
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

       一、引出话题( to state a topic )
       as for; as to; as regards; with regard to; in regard to; regarding; concerning; so far as ... be concerned; in the case of;when it comes to.至于;关于;就……而言。


      In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully.

      As for being shy, you’ll get over that as long as you are well prepared before you do anything important.


      I’m good at mathematics, but when it comes to English, I’m completely at sea.


      As far as I am concerned, I’m not against your plan.

      二、强调( to emphasize )
       1. certainly确实地 2. indeed确实地 3. surely确实地 4. above all尤其;最重要者 5. most important ( of all )最重要的是9. in particular尤其;特别 10. particularly尤其 11. especially特别地;主要地

      What a child should do, most important, is to do well in his studies.


      He is strong, brave and, above all, honest.

      A friend in need is a friend indeed.

      Travel can broaden a person’s horizon, especially for young people.

      三、举例( to illustrate )
       1. for example/ for instance 2. such as 3. like

      for example/ for instance


      ① 我的好多同学,比如王一,非常喜欢下棋。

      A lot of my classmates, for example Wang Yi, enjoy playing chess. 

      ② 很多伟人出身贫寒,林肯就是一例。
      Many great people rose from poor backgrounds -- Lincoln for example.

      2)for example/ for instance 后面可以跟句子。


      You can't depend on her: for instance, she told lies again yesterday.
      such as和like


      Cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular with youngsters.


      2) 有时可以分开使用

      He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks.

      四、解释. 1. namely那就是;2. that is那就是;3. in other words换言之;4. that is to say换言之;那就是说;5. to put it in another way换言之

      1) 只有一个人能回答这个问题,那就是你。

      Only one person can answer the question, namely you.

      2) 他近来工作过度,身体也不大好,也就是说,他需要休假。

      He has been working too much, and is not at all well. In other words, he needs a holiday.


      Competition forces us to change. To put it in another way, competition leads to changes and that, to a certain degree, means progress.

      四、增加或附属( to add ) 表示“除此之外和递进关系”的连接词:
      1. in addition而且;此外 2. furthermore而且;更有甚者 3. also也;而且 4. moreover而且;更有甚者 5. again而且 6. and而且 7. besides而且 8. what’s worse更糟糕的是 9. what's more而且
      1) 他似乎不想去那儿,再加他的衣服也不够体面。

      He seemed to have no desire to go there; besides, his clothes were not good enough.

      2) 骑自行车是一种好的锻炼方式,而且它也不会污染空气。

      Bicycling is good exercises; moreover, it doesn’t pollute the air.
      3) 我赶不上巴士,不得不走回家,而且那时正在下雨,我全身都湿透了。

      I missed the bus and had to walk home. What's more (worse), it was raining and I got all wet.

      五、比较( to compare )尤其是相同性质的比较
       1. like像 2. likewise同样地 3. in the same way同样地 4. similarly同样地 5. too也 6.equally important同样重要地
      1) 我们应该养成分类垃圾的习惯。同样重要的是,我们应该勤俭节约。

      We should get into the habit of classifying garbage. Equally important, we should practice economy.

      2) 我们的生活水平在提高,同样,我们的生活成本也在增加。
      Our living standard is rising; similarly, our living cost is increasing.

      3) 要实现这一目标,必须有雄心壮志,同样还得十分努力。

      To achieve this goal, you must have ambition; likewise you need to exert great efforts.
      六、对比关系或相反的意思( to contrast )
       1. unlike不像 2. in contrast相反地 3. on the other hand另一方面 4. for another thing另一方面 5. on the contrary相反地 6. instead代替;更换;反而 7. but然而;但是  8. however然而 9. still然而 10. yet然而  

      It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful.


      At our graduation, we didn’t hold the dinner party. Instead, we decided to buy books and donate them to    “Hope project”.

      3) 一方面你接受你父母的资助,另一方面你对他们很粗鲁。你到底对他们什么态度?

      On one hand you accept your parents’ support; on the other hand, you are rude to them. What really is your attitude to them?

      七、让步( to concede )
      1. nevertheless尽管如此 2. of course当然 3. clearly确实地 4. naturally自然地 5. perhaps或许6. after all毕竟
      1). 我们不能照你的建议去办。不过承蒙您提出来,分感谢。

      We can't act on your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.
      2). 我不明白你为什么这样担心,这毕竟不是你的问题。

      I don’ know why you are so concerned; after all, it isn’t your problem.

      3). 应付这种情况对你老师很困难,当然,你可以指望我。

      It is hard for you to deal with the situation; of course. You can count on me.

      八、结果( to state a consequence )
       1. therefore 2. consequently 3. as a result 4. thus 5. accordingly 6. hence以上皆表「因此」,「所以」,「结果」 7. so所以;因此
      1) 他患了流行性感冒,因此未能前来参加宴会。

      He was down with the flu, and therefore couldn't come to the party.

      There are two kinds of fools: one says" This is old, therefore it is good; the other says" This is new, therefore it is better"

      3) 他们没有准备好面对机遇,因此他们在机遇面前只是哀叹。

      They aren’t prepared to face opportunities, and thus they can do nothing but sigh.


      Some people are over-ambitious. As a result, they are usually unhappy.
      九、综合;总结( to sum up )
       1. to sum up 2. to summarize 3. to conclude 4. in sum ( in summary )5. in conclusion以上皆表「总之」 6. in brief 7. in short 8. in a word 9. to be short 10. in a nutshell以上皆表「简言之」 11. by and large一般来说 12. finally最后 13. in general一般而言 14. on the whole整个来说 15. generally speaking大体而言;一般而论

      In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.

