常考词的语法与用法:downstairs & upstairs , dozen,score,hu

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆downstairs & upstairs adv.
1. 用作副词时,两者除可用作状语外,还可用作表语或放在名词后作定语。如:
He lives downstairs (upstairs). 他住在楼下(上)。
Is anyone downstairs (upstairs)? 楼下(上)有人吗?
Our neighbours downstairs (upstairs) are very noisy. 我们楼下(上)的邻居很吵闹。
2. 用作形容词时,只能放在名词前作定语。如:
The downstairs (upstairs) rooms are already full ofpeople. 楼上的房间已住满了人。
注:由于 downstairs 用作副词时要放在名词后作定语,而用作形容词时要放在名词前作定语,所以类似“楼上(下) 的厕所”这样的表达可有两种译法:the upstairs toilets /the toilets upstairs
3. 两者都可用作名词。如:
The downstairs (upstairs) isn’t inhabited. 楼下(楼上) 还没有人住。
We haven’t painted the downstairs (upstairs) yet. 我们还没有给楼下(上)的房间刷漆。
注:虽然可用作名词,但其前不能用 in, at, to 之类的介词:
正:They’re waiting for you downstairs (upstairs).
误:They’re waiting for you at downstairs (upstairs).

◆dozen,score,hundred,thousand & million


1. 当这些词与具体数字连用时,通常不加复数词尾-s, 也不后接介词 of,

I want three score eggs. 我要60只鸡蛋。

He is a man of three score years. 他六十岁。

Two hundred (thousand) students went there. 有两百(千)学生去了那儿。

About three million workers were on strike. 参加罢工的大约有三百万工人。

注:有人认为 score, dozen 之后有时也接 of, 但惯用法认为省略 of 则常见。

另外,当 million 用作中心词(即其后不接名词或数词)时,有时也可带复数词尾-s。如:

The population of New Zealand is now three million(s). 新西兰现有人口三百万。

2. 当这些词不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s, 而且要后接介词 of, 然后才能接名词。如:

I’ve read it dozens (scores) of times. 我读过它几十次。

Thousands of students entered the contest. 数千名学生参加了这次比赛。

Millions of people died in the war. 有数百万人在这次战争中丧生。

注:若不出现名词,则不用介词 of。如:

Millions (of people) are homeless. 千千万万的人无家可归。

3. 当这些词与 a few, several, many 等数目不很具体的词连用时,带不带复数词尾 -s 均可,但是注意:若不带复数词 -s, 其后的介词 of 可以省略;若带复数词尾-s, 则其后介词 of 不能省略。如:


正:There I saw several hundred(s) of foreign guests.

正:There I saw several hundred foreign guests.

注意 some hundred persons 与 some hundreds of persons 含义不同:前者指“大约一百人”,其中 some=about a;后者指“几百人”。

4. 当这些词后面的名词有了 the, these, those等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是 us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。如:

two dozen of them 它们中的两打

three scores of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的三打

five hundred of the workers 这些工人中的五百人

5. 注意以下与介词 by 连用的例子:

The eggs are sold by the dozen. 鸡蛋按打出售。

The ants arrived at the picnic by the hundred(s). 成群的蚂蚁来到野餐的地方。

They were sold by the thousand(s). 它们被大批大批地(论千地)出售。


Pack them in dozens. 把它们成打地包起来(即每12个一包)。

◆dream v.


1. 后接介词 of 或 about。如:

He often dreams of [about] home. 他经常梦见自己的故乡。

He had always dreamed about [of] a trip to this country. 他曾一直梦想到这个国家来游览。

2. 接 that 从句。如:

I dreamed that I could fly. 我梦见自己能飞翔。

She dreams she’ll marry a rich man. 她梦想嫁给一个富翁。

(3) 其后可接 of doing sth, 但不接不定式。如:

We dream of buying a computer. 我们想买台电脑。

He dreams of becoming a teacher. 他梦想当教师。

注:用作名词的 dream 用法也是如此。如:

Will he ever realize his dream of going to college? 他会实现他上大学的梦想吗?

3. 与 not, little, never 等否定词连用,表示强烈的否定。如:

I wouldn’t dream of going with her. 我不会同她一起去。

Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也想不到会这样成功。

I never dreamed that I should see you here. 我做梦也没想到会在这儿见到你。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/707994.html
