常考词的语法与用法:blind,deaf & lame & blow & body

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆blind,deaf & lame adj.

1. 用于本义:blind 意为“瞎的”,deaf 意为“聋的”,lame


(1) 通常不以相关部位(如 eye, ear, foot 等)作主语,而通常以“人”作主语(其后通常接介词 in)。如:

He is blind in both eyes. 他双目失明。

He is deaf in one ear. 他一只耳朵聋了。

The horse is lame in the left foot. 这匹马左脚是跛的。

有时用介词 of, 但较少见:He is deaf of one ear.

注意不能说:His eyes are blind. /His ears are deaf. /His legs are lame.

(2) 表示“变瞎”、“变聋”、“变瘸”等,通常用连系动词 go, become 等。如:

The old man has gone blind (deaf, lame). 这位老人眼睛变瞎(耳朵变聋,脚变瘸)了。

(3) 三者都可与定冠词连用,表示“瞎子”、“聋子”、“瘸子”等这一类人。若用作主语,谓语通常用复数。如:

He set up a school for the blind (the deaf, the lame). 他为盲人(耳聋者,脚瘸者)创办了一所学校。

Now the blind have books to read. 现在盲人也有书读。

(4) 形容一个很瞎,通常说他 as blind as a bat;形容一个人很聋,通常说他 as deaf as a post [stone, door-post, door-nail]。有时也有其它一些副词修饰。如:very [stone] deaf 很聋

2. 用于引申义,表示“对……视而不见或看不到”、“对……不肯听或充耳不闻”等,其后一般用介词 to。如:

He was blind to all arguments. 和他有理讲不通。

He was deaf to all advice. 他听不进任何劝告。

The boss sometimes turns a blind eye to smoking in theoffice. 老板有时对在办公室抽烟视而不见。

She turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost. 她对我们的警告充耳不闻,结果迷了路。

◆blow v. & n.


The wind blew on her face. 风迎面吹来。

He gave me a blow in the eye. 他冲着我的眼睛打了一拳。

It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母亲去世对她是个极大的打击。



正:He struck me heavily.

正:He gave me a heavy blow.

误:He blew me heavily.

◆body n.

1. 表示“身体”,但并不与汉语的“身体”完全同义:

(1) 相对于精神(mind, spirit, soul)的“身体”以及侧重指躯体的“身体”等,可用 body 来表示。如:

You can imprison my body but not my mind. 你可以禁锢我的身体但不能禁锢我的精神。

His body is old but his mind is young. 他身体虽然老了,但心还很年轻。

(2) 侧重指躯体、躯干等的“身体”,也可用 body 表示。如:

He wore clothes to keep his body warm. 他穿衣服以暖和身子。

He was badly burned on the face and body. 他的脸部和身上都严重烧伤。

(3) 表示健康状况的“身体”,一般不能直接用 body, 可改用其它说法(如用 health, healthy 等)。如:

He is in good health. / He is healthy. 他身体健康。

Keep healthy, study well and work well. 身体好,学习好,工作好。

2. 表示“尸体”。如:

The police found a body at the bottom of the lake. 警方在湖底发现一具尸体。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/868899.html
