
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网



it 的用法:

1、it可指天气、温度、时间、距离等 。
如:It is cold today, isn't it?
如:The dog is not acold-blooded animals. It doesn't need to hibernate.
如:I tried to persuade my father to give up smoking, but found it impossible. (it=to persuade my father to give up smoking)
如:?What's this?
?It's an album.
?Whose new bike is that?
?It's Mary's.
it=the(this, that)+名词,特指并且代替前面所提到的某特定事物。
如:He's bought a new car, so he drives it everywhere to show ito ff.
如:He needs a computer, but he can't afford one.
如:The population of China is larger than that of Japan. that指代population,但其后有一个of短语作定语,以区别于the population of China。
如:I like the climate of Kunming more than that of Beijing.
The climate of Kunming is mild, and I like it.
5、It/This/That+be+the first(second, third...) time+that-clause 这个句型表示截止到说话时为止的某人的一种经历,关键是注意time前有序数词,主句是一般现在时is时,从句要用现在完成时;如果主句用一般过去时was时,则从句须相应地用过去完成时。
如:This is the first time(that) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.
It was the fifth time(that) I had paid a friendly visit to America.
如:He's never really made it as an actor. 作为演员,他从未获得过真正的成功。
It is my turn. 轮到我了。


原句:I told Jim the news in our office yesterday.
强调主语:Itwas I that/who told Jim the news in our office yesterday.
强调宾语:It was Jim that I told the news in our office yesterday.
或:It was the news that I told Jim in our office yesterday.
强调地点状语:It was in our office that I told Jim the news yesterday.
强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I told Jim the news in our office.
如:Was it you that told Jim the news in your office yesterday?
如:Who was it that told Jim the news in your office yesterday?
【注】强调句与主语从句虽然在形式上很相似,即都含有it is(was)...that。但,区别在于:强调句去掉it is(was)…that之后,句子结构仍然完整,而主语从句却不能这样。
如:(It is)our hope(that) the two sides will work towards peace.
解析:去掉It is…that之后,句子是不成立的。由此得出该句不是强调句,而是一个简单的主语从句,it是形式主语,从句是真正的主语。


1、it 作形式主语:
it 在句中可作形式主语,而真正作主语的主语从句需要放在句子的末尾。主语从句后置常用以下几种结构:
1)It is/was+adj.+subject-clause可用于此句型的形容词有:
clear, certain, funny, good, impossible, likely, natural, obvious, possible, probable, strange, surprising, true, unusual, wonderful等。
如:It is obvious that going for sports will do a lot of good to your health.
2)It+be+adj./n.(forsb./ofsb.)+todosth. 该句型中的形容词通常表示事物的特点或特征的,如:
difficult, hard, easy, impossible, necessary, important等,此时用for;或表示人的性格特征或特点的,如:
nice, good, bad, kind, silly, foolish, wise, clever, careless, rude, brave, cruel, careful, grateful等,这时要用of 。
3)It is/was+名词词组+subject-clause可用于该结构的名词词组有:
a pity/duty, a good thing, no surprise, good news, an honor, a fact, a mystery, a shame, manners等。
如:It's a pity that I didn't attend the party.
4)It is/was+V-ed+subject-clause可用于该结构的动词的过去分词有:
said, reported, thought, supposed, believed, hoped, expected, known, decided, announced, arranged等。
如:It is said that something had been done to end the pollution.
注:本句还可改写为:Something is said to have been done to end the pollution.
5)It+vi.+subject-clause可用于该结构的动词有:appear, seem, happen, occur等。
如:It appeared to scientists that the stars had moved.
6)It doesn't matter(makes no difference,etc.) +连接代词或连接副词引起的从句作宾语。
如:It doesn't matter whether he'll join the army or not.
It makes no difference where we have the conference.
It takes sb. some time to do sth.
如:It will take you two days to get there on foot.
It costs sb. some money to do sth.
如:It costs 1,000 dollars to fly to America.
It is/was no use(useless) doing(做什么是没有用处的)
如:It's no use arguing with him.
It is/was no good doing(做什么是没有好处的)
① It is/was important(necessary, strange) that...;
It is/was ordered(required, suggested, proposed) that...;
It is/was a pity(a shame) that...表示遗憾等感情的句子中,主语从句要用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。
如:It's necessary that he(should) be operated on at once.
② It is (high)time that...结构中用should+动词原形(should不能省略)或动词过去式。
如:It is high time that you should make(made) full use of your time to go over your lessons.

1)动词consider(feel, find, think等)+it+形容词(名词)+不定式(动词-ing形式,从句)。
如:She thinks it no use telling me.
如:We would appreciate it if you could come to help us.
3)dependon, relyon, see to(负责/设法做到), takeforgranted(习以为常)等短语后跟that从句时,要以it作形式宾语。
如:We're depending on it that he will finish the job by Friday.

“it ”引起的几个易混淆的时间句型:

1)It be+时间+since-clause 这个句型表示从since从句谓语动作发生以后到现在或过去所经过的一段时间,意为“自从…以来已多久了”,主句多用一般现在时,从句用一般过去时,如果表示过去的情况,主句一般用过去时,从句用过去完成时,或主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。
如:It's five years since they got married. 他们结婚已经5年了。
It's five years since they were married. 他们离婚已经5年了。
It's ten years since his father was a worker. 他父亲不当工人已经10年了。
I haven't seen him since we were boys together. 我们长大以后再没有见过面。
2)It be+时间+before-clause 这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语(如:long years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes),主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才…”。主句的谓语动词是否定式时,意为“没过多长时间就…”。主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时willbe;用was时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用willbe时,before从句常用一般现在时。 如:It was not long before she learned those poems by heart. 她没过多久就背会了那些诗。
It was long before the police arrived. 过了很久警察才来。
It will be hours before he makes a decision. 要过好几个小时他才会作出决定。
It will not be hours before we meet again. 要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的
3)It be+时间+when-clause 这个句型中,it指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般是具体时间)。主句和从句中的谓语动词在时态上是一致的,主句是willbe,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时。
如:It was already 8 o'clock when we got home.
It will be late afternoon when they get there.
4)It be+时间+that-clause 这个句型是个强调句型。
如:It was at 5o'clock that he practiced playing the violin in the morning. (原句是:He practiced playing the violin at 5o'clock in the morning.)
比较:It was 5o'clock when he started in the morning.(5o'clock前没有介词,这个是定语从句)
5)It be+time+that-clause 这个句型属虚拟语气结构,不管主句中用的是is或was,that从句都须用动词的过去式或should+动词原形(但不及物动词通常用过去式),在time之前有时可以加上high 或about 以加强语气。
如:It is high time(that) he wrote a letter to his girl friend.
It is time(that) we made people's life a little easier.= It is time that we should make people's life a little easier.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/282655.html
