
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


1. 你能理解这个 if not, not. 吗

If the weather is fine, we will go. If ______, ______.

A. not, notB. no, noC. not, noD. no, not

此题应选A。这是一个省略句, 若补充完整应该是:

If the weather is fine, we will go. If the weatheris NOT fine, we will NOT go. 如果天气好, 我们就去, 若天气不好, 我们就不去。

该句的特点是:后句与前句的用词和句式完全相同, 只是前句为肯定, 后句为否定, 为了简洁起见, 将后句与前句相同部分省略, 只保留否定词 not。类似的例子(只保留否定词not)如:

1. —Can you repair it yourself? 你自己会修吗?

—I am afraid not. 恐怕不行。

(=I am afraid I can’t repair it myself. )

2. —Did you know anything about it? 这事你以前知 道吗?

—Not until you told me. 你告诉我才知道。

(=I didn’t know anything about it until youtold me. )

3. —Will it rain today? 今天会下雨吗?

—I hope not. 希望不会。

(=I hope it will not rain today. )

2. 由连词if构成的省略

The books is well written and well printed. There are few, if ______, mistakes in it.

A. anyB. someC. otherD. another

此题应选A。这是一个省略句, 句中的if any=if there are any(如果有任何错误的话)。


1. There is very little water, if any. 即使有水也不多了。

(if any=if there is any water)

2. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the, if necessary. 在必要的地方填上a, an, the。

(if necessary=if it is necessary)

3. Are you busy this afternoon? If not, I wish youwould go with me. 你今天下午忙吗?要是不忙, 我想请你同我一起去。

(if not=if you are not busy)

4. If possible, I should like to have two copiesof it. 可能的话我希望有两本。

(if possible=if it is possible)

5. If not well managed, irrigation can be harmful. 要是管理不善, 灌溉还可能会有害。

(if not well managed=if it’s not well managed)

6. If convenient to you I will come to see you this evening. 要是你方便的话, 我今晚来看你。

(if convenient to you=if it is convenient to you)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/837516.html
