
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  Ma said that her baby girl had diarrhea before boarding the plane, but it was difficult to change her diaper because the mother-and-baby room was under equipped. As a result, the baby's pants and her hands were soiled and she had to throw away the pants.
  "Every time I take my baby out it is very tiring," said a netizen. "I have to think of all sorts of methods not to expose myself when breast-feeding my baby."
  "Mother-and-baby rooms in Australia are as good as a home," said another netizen, "There are even free showers right next to the rooms."
  据报道,日本法律规定公共场所,包括机场,大型购物中心(shopping malls)及娱乐场所(entertainment venues)需配备母婴室。而且母婴室里还有如下设施:
  small beds with safety belts 有安全扣的小床
  diaper vending machines 尿布自动贩卖机
  tissues 纸巾
  sofas 沙发
  diaper changing pads 尿布更换垫
  microwaves to heat milk and food 热牛奶和食品用的微波炉
  special tables for diaper changing 专门的尿布台
  televisions that broadcast children's programs 播放儿童节目的电视
  我国的一些较大型城市,近些年来已开始推广母婴室建立,但是一般来说仍以商场居多,有媒体曾走访北京十处公共场所,只有火车站、机场及两家商场共4处设有母婴室。即使已经设立起母婴室,也并没有统一的标准(unified standard)。因此不少妈妈呼吁改进母婴设施(baby-care upgrade)。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/753794.html

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