高中英语 语法陷阱题800例-被动语态

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网


1. “Do you like the material?” “Yes, it _____ very soft.”

A. is feelingB. felt

C. feelsD. is felt

【陷阱】此题容易误选D,想当然地根据“这布料摸起来很柔软”这一句意,认为“布料”应是“被摸”,所以 feel 选用被动语态。

【分析】其实,此题正确答案为C,因为 feel 在此为连系动词,而连系动词均为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,尽管有时其汉语意思有被动意味。请看以下类似例子 (答案均为D):

(1) Her forehead _____ hot. I’m afraid she is ill.

A. is feelingB. felt

C. is feltD. feels

(2) The new school has been completed. It _____ very beautiful.

A. is lookedB. looked

C. has lookedD. looks

(3) The dish _____ nice, but the milk _____ sour.

A. is smelt, is smeltB. is smelt, smells

C. smells, is smeltD. smells, smells

(4) The story of his life _____ interesting.

A. is soundedB. is sounding

C. has soundedD. sounds

2. He was angry _____ your work. He said that he _____ at all.

A. at, didn’t satisfyB. to, didn’t satisfy

C. at, wasn’t satisfiedD. to, wasn’t satisfied


【分析】最佳答案为C。 be angry at (about) sth 意为“对某事生气”,许多同学常按汉语意思将其中的介词 at (about) 换成 to,这是错误的。另外,许多同学将汉语的“不满意”直译为 not satisfy,这是是不对的,因为,satisfy在现代英语中只用作及物动词,其意不是“满意”而是“使(人)满意”,所以其后不能没有宾语,除非本身是被动语态(或是系表结构)。


1. The president _____ a cool reception when he visited London.

A. gaveB. was given

C. had givenD. had been given

2. A red sky in the morning _____ to be a sign of bad weather.

A. saysB. is saying

C. has saidD. is said

3 If you go there alone after dark you might get _____.

A. attacked and robbedB. attacking and robbing

B. to attack and robD. to be attacked and robbed

4. What I wanted to know was when and where the meeting ______.

A. was holdingB. had held

C. was to holdD. was to be held

5. New medicines and instruments ______ every day to extend life.

A. developB. are being developed

C. are developingD. have developed

6. I’ll come after the meeting if time ______.

A. permitsB. is permitting

C. is permittedD. has permitted

7. The students _____ £50 a year to cover the cost of books and stationery.

A. giveB. are given

C. have givenD. to give

8. With the development of science, more new technology _______ to the fields of IT.

A. has introducedB. is being introduced

C. is introducedD. was introduced

9.”How about the dishes, Dear?” “The beef didn’t taste very good. It ______ too long.”

A. cookedB. had been cooked

C. was cookedD. had cooked

10. He kept a little notebook, in which ______ the names and addresses of his friends.

A. wrote B. was writing

C. was writtenD. were written

11. “Look! Everything here is under construction.” “What is the small building that ______for?”

A. is being buildingB. has been built

C. is builtD. is being built

12. Hundreds of jobs _______ if the factory closes.

A. loseB. will be lost

C. are lostD. will lose

13. A red sky in the morning ______ to be a sign of bad weather.

A. saysB. is saying

C. has saidD. is said

14. New medicines and instruments ______ every day to extend life.

A. developB. are being developed

C. are developingD. have developed

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/945575.html

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