      He is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In a word, he is admirable.


      Generally speaking, women live longer than men, partly because the former have more tears than the latter.




      时间状语从句和表示时间的介词短语之间的转化:As 表示“随着”引导状语从句和with引导短语之间的转化;      when/as/as soon as与on/upon(后接动名词或者具有动作意义的名词)之间的转化。

      ① 随着社会经济的发展和科技水平的进步,人们的生活水平不断得到改善,我们却发现自己与大自然日渐疏远。

      As social economy is developing and science and technology is improving, people’s living standard is being increased, but we find that we become more estranged from nature.

      →With the development of social economy and the improvement of technology, people’s living standard is being increased, but we find that we become more estranged from nature.

      ② 一看到那个在水里挣扎的小孩儿,他就毫不犹豫地跳进河里。

      As soon as he saw the child struggling in the water, he didn’t hesitate to jump into the river.

      →On/Upon seeing the child struggling, he didn’t hesitate to jump into the river.

      ③ 在他们到达机场时,向他们献了花。

      They were presented with flowers on/upon (their) arrival at the airport.


      1、if条件状语从句与in case of (“如果, 万一”,后接名词、代词或动名词)、with/without等介词或介词词组的互换。


      If we are in difficulty, we shouldn’t turn to others for help at once but try every means to overcome it ourselves.

      →If in difficulty, we shouldn’t turn to others for help at once but try every means to overcome it ourselves.

      → In case of difficulty, we shouldn’t turn to others for help at once but try every means to overcome it ourselves.

      2)如果没有坚强的意志,你将永远摆脱不了网瘾(network addiction)。

      I can’t finish the work in time if you don’t help me.

      →I can’t finish the work in time without your help.



      ① Treasure our youth, otherwise we will make it leave regrets.(=if you don’t seize the chance, you’ll regret it.)

      ② Lose the chance, and you’ll regret it.(=if you lose the chance, you’ll regret it.)











      5、为确保安全, 驾车或骑自行车时,请勿戴着耳机。














      1. With the improvement of our life (As our life is improving),people are paying more and more attention to health.

      2. On arrival/arriving there (As soon as we arrived there ), we began to work immediately.

      3. Hardly had she sat down (She had sat down) when she heard someone knocking at the door.

      4. The problem will get worse if not dealt with (if it is not dealt with=unless deal with).

      5. To ensure safety, do not wear the headphones while driving or cycling.

      6. We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour (when it rained cats and dogs).

      7. He burst out laughing, and it was some time before he could control himself.

      8. Work hard, otherwise/or you will not pass the final examination.

      9. Whenever in difficulty, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are willing to do what we can to help you.

      10. The telephone rang off (hung up) before I could answer it.


      三、 原因状语从句

      2、原因状语从句和原因状语短语之间的转换。引导原因状语的短语:because of,thanks to,owing to,on account of,for,due to等。


      Because you get us a timely help, we accomplished the task on time.

      → Thanks to your timely help,we accomplished the task on time.
      2) 由于有这么些的磨难,我才有机会磨炼自己的意志。

      Since there are so many hardships, I have the opportunity to improve my character.

      → Due/owing to so many hardships, I have the opportunity to improve my character.



      2、让步状语从句与表示让步意义的短语之间的转换。引导让步意义短语的有:in spite of, despite,regardless of, for all(considering how little/much/many)。

      ① 尽管他遇到很多磨难和失败,但他依然坚持的自己目标。

      In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.


      He was determined to help those tigers in danger regardless of danger.

      ③ 她虽然很富有,但并不幸福。

      For all her wealth, she is not happy.


      含有结果状语从句的句子和简单句之间的转化。引导结果状语从句的连接词有:so…that…, such …that…;引导具有结果状语意义的短语有:too…to…, enough to …, so … as to …;表示“导致”的动词词组有:result in; lead to, contribute to等。

      ① 我们不能太专注于我们生活的细节以至于忽略了我们在前进的方向。


       Factors such as self-condidence and ambition , combined with determination and willpower , contribute to eventual success or failure .

      He was so careless that he made lots of mistakes.

      → He was so careless as to make lots of mistakes.

      → His carelessness resulted in lots of mistakes.


      含有目的状语从句的句子和简单句之间的转化。引导目的状语从句的连接词有:so that,in order that,in case(以防万一;以免);引导表示“目的”的短语:to do, in order to, so as to do, in case of(以防)。


      She takes notes carefully in class so that she can’t forget key points.

      → She takes notes carefully in class in case she can forget key points.

      → She takes notes carefully in class not to(in order not to/so as not to) forget key points.






      4、我已经足够大了, 有权去做我喜欢做的事。





      ② 虽然他付出了巨大的努力,但是他还是不能按时达到自己的目的地。


      1. We should save water in case the last drop of water will become our tear some day.

      2. In order to make up for the lost time, she has been staying up late in the past few days.

      3. I always take something to read when I go to the doctor,s in case I have to wait.

      4. I'm old enough to have the freedom to do as I like.

      5. Since /now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents.

      6. Whatever difficulties we may come across, we should stick to our goals.

      7. Good student as he is, he makes mistakes sometimes. Every man has his faults.

      8. In spite of the fact that confidence is a healthy quality, overconfidence is nothing but harmful (does great harm).

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/284808.html
