑句) The class is an interesting mixture of people from many different countries.(结论句)

该段的主题句、支撑句、结论句在文中用下划线标识。主题句用来阐明段落的主要思想,指出谈论的话题是什么,所有支持主题句的细节和描述都与这一主要思想有关。支撑句用原因或事例等细节对主题句予以解释和说明,是段落的展开。结论句则可以用不同的措辞再次强调主题思想或回答主题句的隐含问题,有着首尾呼应的作用和画龙点睛的效果(Driscoll & Brizee, 2010)。

1. 主题句的写作方法


The three causes of the American Financial Crisis.


There were three causes that led to the American Financial Crisis.


Riding in a bus is more convenient than driving a car for at least three reasons.

分析:这个段落主题要求写 riding in a bus(topic),要把 driving a car(aspect)和riding in a bus(aspect)作比较,陈述原因(reasons)。由此可见,作者在aspect(方面)和reason(原因)两方面来限制主题。

In the story Soldier's Home, Krebs tells his mother he wants no part of God's Kingdom.


In the story Soldier's Home, Krebs is a lonely, cynical veteran.

分析:这个句子可作为主题句,接下来可以围绕 lonely和cynical展开段落。

Let me tell you something about overpopulation.


Why has the world's population been increasing rapidly in the last decades?


2. 支撑句的写作方法

段落写作的第一步是写主题句,第二步是写支撑句。例如,针对“陈述你将生活在郊区的理由”这样的写作命题,第一步是写出主题句,如:There are several reasons why I will live in the suburbs next year. 第二步则列举数个理由展开主题。


① There are two main reasons why I have decided to live in the suburbs next year. ②First of all,there is a transportation problem. ③My company will move to the suburbs. Because there are fewer public transportation lines connecting to the suburbs, I have to live near my office. ④Since my car was damaged, and I do not have money to buy a new one to commute to work, it is very inconvenient for me to live in the city. ⑤The second reason is that the suburbs are an amazing place to reside in, ⑥because there are fewer people there and it is quieter and not as crowded. ⑦The air there is not polluted and fresher, which is beneficial to my health.

主题句:two main reasons(句①)

理由1:transportation problem(句②)

● office move(句③)

● no car(句④)

理由2:an amazing place(句⑤)

● fewer people and not crowded(句⑥)

● fresher and cleaner(句⑦)


3. 结论句的写作方法


在段落示例1中,主题句是:The students in the class come from many different parts of the world. 结论句是:The class is an interesting mixture of people from many different countries. 主题句和结论句在关键措辞和表达方式上进行了转换,但表达的实质意思是一样的。

在写结论句时,首先要把握主题句的关键词。例如,在段落示例1中,中心思想是the students come from different parts of the world,关键词是students、different parts、world。其次要总结细节,回答主题句中隐含的问题。在有些段落中,主题句隐含某些问题,隐含的问题通过支撑句论述或说明,结论句就是总结细节,回答隐含问题。最后要用与主题句不同的措辞表达同一中心思想。

在段落示例1中,主题句的关键词是students、different parts 和world;而在结论句中,关键词是people、mixture、different countries,将students用people替代,different parts of the world用different countries替代,但表达的中心思想一致。


My hometown has changed greatly. When I last visited here, about half the houses had been torn down to make way for a highway. The remaining buildings were plastered with billboards and surrounded by traffic signs and litter. Now it has become dirty, noisy and full of cars.

主题句:My hometown has changed greatly.


主题句隐含的问题:How has the hometown changed?


(1)a highway built — noisy and full of cars

(2)full of billboards,traffic signs and litter — dirty

结论句:Now it has become dirty,noisy and full of cars.

结论句关键词:dirty, noisy, full of cars



主题句、支撑句、结论句是段落写作的最基本要素。此外,还要在宏观层面上保证段落内容的完整性、主题的统一性、逻辑的连贯性,把握好段落的这三个基本特征(Driscoll & Brizee, 2010)。如果抓住了段落的三个基本特征,段落成文之后就会骨架优美,形象清晰,整体感强烈。

1. 段落的完整性



Ever since the advent of a computer, it has played an important role in people's lives. The computer used in the Manhattan Project led to the successful creation of the atomic bomb ①in the 1940s. Computers were also applied to the process control of products and scientific calculation ②from the 1950s to 1970s. Scientists employed a number of computers in the simulation of power plants and weather forecasts ③at the beginning of the 1980s. ④Nowadays, computers have become a moving office along with the Internet and phones so people can work using them anywhere, anytime.

