
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

Module 1

go to work
go to school
go shopping
get up
do some reading
surf the Net
go for a walk
take exercise
after class
wear glasses
play chess
fall asleep


---How often do you play football?
---I play football every weekend.
---How are you?
---I’m fine, thank you.
1. before, after
Wash your hands before dinner. 晚餐前要洗手
Let’s play together after school. 放学后我们一起玩
2. 一般现在时
1. 经常发生的动作或存在状态,常和always(总是),usually(通常),often(经常),sometimes(有时候),everyday(每天),every week(每周)等时间状语连用。
1. I am a teacher. 我是老师
2. My birthday is on October 1st 我的生日在十月一日
I often play football on Sundays. 我经常在周日踢足球。
※第三人称单数+动词-s或-es. :She likes summer.
You are not a student. 你不是学生。
B,主语+do not +动词~
I don’t go to school every day. 我每天不去上学。
※第三人称单数+does not+动词~
She doesn’t go shopping on Saturdays. 她在周六不购物。
二、一般疑问句 (句型、用法)
1. 把be动词移到主语前面,即Be动词+主语~
如: -----Are you a student? -----Yes, I am.
2. 把do或does移到句首,即Do (Does)+主语+动词原型~
如:----Do you have English class on Mondays?--- No, we don’t.
----Does he play football every day? --- Yes, he does.
1. I am a teacher. (变成否定句)
2. You are student. (变成一般疑问句)
3. We have math class on Tuesday. (变成一般疑问句)
spring 春天 summer 夏天
autumn 秋天 winter 冬天



fourth (第4)

at, on, in 的用法和区别
at: (用于表示时刻、时间的某一点)
at nine (o’clock) 在九点  at 6:30
on: (用于表示具体的某一天,具体某天的上午或下午)
on Monday 在周一 on Tuesday morning 在周二的早上
on June 6th 在六月六号 on the weekend 在周末
in: (用于月、年、季节,泛指的上午或下午)
 in May in July
in summer in winter
in 1996 in 2008
in the morning in the afternoon
1. I go to bed 9:30.
2. We have English class 10:00
3. I often play the piano Sundays.
4. Teacher’s day is September.
5. My birthday is December 12th.

New Year’s Day 元旦 Women’s Day 妇女节
May Day 劳动节 Children’s Day 儿童节
Army Day 建军节 Teachers’ Day 教师节
National Day 国庆节

Module 2
1. Can 表示能力:“能,会,可以”它没有人称和数的变化,它后面必须跟动词原型。
can (能、会)  cannot = can’t (不能、不会)
如:The birds can fly. The cats can’t fly.
I can make a snowman. I can’t swim in the sea.
2. very well, well, quite well, not very well, not at all
如:The lady can play tennis very well.
The man can play football well.
They can speak Japanese quite well.
The girl can’t skate at all.
Module 3

banyan 榕树
pine tree 松树
kapok 木棉
rose 玫瑰
lily 百合花
tulip 郁金香
sunflower 向日葵
bulebell 风铃草
violet 紫罗兰
city flower

of course
take photos
take a rest
line up
pick flowers
climb trees
sit on the grass
listen to the radio
ride a bike
take a walk
take good care of

1. can允许, mustn’t 不允许
You can ride a bike. You can walk dogs here.
You mustn’t pick the flowers. You mustn’t walk on the grass.
2. 现在进行时
表示现在正在进行的动作。时间标志:now, listen, look
主语+ be动词+现在分词~(现在分词是:动词+ing)
如:1. I am watching TV no 我正在看电视。
2. We are playing chess. 我们正在下棋。
二、否定句和疑问句 (句型、用法)
否定句:主语+be not +现在分词~
如:1. I am not picking up leaves. 我没有摘树叶。
2. She isn’t writing a report. 她没有在写报告。
如:1. Are you taking pictures? 你(们)正在照相吗?
2. Is he collecting leaves? 他正在收集树叶吗?
三、特殊疑问句 (句型、用法)
如: 1. What are you doing? 你(们)正在干什么?
2. What is John doing? 约翰正在干什么?

