Unit 8 Mocky is late 教案

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Unit 8 ocky is late 教案

Unit 8 ocky is late 第三课时


1. 知识目标:

1)词汇:掌握时间的几种表达方法 It’s …o’clock. / It’s … fifteen. / It’s … thirty. / It’s … forty-five.

2)句型:掌握What tie is it?/ It’s one o’clock./ It’s two fifteen./ It’s three thirty./ It’s four forty-five./ It’s tie to …

2. 能力目标:




3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。



教学难点:时间的询问、回答及 It’s tie to …句型的掌握

教学用具:录音机, 教学卡片,自制时钟,



Step one review

1. What tie is it?

It’s … o’clock/...fifteen/…thirty/…forty-five.

2. go to school/ have English class/ visit granda/

play with friends/ go hoe/ watch TV/ eat dinner

1) 利用卡片单词复习句型



Step two lead in

T: What tie is it now?

S: It’s twelve o’clock.

T: At 12:00, what do you do every day?

S: lunch.

T: Ok, it’s tie to have lunch.

Look at this tie, at 4:00, what do you do?

S: go hoe.

T: yes, so clever, it’s tie to go hoe.

(讲授新句型 It’s tie to …)

Step three learn the dialogue

T: Ok, now it’s tie to learn the dialogue, open your book and turn to P18

1. read the dialogue following the tape

2. read in groups

3. practice with the given phrases

4. present their dialogues

Spoken exercise:

(According to the pictures on the screen, ake the dialogue with the following sentences)

What tie is it?

It’s …o’clock/...fifteen/…thirty/…forty-five.

It’s tie to …

T: look at y clock, please

At 12:00 o’clock, it’s tie to have lunch.

At 8:00 o’clock, it’s tie for class.


It’s tie to have lunch.

It’s tie for class


Choose to or for:

1. It’s tie supper. We have yuy food.

A. to B. for

2. It’s tie play coputer gaes.

A. to B. for

3. It’s tie have Chinese class.

A. for B. to

4. It’s 8:00 no It’s tie ath class.

A. for B. to

Step four listen and atch

1. say sth about each picture

2. guess what tie do they do the things

2. listen for the first tie

3. listen again one by one sentence

4. listen and read the sentences and check the answers

Step five hoework

完成练习 P19


导入部分: 利用自制时钟,复习学过的句型,并引出新句型,提前了解并学习。

对话部分: 重点练习并掌握句型,做词语的替换练习。

口语练习: 此环节是强化练习部分,让学生进一步巩固所学的句型。


听力部分:通过听力练习, 要求学生能够听懂时间,听出在某一时间点的活动安排,提高学生听力水平。


Unit8 ocky is late

What tie is it? It’s tie to have lunch.

It’s …o’clock. It’s tie for class.


…thirty. It’s tie to +动词

…forty-five. It’s tie for +名词

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/35642.html
