双语阅读 哈利·波特是个大烟枪

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Harry Potter has become a Chain-Smoker

On the set (拍摄现场) of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (《哈利·波特与混血王子》), an old airport in the suburbs of London, Daniel Radcliffe (丹尼尔) who plays Harry Potter in the film lights up a cigarette for a rest every time the director calls “cut”. It is told by the film crew (剧组人员) that Daniel has been smoking up to 20 cigarettes a day during this period. A reporter even uses such words as “uncomfortable” and “disgusting” to describe this young school-clothing-dressed wizard (身穿校服的巫师) who is seen putting a cigarette between his fingers, with his eyes half closed. His clean-cut image (纯洁的形象) cannot be seen any more.

About this, his cast mates (演员同伴) are quite worried. Rupert Grint (鲁伯特·格林特) who plays Ron Weasley (罗恩) tells reporters that a nervous Radcliffe turned to the cancer sticks (癌棒,指香烟) when he had to perform a tricky stunt (特技表演) himself because his double (替身) was absent last week. “If you go on smoking like this every day,” Rupert warns him, “you will most probably suffer from asthma (哮喘) .” Unfortunately, Daniel doesn’t seem to be taking any notice (不在意) . He has been dubbed “Harry Puffer” (“喷烟的哈利”) on the set.

Daniel’s agent (经纪公司) is also deeply concerned about this bad habit, warning that he mustn’t be seen puffing in public or his image as a good student would probably be ruined. A source (消息灵通人士) suspects that Daniel might have picked up such an unhealthy habit from stars like Kevin Spacey (凯文·史派西) and Stephen Fry (史蒂芬·弗莱混) , with whom he's been having late nights out (夜不归宿) . But his friends explain, “He is bored with his clean-cut image. And he is also under huge pressures from his fans and the company. So his behavior may be the response of a rebel (叛逆者) .”

Daniel’s fans feel very sad when they see him smoking. “How can he smoke? After all, he is a model student.” But Daniel himself disagrees: “I’m no longer a child, but a young man.”





丹尼尔的经纪公司也为他的这一恶习深感焦虑,他们警告丹尼尔,“千万不能在公众场合暴露抽烟的样子,这样,很有可能摧毁丹尼尔的乖乖学生形象。” 一位消息人士猜测:“丹尼尔最近老是和凯文·史派西以及史蒂芬·弗莱混在一起,夜不归宿。吸烟的恶习肯定是从他们身上学来的。”而丹尼尔的朋友则表示:“他对自己单纯的模样感到乏味。影迷和公司让他感受到巨大的束缚,可能这正是叛逆期的反应吧。”


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/217399.html