构 成 法  例   词
一般加-ing (以y结尾也直接加ing walk----walking
以e结尾的词去e后加-ing write----writing
以重读闭音节结尾,或末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,要双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing run----running
以ie为结尾的重读开音节的词,改ie为y,再加-ing die----dying

Module 4
leave for on foot
a day trip shopping centre
----How can we get to …?/ How are you going to get there?
----By plane/ train/ bus/ car/ bike/ underground/ ship.(On foot)
7:00 seven o’clock 12:05 five past twelve
6:15 a quarter past six 8:40 twenty to nine
2:30 half past two
表示将某个时间要发生的动作,常与表示将的时间状语连用。如tomorrow , soon ,next Monday , next year , next weekend , this afternoon , this evening ……
二. 构成及变化【一般将时常用的两种结构】
1. be going to+动词原形(打算做的事/即将发生/肯定要发生的事)
○1.肯定句 :主语+ be(am /,is,/ are) going to +动词原形+其它
My sister is going to learn English next year.姐姐准备明年学英语。
○2.否定句:主语+be(am / is / are)not going to +动词原形+其它
I am not going to the cinema tonight. 我今天晚上不去看电影。
○3.一般疑问句:Be (am / is / are)+主语+going to+动词原型+其它?
Is your father going to play basketball with you ? No , he isn’t.
○4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(Wh-)+一般疑问句 ?
Where are you going to spend Spring Fesital?春节你打算在哪过?
2. will+动词原形(将要发生的动作或情况,较少计划性, 还用表示意愿)。
○1.肯定句: 主语+will+动词原形+其它成份
 I (shall) write to him next week. 下周我将给他写信。
○2.否定句: 主语 + will + not + 动词原形 +其它成份
They won’t watch TV this evening.今天晚上他们不看电视。
○3.一般疑问句:will +主语 +动词原形+其它成份
 Will you stay at home with us tomorrow?明天呆在家里好吗?
○4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(Wh-) +一般疑问句
 When will your father be back? 你爸爸什么时侯回?
Module 5
动物:panda, bear, lion, elephant, giraffe, deer,
snake, kangaroo, frog, turtle, monkey
各大洲:Africa, Europe, Asia,
North America, South America, the Antarctic
Why not? (Why not go to the zoo this weekend?)
Who knows? 谁知道呢?
----Where is … from? (Where is the panda from?)
----It’s from …. (It is from China.)
祈使句 (表示请求、命令、建议、禁止等,用动词原型)
Come here.
Don’t forget.
Don’t be late.

Module 6 Directions
hotel, train station, police station,
bookshop, restaurant, post office,
bank, market, cinema,
hospital, gym, lab
句型:I’m lost.我迷路了。 by the way顺便说一下
问路:----Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?
----Can you tell me how to get to …?
回答:go straight ahead
take the first left turn right/ left
It’s on your right.
You can walk there/ go there on foot/ take a No. 1 bus to get there.
----Thank you,
----You’re welcome.
what(什么) who(谁)  which(哪个) where(哪里)
why (为什么) whose(谁的) when (何时) how (如何)
How many(多少个) How much (多少钱)
What 引导的疑问句1. What’s your name? 2. What are you doing?
3. What do you do on the weekends?
4. What would you like? 5. What color is it?
6. What is the weather like today?
who引导的问句1. Who can clean the room?
2. Who is she? 3. Who is that?
Which引导的问句1. Which bike do you like?
2. Which season do you like best?
Where引导的问句1. Where is my key? 2. Where are they?
why引导的问句1. Why do you like summer?
whose引导的问句1. Whose T-shirt is this?
2. Whose birthday is in June?
1. When is your birthday?
2. When is Teacher’s day? 3. When do you get up?
How 引导的问句1. How old are you? 2. How about you?
How many引导的问句1. How many books do you have?
2. How many students are there in your school?
How much引导的问句1. How much is it? 2. How much are they?

How, what 引导的感叹句:1.How beautiful! 2. What a big fish!

