
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


21. The little girl cried her heart out because she had lost her toy bear and believed she wasn’t ever going to find it. 这个小女孩哭得很伤心,因为她丢了她的玩具熊并且认为不能再找回它了。

22. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, where other visitors seldom go. 我们将被带领参观这座城市的学校、博物馆和其他别的游客很少去的地方

23. “Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favor?” “Of course. What is it?” “I was wondering if you could tell me how to fill out this form. ” “打扰了,先生,你能帮我一个忙吗?”“当然可以,什么事?”“你能告诉我怎样填这张表吗?”

24. It is so nice to hear from her. Believe it or not, we last met more than thirty years ago. 很高兴收到她的来信,信不信由你,我们最后一次见面是在三十多年前。

25. “When shall we start?” “Let’s take it 8:30. Is that all right?” “我们什么时候动身?”“八点三十,好吗?”

26. All the people present at the party were his supporters. 所有出席晚会的人都是他的支持者。

27. “Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday?” “Thank you. I’d love to, but I’ll be out of town at the weekend. ” “你会来参加星期六在这举行的晚餐聚会吗?”“谢谢你,我非常想去,但这个周末我要出城去。”

28. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may get run over by a car. 当你穿过这繁忙的街道时要小心,如果不小心的话,车子可能会从你身上碾过去。

29. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to get away from home and earn some money on his own. 他的妈妈认为让他离开家并自己挣些钱对他的性格会有好处。

30. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood close to her mother. 正下着大雨,小玛丽感觉到冷,所以她紧靠着她妈妈站着。

31. “I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. ” “It couldn’t be true because there was little snow there. ” “我听说他们去年冬天到那山上滑了雪。”“这不是真的,因为那个时候那里几乎没有雪。”

32. “Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?” “No, dear. They don’t keep well. Put them in the fridge instead. ” “妈妈,我能把这些桃子放在橱柜里吗?”“亲爱的,不要,它们不会保存得很好,把它们改放在冰箱去。”

33. “What do you want with those old boxes?” “To put things in when I move to the new flat. ” “你想要用那些旧盒子来做什么?”“当我搬去新房子时用来放东西。”

34. “How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?” “The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers. ” “你怎么处理公司与顾客之间的分歧?”“解决这个问题的关键就是满足顾客的要求(from www.nmet168.com)。”

35. “It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. ” “My pleasure. ” “非常谢谢你,这真是个美妙的夜晚。”“我非常乐意这么做。”

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/217112.html
