高考英语听力备考 如何听关于态度、观点、看法

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

高考临近,相信不少同学的听力环节还有些薄弱,接下来小编为大家搜罗了如何听关于态度、观点、看法的专题 ,希望能够帮助大家切实提高听力成绩!


What does the (woman) think of…?

How does the man (woman) feel about…?

How do you like…?

What does the man say about…?


What does the man say about his job? (北京卷)

A. Easy. B. Tiring. C. Dangerous.


M: When I tell people that I paint the Golden Gate Bridge, they think I start at one end, paint to the other end, and then start again. But that’s not true. We are always painting the bridge. But we have to go where paint is in bad condition. It’s a dangerous job. You have to be careful all the time. You can’t work or appear without safety equipment. And the weather, it gets colder up here. Sometimes it’s so cold there’s ice on the bridge. You have to wear warm clothes. Sometimes it’s windy and foggy. On foggy days, you can’t see anything. Other times, you are both the fog. The view from the top is the thing that I love about the job. On a sunny day like today, you can see from the ocean to the port and all the way to the mountains.

此处问的是说话人如何评价他的工作,属于直接听取答案型的题目。只要听到It’s a dangerous job就可以判定此题答案为C。


What does the woman think of cell phone interruption?

A. She likes it.

B. She doesn’t mind it.

C. She considers it rude.


W: So, I was just hanging out in San Francisco the other weekend.

M: I love San Francisco.

W: What a great town!

M: I mean if it wasn’t so expensive, I’d totally be there. Ur…

W: Me too, exactly. God, ur, you know, there are so many things to do and…

M: Did you run out of…

(The man’s cell phone rings)

Oh, hold on. Hello, yeah, hey! How’s it going? No, no! I mean, I...I can’t visit you tonight. I don’t think I can. Really? I’ll call you back. All right! OK, bye! I am sorry, ur, what were you saying?

W: You know, I just have to say, I…I’m sorry, I hate it when people do that. I think that it is so rude. When we’re having a conversation, and your phone rings, and you just, you know, you are so involved in your conversation that I am left hanging.

M: Yeah, I mean…

W: I think it’s rude.

M: I am sorry, I mean, when people call you, don’t you feel like… ur, it could be something important? I should at least check.

W: I actually…ur, don’t have a cell phone.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/223670.html

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