一 找出每组中发音与其他不同的单词
( ) 1 A date B take C travel D snake
( ) 2 A German B brother C sister D mother
( ) 3 A short B sport C work D forget
( ) 4 A please Bready C leave D speak
( ) 5 A hear B bear C near D dear
( ) 6 A father B think C three D throw
( ) 7 A zoo B school C too D good
( ) 8 A book B kangaroo C cook D look
( ) 9 A cow B now C grow D flower
( ) 10 A hill B tiger C tiger D line

二 选出每组中与其他单词不同类的词
( ) 1 A never B often C always D tomorrow
( ) 2 A pear B photo C tomato D potato
( ) 3 A pick B leave C sleep D tiger
( ) 4 A mother B robot C cousin D grandma
( ) 5 A rose B sunflower C tulip D banyan
( ) 6 A July B May C April D Mary
( ) 7 A forty B third C second D twelfth
( ) 8 A winter B summer C holiday D Saturday
( ) 9 A Monday B weekend C Friday D Saturday
( ) 10 A hill B flower C thing D grass
( ) 11 A train B foot C bus D underground
( ) 12 A New Year B Mothers’ Day C date D Children’s Day
( ) 13 A yours B you C she D they
( ) 14 A June B November C spring D August
( ) 15 A high B low C fast D gift
( ) 16 A postman B woman C fireman D policeman
( ) 17 A road B bookshop C hotel D bank
( ) 18 A jump B sing C run D swimming
( ) 19 A kangaroo B turtle C animal D monkey
( ) 20 A can B read C write D listen

三 根据提示词给下列单词分类,把单词的字母编号写在表格内
A winter B museum C February D autumn E March F January
G running H banyan I spring J hospital K swimming L giraffe
M flower N turtle O kangaroo P grass R skiing

四 写出下列序数词
one eight forty
two nine sixty-one
three twelve thirty-four
five twenty fifty-five
1 The _______________(one, first) from the right is my brother Mike
2 There are _________________(seven, seventh) people in my family. I’m the _____________________(two, second) son of my father.
3 there are ________________________( twenty, twentieth) classrooms in our school. My classroom is on the ( three, third) floor.
4 Mr Li is the oldest teacher in our school. He is ________________(fifthy-five, fifty fifth) years old.
5 The ___________________(fourth, four) month of the year is April.
6 There are ___________________(five, fifth) girls in the classroom.
7 My cousin has _________________________(six, sixth) green birds
8 The _______________________________(twelve, twelfth) book from the left is an English book.
9 Can you count from one to ________________________________(one hundred, one hundredth)?
10 How old are you? I am ___________________________(ten, tenth)
五 写出下列节日的日期
New Year’s Day
Women’s Day
May Day
Children’s Day
Teachers’ Day

六 按照句子意思写出所缺的单词
1 We have _____________ school terms in China, the spring term and the ______________ term.
2 There are __________ months in a year and the twelfth month is _____________________.
3 Mother’s Day is on the ________________________Sunday of _____________________________.
4 Summer holiday starts in _________________ and ends in ________________________________.
5 Kapok is the _________________________ _______________________ of Guangzhou.
6 __________________ ___________________looks like a bear. But it is white and lives in Arctic.
去上班 读点书
做面条 多经常
下后 去散步
锻炼身体 秋季学期
度假 跳得非常远
飞得非常高 和….交谈
用腿走路 用英语讲故事
拍照 休息一会
当然 种树
浇花 打算
排队 摘花
看上去像 睡在长凳上
出发前往 到达
五点半 七点四十五分
乘坐火车 步行
和……在一起 呆在家
喂动物 别迟到
别走得太近 自
明天见 为什么不
拐右 在第一个路口拐左
在酒店外面 坐561号汽车
劳驾 顺便问问
不用谢 见个朋友
八 根据中文提示补全句子,可不止写一个单词
1 I drink coffee ______________________________________(相当经常)
2 It’s the _____________________________________________________(动物园规则)
3 The boys often play football ___________________________________________________(下后)
4 Kapok is _______________________________________(市花) of Guangzhou
5 We can _____________________________________________(种向日葵) beside the door
6 The man goes to work _______________________________________(步行) every day
7 What time is it? It’s ___________________________________(八点半)
8 We are going to visit _______________________________________________________(世界之窗)
9 You can go to Beijing ________________________________________________________(乘火车)
10 You can’t sleep ________________________________________________________(在长凳上)
11 Frog can ________________________________________________________(跳得高)
12 The first term begins ____________________________________________________(在九月)
13 _________________________________________(顺便问问) , is there a toile t near here?
14 The ________________________________________(科学实验室) is just next to the library.
15 Don’t ____________________________________(丢垃圾) in the hotel.
16 ______________________________________________________(拐右) out of the hotel
17 Can you _______________________________________________(明白你的老师)
18 Can you tell me the way to the __________________________________________(警察局)
19 They ________________________________________(看起象) cups.
20 You can go to the ______________________________________________(市中心) by train
21 ________________________________________________(你想要) go shopping with me?
22 Can you __________________________________________(讲故事)
23 I want to go to the ________________________________________(花展) with my mother
24 Can you _____________________________________________________(说日语)
25 The boy can’t _________________________________________________(爬树)
九 选择正确的介词填空
for to in with at on
1 Would you like ___________________ come to my house tomorrow
2 My father usually goes to work _____________________8:00
3 Tulips grow __________________________ spring
4 Where are you going _________________________holiday
5 Today is the fifth ________________ June
6 Army Day in China is _______________________ July 1st
7 The hotel is ____________________ your left
8 Can the robot work _________________________his hands
9 He can sing _____________________ Japanese
10 Let’s take some photos ____________________the flowers
11 Don’t sit _______________________the grass
12 We’ll go to the park ______________________ our lesson today
13 The spring term starts ______________________February
14 Turn right out __________________ the school and go straight
15 I’ll leave ___________________________ Hong Kong next Monday
16 He is going to stay _______________________ home __________________his mother.
17 Tomorrow is the start ______________________summer holiday
18 Can we meet ___________________________the gate of the hospital ?