主题句:Ever since the advent of a computer, it has played an important role in people's lives.

细节:① in the 1940s ② from the 1950s to 1970s ③ at the beginning of the 1980s ④ nowadays


2. 段落的统一性



① The capital city of a country is usually a very important city. ②Government offices are located in the capital city and political leaders often live there or nearby. ③There are many different types of governments in the world. ④The capital may also be the center of culture. There are always museums, libraries, and universities in the capital. ⑤Finally, the capital city can serve as a center of trade, industry and commerce, so it is often the financial center of the country.

主题句:The capital city of a country is usually a very important city.(句①)


(1)Government offices are located in the capital and political leaders often live there or nearby.(句②)

(2)The capital may also be the center of culture.(句④)

(3)... it is often the financial center of the country.(句⑤)

无关细节:There are many different types of governments in the world.(句③)


3. 段落的连贯性




① 时间顺序法是段落组织中最简单和最常见的方法,通常在叙述和过程分析类文章中使用。


② 空间顺序法主要用于描述景物、场面、建筑等。对于按空间顺序组织段落的作文,要事先确定描述场面的方式,如从左到右、从上到下、从远到近、从背景到前景、顺时针、逆时针等空间顺序。在描写某次参观时,可同时运用空间顺序和时间顺序,以增强段落内部的连贯性。

③ 重要性顺序法就是使用先主后次或先次后主的段落组织方法,前者先强调重要的观点,然后列举次要观点;后者先列举次要观点,把重要的留到末尾。

④ 熟悉度顺序法是按照读者对细节的熟悉程度排列细节,展开段落。通常先谈论读者比较熟悉的、具体的细节,后谈论读者不大熟悉的细节。



We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassan's house, which is perched high up on a hill. Walking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze door. A butler was standing in the open doorway, ushering guests into the house. Going in, we passed the oak-panelled library and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom, where the reception was being held. Under three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne, hors d'oeuvres and good conversation.

该段落采用时间和空间顺序写作手法,按照参观时间和空间顺序描写所见所闻,其时空顺序为:driveway→door→house→library→dining room→ballroom。



①Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time. ② Or it was considered an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties. ③But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming. ④And it may be that more people are suffering from a lack of daydreaming ⑤than are suffering from too much of it.

在段落示例7中,连接词包括:①until recently ②or ③but ④and ⑤than。段落中重复的关键词是daydreaming。②中的it和⑤中的it都代替的是daydreaming。



1. 事实与数据法

事实是客观存在且可被证实的事情,例如:“Water cannot fire.”以及“Oil and water do not mix.”是事实,两者都可以通过实验证明其真实性。但“Doing exercises can improve our health.”则见仁见智,它是一种看法。数据是以数字形式呈现的事实,用于给某一主题提供有意义的信息。


Use of the Internet has grown very quickly. In 1983, there were 562 computers connected to the Internet. By the turn of the century, there were 72.3 million computers in 247 countries online. Experts say that the Internet is now growing at a rate of approximately 40 percent a year. As time goes on, the Internet is becoming more and more popular.

段落示例8中的主题句为:Use of the Internet has grown very quickly. 本段落使用了数据法来论述主题,用很多数据说明Internet的使用快速增长。


2. 举例法



The countryside is an amazing place to live in. First of all, there is a lot of fresh air in suburb areas. For example, not only are there few factories and cars to pollute the air, but also there are lots of trees to make breathing easier. Secondly, it is not crowded on the outskirts of a town. For instance, houses and buildings are spread out on vast areas of land. Finally, people are friendly outside of the cities. To illustrate, neighbours help one another with community cleaning. So, living away from the city is wonderful for various reasons.


3. 比较与对比法



Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs. People living in the city are constantly exposed to the hustle and bustle of urban life. But life in the suburbs is generally quiet and casual and generally more low-key than it is in the city. If city dwellers want to see trees and grass, they must go to one of the public parks. On the other hand, the streets of many suburban communities are lined with trees and shrubs, and each house has its own grassy yard. A person living in the city is close to many sources of entertainment, but people living in suburban areas must go into the city for entertainment.


在用比较或对比的方法展开段落时,首先要确定比较或对比的基点,一旦基点确定,就可以用逐项(item-to-item)比较或逐点(point-to-point)比较的方法展开段落。逐项比较针对被比较或对比的两个特定事物,先叙述甲事物,再叙述乙事物。逐点比较重点放在两事物的对应特征上,先叙述每个事物的某一特征,再叙述每个事物的另一特征(May, 2009)。

4. 分类法



There are three classes of personnel at our college. The first class is the staff who are in charge of daily administration. These people work at the section in charge of scientific research and equipment, continuing education, teaching affairs and so on. The faculty classified as the second class include teachers and researchers who teach students or do research in different subjects. The last class is made up of employees who are hired to work in different departments as a supplement to our college personnel. They need to sign a labour contract every three years.

