常考词的语法与用法:describe, determine, develop

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 高中学习网

◆describe v.


1. 除接名词作宾语外,还通常接 wh-从句。如:

Words can’t describe her beauty. 言语无法形容她的美丽。

It’s difficult to describe how I feel. 很难描述我的感受。

Please describe exactly what happened. 发生了什么事,请原原本本说出来。

2. 不接双宾语。若语义需要,可用介词 to/for 引出间接宾语。



误:Can you describe me what you saw?

正:Can you describe what you saw to me?

正:Can you describe to me what you saw?

3. 表示“把……形容为(说成是)……”,通常与 as 连用。如:

She described him as shy. 她说他很害羞。

He describes himself as an aritist. 他自称是艺术家。

He was described as (being) very clever. 据说他很聪明。

4. 在现代英语中,其后可接动名词。如:

He described going downstairs and finding his motherlying on the floor. 他描述了他走下楼梯,发现他母亲躺在地板上。

◆determine v.

1. 表示“决心”、“决定”,是及物动词,其后可接:

(1) 名词或代词。如:

We’ll have to determine a date for the meeting. 我们得确定会议日期。

(2) 不定式。如:

He determined to go to the front. 他决定去前线。


I haven’t determined what to do next. 下一步干什么我还没决定。

(3) 不定式的复合结构。如:

What determined her to marry him? 是什么使她下定决心要嫁给他?

(4) 从句。如:

He determined that he should stay. 他决定留下。

We haven’t determined who will go with them. 我们还没有作出决定让谁同他们一起去。

2. 用于 be determined+不定式或从句。如:

I am determined to go and nothing will stop me. 我已决定要去,什么也阻止不了我。

My mother is determined that I shall [should] marry thesinger. 我母亲决意要我嫁给这位歌手。


I have determined to go abroad. 我已决定出国。

I am determined to go abroad. 我已下定决心要出国。

在前一句里,determine 是界限动词,强调一时的动作;在第二句里,determined 用作形容词,说明的是一种状态,即一种坚定不移的决心。

3. 用于 determine on [upon],表示“决心”、“决定”。如:

I determined on an early start. 我决定早点出发。

I dertermined on going abroad. 我决定出国。

◆develop v.

1. 基本义为“发展”,若表示“(由……)发展成为……”,通常与介词 from, into 等连用。如:

The argument developed into a bitter quarrel. 这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵。

Land animals are thought to have developed from seaanimals. 陆地动物被认为是从海洋动物进化而来的。


Plants develop from seeds. 植物从种子长成。

Seeds develop into plants. 种子长成植物。

2. 比较 developing 与 developed:前者指“发展中的”,后者指“发达的”。如:

The United States is a developed country while China isa developing one. 美国是一个发达国家,而中国是一个发展中国家。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/gaozhong/966462.html