一 按照梨子,写出动词的第三人称单数形式及现在分词形式
Model : tell-tells ?telling
start ____________ _____________ go  ____________ ___________
fly______________ ________________ write _____________ __________
use_____________ _______________ live ________________ ___________
stay____________ _______________ leave_______________ ______________
say______________ ________________ turn________________ _______________
get_____________ ______________ watch_______________ __________________
wash_____________ _____________ grow ______________ _________________
do______________ ____________ have _____________ ________________
run______________ __________ sit __________________ ________________
二 写出下列时间 ,用两种表达法
1)7:30__________________________ _____________________________
2)9:15___________________________ _____________________________
3)2:45____________________________ ____________________________
4)5:05 ____________________________ _______________________________
1 ______________(Does, Do) your father like_________________(read, reading)?
2 Would you like to ______________(eat, eating) noodles?
3 The little boy often ________________(go, goes) to school at 7:10.
4 Jack can ________________(run, runs) very fast.
5 The policemen ___________________(is, are) having breakfast.
6 The man __________________(doesn’t, don’t) like swimming.
7 __________________(How, What) often do you go fishing?
8 I never ______________(get, gets) up before six thirty
9 After dinner, my sister and I always _______________(go, goes) for a walk.
10 Who always ________________(make, makes) noodles for you at home?
11 Our school always __________________(start, starts) at eight o’clock.
12 What ___________________(do, does) you usually do on Saturdays?
13 My brother doesn’t __________________(have, has) lunch at home.
14 He can’t ______________________(jump, jumps) vey high
15 Can I ________________(take, takes) the ?
16 ___________________(Could , Would) you like to go to the cinema with me tomorrow?
17 ___________________(Could, Would) you tell me how to get the canteen?
18 Mike is going to __________________(take, takes) a bus to the hospital .
19 My father will ____________________(come, comes) back at 9:00

四 用所给的特殊疑问词填空
How what how many how often what time
what date where who whose what day
1 ______________________ books are there on the desk? There are seven
2 ______________________do you usually get up? At six o’clock
3 ______________________ are these? They are some flowers.
4 ______________________ do you have lunch? At home.
5 _______________________ do you surf the net ? I never surf the net
6_______________________ is it today? It’s Monday.
7_______________________ is it today? It’s December 1st
8 _______________________ this book? It’s Jiaming’s
9 _______________________ is your English teacher? She’s Miss He
10 ______________________do you go to school? By bus.