在段落示例11中,主题句为:There are three classes of personnel at our college. 分类词为classes;列举词为:first、second、last;所分的类为:staff、faculty和employees。










1. 使用近义词或同义词


例如,在段落示例9中,使用同义词或近义词的方法达到了表达方式多样化的效果,如用 suburb、countryside、outskirts、outside of the cities等不同的词表达相近的含义。本段主题句“The countryside is an amazing place to live in.”和结论句“So, living away from the city is wonderful for various reasons.”使用amazing和wonderful两个意义相近的词表达了同样的意思。再者,可将主题句中的amazing用charming置换,结论句中的various用many替代,用词多变,但句子表达的意思没有改变。

为了使表达方式多样化,名词、动词、副词和形容词都可以用它们的近义词或同义词来相互替代,有时名词可用代词替代。在段落示例10中,people living in the city、city dwellers、they、a person living in the city均表示城市居民,这些词或短语用在不同的句子中。


I have made up my mind to study English. / I have decided to study English.

A piece of burning paper resulted in the big fire. / A piece of burning paper caused the big fire.

2. 使用分词或分词短语


The thick crowd is sluggish. It is flowing up and down this street. He is swallowed up in the crowd.


He is swallowed up in the thick crowd flowing sluggishly up and down this street.

又如:The town was north of the Red River, and a tornado struck it, and it was practically demolished.


The town, located north of the Red River, was struck by a tornado and practically demolished.

再如:With the fire burning all night, she had a sound sleep.(现在分词作状语)

She gazed, her hands clasped to her breast. (过去分词作状语。)


3. 使用名词表达动词意义


His failure in the exam again made his mother very worried.(failure是名词,动词为fail。)

No one can enter the office without permission.(permission是名词,permission与permit表达相同意思。)

4. 长句与短句交替使用



①We can imagine the beautiful surroundings. ②There are many trees along the streets. ③There is a clean river in the city. ④There are many fishes in the river. ⑤There are willow trees on one side. ⑥There are some stretches of grassland on the other side. ⑦ There are many flowers there.


① Just imagine the beautiful surroundings we can create if we make our cities greener. ② Green trees line the streets. ③ A clean river winds through the city,in which a lot of fishes abound. ④On one side stand rows of willow trees. ⑤ On the other side lies a stretch of grassland sprinkled with many yellow and red flowers.


5. 使用复合句


定语从句:Mary is a girl in Class 1, who speaks English very fluently.

状语从句:The boy was saved because the doctor arrived there before it was too late.

名词性从句:His teacher didn't know why Xiao Ming was always late for school.


6. 巧用连接词,丰富句型和表达方式

如果在写作中过多使用so、and、then、but、or、however、yet等连接词,非但达不到丰富表达方式的目的,反而使句子结构松散。巧用连接词不仅能够丰富句型,而且还能够把思想表达得更清楚,使语义更连贯,尤其是一些表示从属关系的连接词,如who、which、that、because、since、although、after、as、before、when、whenever、if、unless、as if等。例如:

The Mississippi River is one of the longest rivers in the world,and in spring it often overflows its banks,and the lives of many people are endangered.

上句用了and把三个分句并列起来,单调乏味。如果使用关系代词which,就可以使句式更多样,语义更连贯,语言更流畅。例如:The Mississippi River,which is one of the longest rivers in the world,often overflows its banks in spring, endangering the lives of many people.

在英文写作中,要掌握一些常用的连接词的使用,如表示罗列的first、then、finally、moreover等;表示时间顺序的recently、at first、in the beginning等;表示转折关系的but、however、though、otherwise等;表示并列关系的and、also、too、as well as等;表示因果关系的because、because of、as等;表示让步关系的although、however、no matter how等;表示目的的so that、so as to等;表示强调的in fact、certainly、no doubt、obviously等;表示归纳概括的in a word、in short、in brief、as far as I know、in conclusion等。

此外还要掌握一些常用的句型,如in order to、in order that、would rather do ... than do、prefer doing ... to doing ...、not ... until、It is no use / good doing ...、It is ... that ...、so ... that ... 等。





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本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/192840.html

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