
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆although conj.

不要按汉语“虽然……但是……”的表达习惯,在 although 后连用 but。如:


正:Although it was cold, we went there.

误:Although it was cold, but we went there.

但是在强调时,although 可与 yet, still 等副词连用。如:

Though he seems happy, yet he is worried. 虽然他看起来很幸福,但他实际上很烦恼。

值得一提的是,在某些特定的语境中,although 与 but 连用的句子是可能的(注:but 引出的句子在 although 从句之前)。如:

But I didn’t know that then, although I learned it later. 但我当时的确不知道此事,尽管后来还是知道了。

He wanted to go abroad, but although he had some money he couldn’t afford it. 他想出国,尽管他有些钱,但还是负担不起。

◆always adv.

1. always(总是)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用属通常用法。此外,它还可以与下列时态连用:

(1) 与完成时连用,表示“一向”、“早就”等。如:

She has always loved gardening. 她一向喜爱园艺。

He has always been easy to get along with. 他一向是很容易相处的。

(2) 与进行时连用,带有一定的感情色彩(赞许、不快、厌恶等)。如:

He’s always smiling. 他总是面带笑容。

They are always complaining. 他们老是抱怨个没完。

2. 在句中的位置:通常放在实义动词之前、特殊动词之后( 见上例),但有时为了强调,也可将其放在特殊动词之前,有时甚至还可放在句首或句末:

A:You should always be kind to others. 你应该时时友好待 人。

B:I always am kind. 我可一直是很友好的啊!

Always, he went there on foot. 他总是步行去那儿。

He said he would love me always. 他说他永远爱我。

3. 与 not 构成部分否定,此时 always 总是要放在 not之后(而不能在其前)。如:

正: He doesn’t always go out with her. 他并非总是与她一 起出去。

误: He always doesn’t go out with her.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/890315.html