五 用所给词的适当形式填空
1 Don’t ___________________(throw) things at the animals
2 ___________________ your brother ______________ (do) his homework now?
3 Must I ________________(stay) at home?
4 Mr Smith ____________________(not have) breakfast every morning.
5 Everyone _______________(like) flowers.
6 The little girl __________________(look) like her mother.
7 Listen, the girls __________________________(sing) an English song.
8 Look, she _______________________(draw) a horse.
9 He is going to _________________(play) football there .
10 We ______________________(visit) the museum tomorrow
11 _____________ she ______________(go) to your party next Sunday?
12 Can they __________________(speak) Japanese ?
13 Look, the boy can _________________(walk) with his hands!
14 You mustn’t ________________(pick) flowers in the park.
15 I like ____________________(read) books in the evening.
16 Who _______________________(clean) the classroom every day?
17 Can we go _______________________(fish) tomorrow?
18 Let’s _________________________(take) a rest under the tree.
19 ________________ the old man ______________(walk) in the street now?
20 A: Where __________ you ____________(live) ,Rose?
B : I _________________(live) at 32 Beijing Road.
21 Rose usually ________________(do) her homework at home, now it is 7:30, she ____________________(do) her homework.
22 Li Hua __________________________(not practice) the guitar every day. Sometimes he _________________________(listen) to the radio.
23 Do you like ________________________(play) football?
24 A: What _________________ the girls __________________(do) tomorrow?
B: They _______________________________(clean) the blackboard.
25 I have to _________________(go) home no

六 选择正确的答案填空
( ) 1 Don’t go too near the snake. It’s __________________
A interesting B lovely C dangerous
( ) 2 _______________is between January and March.
A September B February C April
( ) 3 ------ ________ do you surf the net?
------every day.
A How many B How often C How
( ) 4 Can you ____________English?
A speak B tell C talk
( ) 5 Trees _______________well in spring.
A grow B plant C look like
( ) 6 When _________________the autumn term start in China?
A is B do C does
( ) 7 The man can write ______________his right foot.
A use B with C by
( ) 8 She goes to school ___________ foot.
A by B with C on
( ) 9 We are going to_____________ in a hotel in Beijing.
A see B leave C stay
( ) 10 We will get to Zhuhai at ____________ sit o’clock tomorro
A near B about C beside
( ) 11 Look at that girl . she ____________ very tired .
A is looking B look C looks
( ) 12 Tulips ____________ cups.
A like B look like C look
( ) 13 My sister ___________ the Window of the World tomorrow
A is going to visit B visits C will visiting
( ) 14 ___________ you usually go shopping with him?
Yes, I do.
A Are B Do C Would
( ) 15 The autumn starts __________September and ends ________January
A in, in B in, on C on, at
( ) 16 Hey! _____________sleep on the bench.
A Mustn’t B No C Don’t
( ) 17 It looks like bear but it’s black and white. It’s a ____________
A elephant B polar bear C panda
( ) 18 I often help ________ with their studay.
A they B them C their
( ) 19 We call the _____________ the Hero Tree in Guangzhou
A pine tree B kapok tree C oak tree
( ) 20 Does he help his mother ___________ the housework?
A doing B does C do
( ) 21 They often play football at school, _____________?
A do they B don’t they C aren’t they
( ) 22 This elephant ___________ Africa
A comes from B are from C is come from
( ) 23 We can go shopping in the ______________
A police station B market C bank
( ) 24 Children ____________ from July to August.
A are on holiday B on holiday C is on holiday
( ) 25 September is the __________ month of a year.
A eighth B tenth C ninth
( ) 26 What’s the date today?
A It’s Monday B It’s May C It’s June 2nd
( ) 27Monkeys can ____________
A climb trees B fly high C jump vey far
( ) 28 We’ll _______________ before 9:00
A get to home B get home C get at home
( ) 29 We usually go to America _____________
A on foot B by underground C by plane
( ) 30 _____________ the first left , you will see the hotel on the right.
A Turn B Take C Go

七 看图完成句子
1 The children are going to ________________ ___________ ________________.
2 You can go straight here and _________________ ____________________
3 The man is ________________________ _________________ ____________________
4 Ben likes ____________________ _______________________
5 Birds can _________________ _____________________
6 Janet will go to school _______________ ________________ tomorrow
7 My father often _______________ ____________ ___________________ in the evening.
8 The boy is ______________________ _______________________.


