双语阅读 中国年轻人的爱国情结让科比感动

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


Kobe is Moved by Chinese Young People’s Patriotism

After the retirement of Michael Jordan(乔丹) , Kobe(科比) from Lakers(湖人队) is the only player who can be described as “great.” He has signed a contract with sina.com to open his Chinese blog and establish his official website in Chinese in 2009, which will no doubt be a sensational event to both the Internet and the sports circles.

Kobe is deeply moved by Chinese younger generation’s patriotism, which he thinks has disappeared from American young people. So he hopes to establish a platform for American youths to share this kind of feeling.

Every time he visits China, Kobe receives a warm welcome from his Chinese fans, by which he is greatly touched. In his first match in Beijing Olympics, he wore one of his favorite big blue diamond earrings. But when he went back to his apartment after the game was over, he found that the earring was missing. So he immediately went to look for it in the stadium. There was standing a Chinese boy with his earring. He had been waiting for Kobe. Kobe was very excited when he got back his earring from the boy.

What most Chinese fans wonder is whether the articles on the blog will be written by Kobe himself. About this question, Kobe has made it clear on his blog: “I will write my blogs with my cellular phone and then send them to my sina team(新浪团队) who are responsible for translating them into Chinese and posting them on my blog. There are no other agents(中间人) in between. So what you read on my blog is my true feeling putting down by myself.”





本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/241935.html
