常考词的语法与用法:back & bad & badly

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆back n. & adv.

1. 短语 at the back of 可以表示“在……的后面(范围之外)”,此时相当于 behind;也可以表示“在……的后部(范围之内)”,此时不能用 behind。比较:

There is a little garden at the back of the house. 房屋后有个小花园。(小花园在房屋之外)

There is a little room at the back of the house. 房屋后部有个小房间。(小房间在房屋之内)

有时也用介词 in。如:

He sat in [at] the back of the car. 他坐在小汽车后部。

在美国英语中也可将以上两个短语中的 at [in] the 省略,只用back of。如:

My home lies back of the school. 我家就在学校后面。

2. 通常不与那些已含有 back 含义的动词连用。如:


正:Half an hour later he returned [=came back].

误:Half an hour later he returned back.

◆bad adj.

1. 除表示“坏的”之外,还有不少引申用法“不舒服”、“糟糕的”、“严重的”、“腐烂的”等。如:

He feels bad. 他感到不舒服(难过)。

He has got a bad cold. 他了患重感冒。

It’s a bad mistake (accident). 那是一个严重的错误(一次严重的事故)。

The fish will go bad if you don’t put it in the fridge. 这鱼要是不放入冰箱就会腐烂。

2. 注意以下各句与介词的搭配。如:

He is bad at telling stories. 他不善于讲故事。

Reading in the sun is bad for you (your eyes). 在太阳下看书对你(你的眼睛)有害。

We were hoping for an improvement but things have gone from bad to worse. 我们本希望有所改善,但事情却每况愈下。

◆badly adv.

1. 其比较等级变化不规则(worse, worst)。如:


误:Who did his work the most badly?

正:Who did his work worst?

2. 与 want, need, be in need of 等连用,可表示“迫切地”、“非常”。如:

We want to see her badly. 我们非常想见她。

He needs money badly. /He is badly in need of money. 他急需要钱。

3. badly 是形容词 bad 的副词形式,通常用来修饰动词。如:

The furniture is badly made. 这家具做得很差。

He did his work very badly. 他的工作做得很差。

4. 在现代英语口语中,badly 有时可像形容词 bad 那样用于某些连系动词(如 feel, be 等)后用作表语。如:

He felt badly about being late. 他因迟到感到难过。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/732595.html