1 A : What time does she do her homework? B: At ___________ past _____________
2 A: Can the ______________ fly ? B: No, _____________ can’t.
3 A: Are they playing football? B: Yes, they ________________
4 The lady often ________________ _____________ in the evening.
5 The little girl often goes to school ____________ __________________.


1 Today is the C__________________ D________________.
2 The boy is p____________________ the t___________________ no
3 It’s a q ____________________ p_______________ five.
4 The t__________________ can’t run f____________________.

八 看图,选择符合图意的句子,把字母编号写在括号内
( ) 1 A Don’t walk on the grass
B Don’t feed the animal
C Don’t kill the animals.
( ) 2 A These are lilies.
B These are tulips
C These are sunflowers
( ) 3 A Look at the map, A is Africa
B Look at the map, B is Africa
C Look at the map, C is Africa
( ) 4 A The girl can swim very fast
B The girl can jump very far
C The girl can jump very high
( ) 5 A The children are planting the tree
B The children are watering the tree
C The children are playing a game
( ) 6 A This is Bank of China
B This is Guangzhou Train Station
C This is Xinhua Bookshop

九 按实际情况回答问题
1 How often do you watch TV?
2 Where do you have lunch?
3 How are you going to get to Beijing?
4 What do you usually do after school?
5 How many terms are there in your school year?
6 How are you?
7 When does your first term begin?
8 What time does your school start?
9 What is the city flower of Guangzhou?
10 What can the horses do?
11 What are you going to do on your holiday?
12 What day is it today?
13 What’s the date today?
14 Which month comes after January?
15 Do you like kapok or roses?
16 Can we pick flowers in the park?
17 Does your father like travelling?
18 Is Japan in Europe or in Asia??
19 What do the tulips look like?
20 Where are you going on holiday?
21 Where do pandas come from?
22 When is Teachers’ Day?
23 How many months are there in a year?
24 What animal has got a long nose?
25 What’s your favourite flower?

十 补全对话
1 A:___________________ you free tomorrow morning ,Xiaoling?
B:Yes, Why?
A: I’m going to the zoo._________________ you like to go with me?
B: Great! __________________ shall we meet?
A: __________________about 8:00?
B: OK. _______________________?
A : At the gate of the zoo.
B: ___________________we bring some food?
A: Yes. But don’t ________________ the animals in the zoo. It’s the zoo _______________.and_____________ go too near the animals/
B: I ________________, see you tomorro
A: See you.

2 A: What animal _______________ you like, Ben?
B: I like pandas. ___________________ are your favourite animals?
A: Polar bears
B: What _________________ your brother?
A: He ____________________ dogs.
B: _____________ he have a dog?
A: Yes, he ____________________ a dog ________________________ long hair.
B: By the way, ____________________ is he now?
A: He’s __________________ there. He is sitting _______________ the grass.

3 A: What are you __________________over there?
B: I am ________________ photos of the flowers.
A : Look ___________________ these beautiful flowers. _________________ are they?
B: They are lilies. They look __________________trumpets()
A: Can you help ___________________ take a photos?
B: Sure. Are you ___________________?
A: Yes.

4 A: ___________________ are you going to do next Sunday ?
B: I’m __________________ to visit the Yuexiu Park.
A: ____________________ are you going to get there?
B: On _____________________.
A: Are you going to __________________ the hill?
B: Yes. And I will __________________ photos of flowers.
A: That’s super. Are you going there ___________________ your parents?
B: No, they are _______________ to Shanghai. Their plane will ________________ Guangzhou at a ______________ to eight on Sunday.

5 A : _________________ me. Could you tell me the ________________ to the hospital?
B: ______________ right out of the park. _______________ straight and ______________ the third left
A: Is the hospital on the left _____________ on the right?
B: It’s on the right.
A: _________________the way, _____________ can I get there?
B: You can _______________ a No 562 bus to get there?
A: Thank you .
B: You are __________________

6 A: ________________ you going to Beijing next Tuesday?
B: Yes, I ________________.
A: ________________ is going with you?
B: My parents.
A: ________________ are you going there?
B: By plane.
A: __________________ you going to stay?
B: At Baiyun Hotel.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/107135.html
