双语阅读 易中天年收入750多万

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Yi Zhongtian’s Annual Income Reaches 7.5 Million RMB

With his great success in the Lecture Room on CCTV, Yi Zhongtian’s books have also become very popular. Not only do his new books sell very well, but also his old books have got republished. A reporter estimated that Mr. Yi earned more than 7.5 million RMB just from the sales of his books last year.

Last year, his works such as The End of an Imperial Kingdom(《帝国的终结》) and On Dialects(《大话方言》) were published again. At present, his royalty(版税) accounts for 10% to 12% of sales. Thus, his income from his old books amounted to 1.5 million RMB last year. Besides, he also published three new works, including Understanding the Three Kingdoms(《品三国》) (Volume II), Understanding Aesthetics from a Historical Perspective(《破门而入》) and Life Style in Chengdu(《成都方式》), all of which sold very well. It is estimated that Mr. Yi’s royalty may reach more than 6 million RMB from his new books this year.




去年,易中天的《帝国的终结》《大话方言》等作品再次出版,易中天目前的版税大约在10%到12%之间,套用发行册数×定价×版税率的公式,易中天仅旧作再版就收入150多万元。此外,易中天去年还有三本新作:《品三国(下) 》《破门而入》以及《成都方式》,均销量可观,易中今年在新书版税的收入上也达600多万元。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/217978.html
