双语阅读 马天宇新MV女主角选定

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


The Heroine is Decided for Ma Tianyu’s New MV

Not long ago, it was announced that the selection of a MV heroine for Ma Tianyu’s (马天宇) new song Happy Story was started at www.sina.com. Four popular beauties, namely, Jin Sha (金莎), Niu Mengmeng (牛萌萌), Yang Mi (杨幂), and Zhang Zixuan (张子宣), were possible candidates for the role of “princess” in the story. Many fans cast their votes for their favorite “princess” on the Internet. During the process, they led the votes one after another. Jin Sha, who just cooperated with Ma Tianyu in another MV named I Do Mind (《我介意》), was very popular and led the votes for several days. But the other beauties followed closely behind with the strong support of their own fans. It was not clear who would win the role until the last moment. Finally, just before the deadline, Zhang Zixuang beat Jin Sha by only dozens of votes and became the winner.

Many fans have a great expectation of the first successful cooperation between Ma Tianyu and Zhang Zixuan, who are called “prince” and “princess” respectively (分别地). It is said that the MV will cost a lot of money because they will use advanced computer techniques to achieve some special effects. It is hoped that it will become a classical MV with a real sense of fairy tales. (from www.nmet168.com)



正在全国各电台与音乐网站热播的马天宇新歌《快乐童话》 (Happy Story),于不久前在新浪网独家开设了票选MV女主角活动,四位当红美女金莎、牛萌萌、杨幂、张子萱均成为童话中“白雪公主”的候选人,引得众多网友竞相为自己心目中的公主投票。票选过程中,几位候选人票数交替领先,刚与马天宇合作过MV《我介意》的人气歌手金莎显示了极高的人气,领跑第一数日,紧随其后的杨幂、张子萱、牛萌萌也在歌迷的支持下交替上升,令最终主角人选一直保有极大悬念。直到票选截止期限前的凌晨,张子萱以数十票的微弱优势反超金莎,惊险地成为《快乐童话》MV的女主角。


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/195244.html
