常考词的语法与用法:cheat, choice, choose

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆cheat v.

1. 表示“哄骗”、“骗取”,是及物动词,其宾语通常是人而不是物,且不能接双宾语。表示骗取某人某物,常用句型是 cheat sb(out) of sth。如:


正:He cheated the old man (out) of his money.

误:He cheated (the old man) his money.

2. 表示骗取某人做某事,其常用句型为 cheat sb into (doing)sth。如:

They cheated her into marrying him. 他们骗她同他结婚。

3. 表示“舞弊”、“欺骗”,通常不及物,注意其后所接介词。如:

He often cheats at cards. 他打牌经常作弊。

He cheated in [on] the examination. 他考试舞弊。

◆choice n.

1. 表示“选择”、“抉择”,可用作可数或不可数名词。如:

You have your choice. 你有选择的自由。

He is faced with a difficult choice. 他面临困难的抉择。

注:表示作出选择,通常用动词 make。如:

We each had to make a choice. 我们每个人都得作出抉择。

2. 注意以下与介词的习惯搭配:

make a choice between the two 在这两者中选择

make a choice among the three 在这三者中选择

have a choice between A and B 在 A 和 B 当中选择

have the choice of A or B 在 A 和 B 当中选择

be careful in the choice of words 仔细选词

3. 用于 have no choice but to do sth, 意为“除做……以外,别无选择”或“只好做……”。如:

He has no choice but to go with them. 他没有办法,只好跟他们去。

◆choose v.

1. 表示“选择”,可以带双宾语。如:

He chose me a nice present. /He chose a nice present for me. 他为我选了件漂亮的礼物。


They chose me chairman. /They chose me as [for] chairman. /They chose me to be chairman. 他们选我当主席。

2. 表示在两者之间选择用介词 between, 表示在三者之间选择用介词 among(有时也用其它介词)。如:

He had to choose between death and dishonour. 他必须在死亡和屈辱之间作出选择。

He chose three among [from, out of] these books. 他从这些书中挑选了三本。

注意下面动词 choose 后的介词一般不能省去:


正:Here are some books for you to choose from [among].

误:Here are some books for you to choose.

3. 后可接不定式,可表示“决定”、“宁愿”。如:

He chose to go with us. 他决定同我们一起去。

He didn’t choose to marry her. 他不愿同她结婚。

He chose not to tell her. 他决定不告诉她。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/644365.html
