
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


你校学生会招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文的形式写一则招聘启事。 1. 母语是英语,汉语流利者优先 2. 解答英语学习问题,协助组织英语活动 3.每周4小时,报酬面议 4.联系人:李华 tel.


English advisor wanted

The students’ union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English study advisor next term . The responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral English ,answering their questions , and helping organize activities such as singing English songs , English evenings , or lectures on interesting topics.

The applicant should be a native speaker of English . Fluency in Chinese is preferred .The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week.

If you are interested , please call li hua at for an interview .Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview .

Students’ union

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/210622.html
