
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

Book 7- 1
1. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选择听到的单词,把编号写在括号里。)
(1) y father likes drinking beer.
(2) Where is the cat? It’s on the chair.
(3) What’s your favorite fruit? I like pears best.
(4) y o is tall and she has long hair.
(5) We can hear with our ears.
2. Listen and tick. (听录音两次,勾出相应的物品。)
rs. Green is aking a shopping list. She is going to the shopping all. She wants to buy a carton of ice crea and two bags of chips for her children. She is going to buy a pen for her daughter. And she will buy her son a pair of socks. Last, she will buy soe toilet paper for her faily.
3. Listen and nuber.(听录音两次,给图编号。)
(1) W: How do you go to school every day?
: I often go to school by bike.
(2) W: How can we get to the useu, Ti?
: We can go there by subway.
(3) W: What do you usually do after dinner?
: I usually have a walk with y father and other in the park.
(4) W: How does your father go to work?
: He goes to work by taxi.
(5) W: How did you go to your hoetown last suer holiday?
: We went there by plane.

Book 7- 2
1. Listen and circle. (听对话两次,圈出相应的图画。)
(1) I like shopping. I go shopping 3 ties a week.
(2) Ben likes swiing, but he can’t go very often, he goes swiing once a onth.
(3) ary is learning ice-skating. She goes ice-skating every Sunday.
(4) y father goes fishing 3 ties a onth.He likes fishing in a boat.
(5) I never take the bus to school. I go to school by bike.
(6) y uncle is a taxi driver, he drives his taxi every day.
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次, 选择正确的答语,把编号写在括号内。)
(1) W: Tony is going to the shopping all. He will get soe bags of chips.
Q: What’s Tony going to get?
(2) W: Yesterday, we had a wonderful party. ary brought soe cake and Ben brought soe chocolate and chips.
Q: What did the children bring yesterday?
(3) : Lisa, I saw your o at the bus stop this orning.
W: Oh, really? She soeties goes to work by bus, but she often goes to work by subway.
Q: How does Lisa’s o often go to work?
(4) : Jenny, do you often go hiking?
W: Yes, I often go hiking every Saturday.
Q: How often does Jenny go hiking?
(5) W: Ben, how often do you see a ovie?
: Oh, about once a year.
Q: Does Ben often go to the ovie theatre?
3.Listen and tick. (听录音两次,在相应的方框内打“√”。)
Tony and his faily were busy this orning. They went to the shopping all to buy soething for the party. Gogo bought soe bags of chips. Tony got soe cartons of ice crea. Jenny got a big birthday cake. o bought soe boxes of tissues. Dad bought soe bars of chocolate.
Book7- 3
1.Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选出你听到的单词。)
(1) What color is the piano? It’s black and white.
(2) How uch are the cookies? They’re forty yuan.
(3) I like carrots very uch. So I ate a lot yesterday.
(4) I have a kite, it’s red and blue.
(5) What color are the keys? They’re green.
2.Listen and nuber. (听录音两次, 给图编号。)
(1)The skateboard is 88 yuan.
(2)The guitar is 9uan.
(3)The shorts are 27 yuan.
(4)The socks are uan.
(5)The clock is 32 yuan.
3. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选出最佳答语,把编号写在括号内。)
(1) What’s that?
(2)How uch is the hat?
(3) The coat is nice. Can I try it?
(4) I want to buy the TV. How uch is it?
(5)How any apples are there?

Book7- 4
1. Listen and nuber. (听录音两次, 用阿拉伯数字给图编号。)
(1)The otorcycle is faster than the horse.
(2)The train is faster than the bike.
(3)The elephant is bigger than the hippo.
(4)The cat is slower than the dog.
(5)The ant is saller than the lizard.
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选择最佳答语,把编号填在括号内。)
(1)Is the hippo big?
(2) Which is faster, the rabbit or the turtle?
(3) Which is saller, the elephant or the pig?
(4) Which is bigger, the bus or the car?
(5) Which is slower, the snail or the snake?
3. Listen and coplete. (听录音两次,完成句子。)
(1) He’s fast but I’ll be faster.
(2) Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo?
(3) Ben is slower than Gogo.
(4) Let’s run to the tree.
(5) He ate all y cookies yesterday.

