高考英语备考 单词拼写热点词:curious

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网



■Children are ______(好奇) about everything around them. (1996年全国卷)

■He was ______ (好奇) to know what was happening in the office. (2008年陕西卷)



1. 表示“好奇的”“感兴趣的”,其后通常介词 about或不定式。如:

He’s curious to know what she said. 他想知道她说了什么。

I am curious to know where she found the money. 我奇怪她在哪儿找到钱的。

Hide it where curious eyes won’t see it. 把它藏在好事者看不见的地方。

The boy was curious about everything he saw. 这个小男孩对他所看到的一切都很好奇。

注:be curious 之后还可接从句,表示“感兴趣”,其谓语可用陈述语气也可用虚拟语气。如:

They are curious how it is [should be] made. 他们很想知道这是怎么做成的。

2. 表示“奇怪的”“不寻常的”。如(from www.nmet168.com):

He is suffering from a curious disease. 他患了一种怪病。

I heard a curious noise coming from above. 我从上面听到传来一个奇怪的声音。


It is curious that he didn’t tell you. 他没有告诉你,真是奇怪。

It’s curious that he should have asked such a question. 他居然问那样的问题,真是奇怪。


1. I was _________ (好奇) to hear what he would say.

2. I was _________ (好奇) to know what would happen next.

3. She was _________ (好奇) to know where we had been.

4. Babies are c_________ about everything around them.

5. It is good to be _________ (好奇) about the world around you.

6. Everybody on board was worried and we were _________ (好奇) to find out what had happened.



注意 curiously 一词。请看几个例子:

Sue watched the monkeys curiously. 休好奇地观看猴子。

The passers-by looked into the window curiously. 过路的人好奇地往橱窗里瞧。

Curiously enough he had never seen the little girl. 说也奇怪他从未见过那个小姑娘。

Curiously enough, he seemed to know that already. 说也奇怪,他似乎已经知道这事了。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/207675.html
