常考词的语法与用法:care, careful

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆care n. & v.

1. 用作名词,表示“注意”、“小心”、“关心”等,均为不可数名词。如:

You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它。

Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。

We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子。

2. 用作动词,注意以下用法:

(1) 后接不定式,表示“愿意”、“喜欢”、“想要”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句等。如:

I don’t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球。

Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?

(2) 后接从句,表示“在乎”、“在意”等,多用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句。如:

I don’t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去。

I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。

3. 用于 care about

(1) 表示“在乎”、“介意”。如:

He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎。

The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。

(2) 表示“对……感兴趣”。如:

I don’t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣。

He cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣。

4. 用于 care for:

(1) 表示“喜欢”,通常用于否定句或疑问句。如:

Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?

He doesn’t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐。

(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型)。如:

He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。

Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他?

◆careful adj.

1. 后接介词 of 或 about, 表示“当心”、“留意”等。如:

Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 当心那条狗,它有时候咬人。

You must be careful of [about] your pronunciation. 你要注意你的发音。

注:be careful 后一般不接介词 for。如:


正:I hope you’ll be more careful of[about] your health.

误:I hope you’ll be more careful for your health.

2. 后接介词 with(其后多接名词)或 in(其后多接动名词),表示做某事时很小心或仔细。如:

He’s careful with [=in doing] his work. 他工作很仔细。

Be careful with the vase;it is valuable. 这花瓶很贵,小心点。

Be careful in dealing with such people. 和这种人打交道要小心。

3. 后接不定式。如:

Be careful not to drop it. 小心不要把它掉了。

You must be careful to avoid being caught. 你必须小心,不要被抓住。


He’s careful to read every sentence. 他注意读(即不漏读)每一个句子

He’s careful in reading every sentence. 他读每个句子都很仔细。

4. 后接从句。如:

Be careful how you hold it. 小心拿好。

Do be careful what you say. 说话一定要小心。

Be careful that you don’t hurt her feelings(=Be careful

not to hurt her feelings). 当心别伤害她的感情。

注:后接 what 从句时,可用介词 of, about 等,但通常省略,但是若是接 that, how, when, where 等引导的从句,则一般不用介词;另外,从句谓语若指将来,通常要用一般现在时代替将来时( 见上例)。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/784855.html