Book 7- 5
1.Listen and nuber.(听录音两次,给图编号。)
odel: (1) I’ going to buy a piece of candy at the store.

(2) The girl plays the piano four ties a week.
(3) The horse is running faster than the an.
(4) I usually go to school by bus.
(5) The toy car is nice. But it’s expensive.
(6) The little boy often goes swiing in the afternoon.
2. Listen and choose.(听录音两次, 选择正确的答语,并把编号写在括号内。)
(1) What are you going to do this evening?
(2) Do you go to work by taxi?
(3) How often does Tony go fishing?
(4) How uch are the glasses?
(5) Which is slower, the cat or the dog?
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次, 判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
Ji is a history teacher in Hong Kong. He works fro onday to Friday. In the orning, he goes to work on foot at eight o’clock. He usually goes back hoe at five in the afternoon. His hobby is playing tennis. He plays tennis with his friends every Saturday.

Book 7- 6
1.Listen and write. (听录音两次,在括号内填上“Yes”或 “No”。)
(1) The horse is taller than the giraffe.
(2) Look, the peach is cheaper than the banana.
(3) : Which is ore expensive?
W: The car is ore expensive.
(4) y dictionary is thicker than y English book.
(5) :Is the panda bigger than the elephant? W:No, the panda is saller.
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选择你所听到的单词,并把答案填在括号里。)
(1) We bought a knife last week.
(2) Jenny had a cough yesterday evening.
(3) A calf is a baby co
(4) Please give e a cup of coffee.
(5) The dress is cheap and beautiful. y wife likes it very uch.
3. Listen and choose. (听录音两次, 选择正确的答语,把编号写在括号内。)
(1) Jenny is 1ears old and ary is 10 years old.
Question: Who is older?
(2) To is taller than ike, but ike is stronger than To.
Question: Who is stronger, To or ike?
(3) Look at the horse, it runs faster than the giraffe.
Question: Is the horse slower than the giraffe?
(4) W: The toy bus is 1uan and the toy car is 3uan. Which one do you want to buy?
: The toy car.
Question: Which one is cheaper, the toy car or the toy bus?
(5) In y faily, y father is stronger than e. y other is taller than e.
Question: Are you taller than your other?

Book 7- 7
1. Listen and circle. (听录音两次,圈出你所听到的单词。)
(1) Who is the shortest girl in the picture?
(2) : What will the weather be like?
W: It will be sunny.
(3) There are sixteen boys in y class.
(4) What's the sallest anial in the world?
(5) Which is the best for you, the cheese, the coffee or the salad?
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,把正确答案的编号写在括号里。)
(1) What's the slowest anial?
(2)Who’s the oldest in your faily?
(3)Is the whale the biggest anial in the world?
(4)Which is the fastest, the car, the train or the plane?
(5)How uch is the biggest fish?
3. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写 “T”,错的写 “F”。)
Hello, y nae is Billy. There are four people in y faily. y dad, y u, y sister and I. Dad is the tallest and oldest in y faily. u and y sister like running. u runs faster than us. She's the fastest. I' good at English but y sister is good at Chinese. We’re the best students in our classes.

