常考词的语法与用法:catch, cattle

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


1. 表示“抓住”、“捉住”,注意以下习惯用法:

(1) 通常只表示“抓住”的结果,不表示“抓”的过程。如:


误:He sat by the stream for hours, catching fish.

正:He sat by the stream for hours, trying to catch fish.

正:He sat by the stream for hours, fishing.

(2) 是一时的动作,不能与一段时间连用。如:


误:He was caught for a year.

正:He was caught a year ago.

(3) 一般不与表示方向的词连用。如:


误:We caught the thief to the police station.

正:We caught the thief and took him to the police station.

2. 表示“听懂”、“理解”,多用于否定结构或疑问结构。如:

Did you catch what he said? 你听清了他说的是什么意思吗?

It’s noisy and I can’t catch a word. 太吵了,我一句都听不清。

3. 表示“(意外地)碰上”,其后常接现在分词的复合结构或介词短语的复合结构等。如:

He was caught stealing from the shop. 他在这家店子偷东西时,被当场抓住。

I’d like to catch them saying anything like that again. 我倒要看看他们再说这样的话。


He was caught in the rain and got wet. 他碰上大雨,被淋湿了。

4. 表示“染上(疾病)”,一般以疾病名词作 catch 的宾语,而不作catch 的主语。如:


正:He caught a bad cold the other day.

误:A bad cold caught him the other day.

5. 句式 catch up with sb 与 catch sb up 同义,意为“赶上某人”。如:

Soon he caught us up. /Soon he caught up with us. 不久他就赶上了我们。

◆cattle n.

1. 表示“牲畜”(在美国英语只指牛类),是一个表示复数意义的集体名词(但不能有复数词尾-s)。如:

The cattle are grazing. 牛在吃草。

Many cattle died in the drought. 许多牛在旱灾时死了。

2. 要表示“牛”的头数,可借助 head(头)这个词。如:ten head of cattle(10头牛),forty head of cattle(40头牛)等,这些表达中的 head of 也可省略,即可说 ten cattle, forty cattle等,但是我们通常不说 one cattle, 而应说成 one head of cattle, 因为cattle 是一个表复数意义的集合名词。同时应注意:以上各例中的head(头)是一个单复数同形的名词,所以没用 heads 这样的形式。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/732586.html
