
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  如果有人劝你take the weight off your feet,意思就是劝你坐下来,歇歇脚,坐下来休息一下,尤其是站久了。这个短语和你的体重可没有关系。
  After walking around Paris for three hours non-stop, Mary found a nice coffee shop and took the weight off her feet.
  Don't walk to school today. Go on the bus and take the weight off your feet.
  大家可千万别把to take the weight off your feet和to carry your own weight给混淆了。后一个短语的意思是自己对自己负责。
  My brother has finally got a job! Our father kept telling him that at 30 he is old enough to leave home and carry his own weight.
  Some spa centres offer 'doctor fish' treatment. A fish called Garra Rufa, eat dead skin off people’s feet. But some people find the tickly sensation too much to bear.
  有些水疗中心提供“医生鱼”的治疗,这些医生鱼的英文名字是Garra Rufa,它们会吃掉一些人体上的死皮。不过有些人觉得那种被小鱼咬得发痒的感觉实在难以忍受。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/812170.html
