常考词的语法与用法:congratulation, connect, consider, conte

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆congratulation n.

通常用复形式,表示祝贺的原因用介词 on。如:

Congratulations on winning the prize. 祝贺你获奖。

You’ve passed your driving test? Congratulations! 你驾驶考试合格了? 祝贺祝贺。

Please accept my congratulations on your success. 请接受我对你成功的祝贺。

注:如果 congratulation 表示的是抽象意义的祝贺,则不用复数形式。如:

It’s a matter for congratulation. 那是件可喜可贺的事。

◆connect v.

1. 表示“连接”,通常与介词 with, to 连用。如:

Will you connect this wire to the television? 请你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

A good student must connect what he reads with what hesees around him. 一个好学生必须将他所读到的东西与他周围所看到的东西联系起来。

Please connect the hose with [to] the faucet. 请把胶皮管套在水龙头上。

注:有时可用连词 and 代替介词 with, to。如:

A railway connects Beijing and (=with/to) Shanghai. 北京和上海之间有铁路相连。

2. 下列情况,通常用介词 with。如:

(1) 表示关系方面的“联系时:

He’s connected with our school. 他与我们学校有联系。

He is connected with the Smiths. 他与史密斯家有姻亲。

Mathematics is connected with astronomy. 数学与天文学有联系。

(2) 表示汽车、火车、飞机等交通方面的“相通”、“衔接”时:

The trolleybus connects here with a bus for the airport. 这辆无轨电车与开往机场的公共汽车衔接。

This early bus from the village connects with the 8:30train. 这辆从村里开来的早班车与8:30的火车衔接。

◆consider v.

1. 表示“考虑”,其后可接名词、动名词或从句作宾语(但不能接不定式作宾语)。如:

Please consider my suggestion. 请考虑我的建议。

She is considering going to Europe. 她在考虑去欧洲。

虽然 consider(考虑)之后不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但却可以接“疑问词+不定式”。如:

He considered how to answer. /He considered how he could answer. 他考虑如何回答。

但是不说:She is considering to answer (the question).

2. 表示“认为”、“把……看作”,比较以下同义句型:


正:We consider him (as) our friend.

正:We consider him (to be) our friend.

正:We consider that he is our friend.

注:后接不定式的复合结构作宾语时,其不定式通常为 to be, 有时也可能是行为动词,但通常为完成式。如:

We consider him to have left. 我们认为他已离开。

注意这类句型变为被动语态:He is considered to have left.

◆content n.,adj. & v.

1. 用作名词,表示“满足”,是不可数名词。如:

He takes content in nothing. 他这个人从不满足。

2. 用作形容词,表示“满足的”或“满意的”,只用作表语,其后多接不定式或介词 with。如:

Are you content with your salary? 你对你的薪水满意吗?

I should be well content to stay here. 我很乐意呆在这儿。

若要用作定语,要用 contented(它也可用表语)。如:

There was a contented smile on his face. 他脸上露出了满意的微笑。

3. 用作动词,表示“使满足”或“使满意”,是及物动词。如:

Nothing could content him. 什么也不能使他满足。

We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. 我们切不可只满足于书本知识。(注意用介词 with)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/842028.html
