双语阅读 韩庚韩国演艺圈艰辛打拼

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Han Geng Struggles Hard in Entertainment Circle

Han Geng is a pretty, simple and honest Chinese boy. As a member of Super Junior, a Korean boy band popular throughout Asia, he is the first Chinese artist who has ever become successful in the mainstream artistic community in South Korea. With four years’ consistent efforts, he has established himself in the entertainment circle (娱乐圈). Last year, Super Junior won many awards such as the Best New Player and the Most Popular Group of the year. Because of this, people have begun to pay their attention to this smiling Chinese boy, and wonder how he has survived from the fierce competition in this field.

Han Geng has an unusual story to tell. At the age of 19, he came to Korea alone. Before that, he had received 6 years’ training in dancing as an excellent student in the Dancing Department of Central University for Nationalities (中央民族学院). In spite of that, he had to start from zero in everything, even in dancing. Once he practiced dancing for as long as 20 hours.

As a professional dancer, Han Geng is a little too thin. Thus, he has suffered from injury in practice many times. For example, he once experienced bone fracture (骨折) in his arm due to violent dancing movement. It was found out only later when he went to see a doctor after he felt pain in his arm while doing push-up (俯卧撑) in a gym. The doctor told him that the fracture might have occurred two months before and that the bone had recovered, but unfortunately in an irregular way. Now he can still hear cracks when lifting up his arm. Fortunately, it does not affect his performance greatly.(from www.nmet168.com)



韩庚,一位外表俊俏内心纯朴的中国男生,时下风靡亚洲的韩国男子组合Super Junior的成员,更是在韩国出道并打入主流演艺圈的第一位中国艺人。至今在韩国娱乐圈打滚了四年多的他,凭借着坚强的毅力,闯出一片属于自己的天空。去年,Super Junior横扫韩国年度颁奖礼最佳新人、最受欢迎组合奖等众多奖项的同时,人们不由注视到他——韩庚,这位唯一的中国成员,这位始终微笑着的中国男孩。众所周知,娱乐界竞争激烈,在这光辉的背后,19岁就孤身闯荡异国他乡的韩庚是如何挺过来的呢?又经历过怎样的辛酸和千锤百炼呢?



本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/227978.html