Book 7- 8
1. Listen and circle. (听录音两次,圈出你所听到的单词。)
(1) y sister Linda has the longest hair in y faily.
(2) Jenny’s English is the best in her class.
(3) It will be very cold in Zhuhai toorro
(4) y ath is worse than y English.
(5) Wow! The skateboard is 300 yuan. That’s too expensive.
2. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
(1) W: Which is faster, the bike or the skateboard?
: The bike, of course.
(2) W: Is the toy rabbit the cheapest?
: Yes, it is. It’s only 40 yuan.
(3) W: Who has the longest hair, Lily, Vivi or Cici?
: Vivi has the longest hair.
(4) W: Which one is bigger, the lion or the tiger?
: The lion.
(5) W: Who is the tallest in your faily?
: y father. And he’s the biggest too.
(6) W: Li ing, is your English the best?
: No, it isn’t. y ath is the best.
3. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,把正确答案的编号写在括号内。)
Hello, y nae is Ben. Welcoe to y roo. I have any toys here. Look at the toy bear. It’s the biggest toy in y roo. The yoyo is the sallest. But it’s not the cheapest. The puzzle is the cheapest of all. Which is the ost expensive? The guitar is the ost expensive. But y favorite is the odel plane. The odel plane is the best of all.

Book7- 9
1. Listen and judge. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
(1) : Is Bill taller than Bob and John?
W: Yes. He’s the tallest.
(2) : Which is the fastest, the bike, the car or the plane?
W: The plane, of course.
(3) : Which is further fro the school, the park or the bank?
W: The park is further fro the school.
(4) : Do you like coffee?
W: Yes, I do. Coffee is the best of all.
(5) : o, look at the guitar. It’s so cool.
W: Yes. But it’s very expensive.
(6) : Who has longer hair, Pat or To?
W: To.
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选择正确答语,把编号写在括号内。)
(1) Which is the lightest, the ant, the cat or the panda?
(2) Which is the biggest, the sun, the Earth or the oon?
(3) Can you run faster than a plane?
(4) Peter is 14, Tony is 12, and Ben is 10. Who is the youngest?
(5) The skateboard is 200 yuan. The yoyo is uan. Is the skateboard ore expensive than the yoyo?
3. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,把名字的编号写在相应的圆圈里。)
Hello, everyone. These are y friends. Toy is very fat. He is the heaviest. Ben is next to Toy. And he is shorter than Toy. The little girl in the iddle is Ben’s sister. Her nae is Kitty. She is very lovely. The tallest boy is Leo. Who is the girl with the longest hair? She’s Leo’s sister ay. ay likes running very uch.
Book 7 ? 10
1. Listen and nuber. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
odel: (1) I bought a box of tissues yesterday.
(2) They go hiking three ties a year.
(3) The sun looks saller than the Earth but it’s bigger.
(4) r. Green is going to buy a pair of socks.
(5) The snail is faster than the turtle.
(6) How does she get to school? She usually rides her bike.
2. Listen and choose. (听录音两次,选择正确答语,把编号写在括号内。)
odel: : What are you going to buy?
W: I’ going to buy a carton of ice crea.
Question: What is the woan going to buy?
(1): How do you get to the park, Jenny?
W: I usually take the subway.
Question: How does Jenny get to the park?
(2) : How uch is your skateboard?
W: It’s 4uan.
: It’s cheap. I want to buy it.
Question: What is the an going to buy?
(3) : Look at the cat and the duck. They are so funny!
W: Yes. And the cat is faster than the duck.
Question: Which is faster?
(4) : Which is the biggest planet?
W: Jupiter. And Jupiter is also the heaviest planet.
Question: What planet are they talking about?
(5) : Do you like dancing?
W: Yes. Very uch. I go dancing on onday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
Question: How often does the woan go dancing? 3. Listen and write. (听录音两次,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
Last Sunday, I went shopping with y other. In the orning, she bought ten rolls of toilet paper. They were 29 yuan. She bought soe oranges, too. They were expensive. But we like oranges. In the afternoon, we went to a clothes shop. y u got a nice dress and I bought a pair of shorts. In the evening, we went to a restaurant for dinner. u had soe rice. But I had a bowl of noodles. I liked the noodles. They were tasty.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/40481.html
