名词与to do不定式如何搭配?

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

一、名词与to do的关系

She was the last student to arrive (who arrived). 她是最后一个到的学生。
This is the best book to appear this year ( =that has appeared this year). 这是今年出版的书中最好的一本。
The little boy has a large family to support (that he must support). 这个小男孩要养活一个大家庭。
This is the best book to read (that we can read). 这是我们能读的最好的一本书。
Actually, I have no wish to quarrel with you. 事实上,我不想跟你吵。
We have no inclination to spend much time on presents.我们不打算在礼物上花太多时间。
二、to do 还是to be done
1.用to do:
There is nothing important to do this afternoon. 今天下午没有什么重要的事情做。
They have a lot of cases to investigate. 他们有太多案件要调查。
2.用to be done:
Those cases to be investigated shouldn’t be made public in press. 还未调查的这些案件,不该在媒体上曝光。
The question to be discussed in class may be difficult for students.课上要讨论的这个问题对学生也许太难了。
3.用to do和to be done均可以:
Please give me a list of guests to invite/ to be invited. 请给我一份要邀请客人名单。
There is no time to lose/ to be lost. 没时间可以浪费了。
不定式与名词的搭配,是指不定式作名词的后置修饰语。要根据它们之间“主—动”、“动—宾”和“同位”关系,具体分析句子的用法。同时,to do是用主动语态还是被动语态,也不可一概而论。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/897752.html
