Unit 9 Day and night 第一课时

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Unit 9 Day and night 第一课时
二、 目标:
2、学习频率副词usually, soeties, never, always , often. 并初步运用。
三、 教学重点、难点:
重点:能听懂、会说、会用功能句型。When do you get up ?
I usually get up at 6:00 . 或What do you usually do on Sunday?及回答。
理解并初步掌握新单词。Always ,usually,often, soeties, never.
四、 教具准备:教学一套,调查表一份,单词教学卡片数张。
五、 实践活动:小组活动,调查访问。
六、 板书设计:

Unit 9 Day and night

When do you get up?
always 6:00
usually 6:30
I soeties get up at 9:00
She often gets up early.
七、 教学过程:
T: What day is it today?
S: It’s Friday.
T: Saturday is coing. Are you happy? Let’s sing an English song.
What tie is it?
(一) 感知句型,学习单词。(10’)
1、 (出示钟表图片)在句型中引入新单词。
T: What’s this?
S: It’s a clock.
T: What tie is it now?
S: It’s 6:00.
T: It’s tie for get up.
I get up at 6:30 in the orning.
When do you get up?
S: I get up at 6:00.
2 、在实物展台上,出示调查表,初步理解频率副词 。
T: Do you always get up at 6:00 ?(出示调查表)
(Always eans you get up at 6:00 fro onday to Sunday, every day.教师边解释边在调查表上显示出“always”的意思。)
T: Do you always get up at 6:00 ?(出示调查表)
S: No, I get up at 6:30 fro onday to Friday.(在调查表上显示从周一到周五。)
T: You can say: I usually get up at 6:30.(学习单词usually)
When do you get up on Saturday and Sunday?
S: I get up at 9:00.
T: You can say: I soeties get up at 6:30. (在调查表上显示周六和周日。)
T: Do you get up at 11:00?
S: No.
T: Never. (学习单词 never.)
小结:根据板书的内容,总结单词usually, soeties, never, always ,和句型。
3、 出示Ann 的图片:
T: When dose Ann get up?
S: Ann gets up at 6:00.
教师在调查表中,显示Ann 经常很早就起床。学生会说:“Ann gets up early on onday. Ann gets up early on Friday.Ann gets up early on Saturday.”
T: Ann often gets up early in the orning .(板书)
1、教师提问:Why dose Ann get up early on saturday?
What does ocky do in the orning?
What does Uncle Booky do in the orning?
2、 看故事,体会频率副词在故事情境中的运用。
3、 打开书,读故事,回答老师提出的问题,可以分组讨论。
4、 看图,分析故事。
 What does ocky do in the orning?
ocky always eats his breakfast in the orning.
 What does ocky do after breakfast?
He usually visits Uncle Booky after breakfast.
 What dose Uncle Booky do in the orning?
He usually reads a book in the orning.
He soeties sleeps in the orning .
 Dose he go to the store in the orning?
No, he never goes to the store in the orning.
 When dose he go to the store?
He often goes to the store in the afternoon.
四、巩固练习, 交际运用。(15’)
1、 教师出示调查表,并示范填表。教材35页
always usually often soeties never
a. Ann Do you eat breakfast?
b. Do you read story books?
c. Do you read newspapers?
d. Do you help o at hoe?
e. Do you watch TV?
f. Do you go to bed after 10?

I always eat breakfast in the orning.
JiFriend 1Friend 2
eat breakfastalways
read story bookssoeties
read newspapersnever
help o in the kitcken often
watch TVusually
go to bed latenever
A: Do you always eat breakfast?
B: Yes, I always eat breakfast.

引导学生说:He always eats breakfast in the orning.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/33891.html

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