
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Ss: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Drill: collect/collect staps.
5 T:(拿出一本相册)I like collecting photos.
(拿出照相机拍照)I like taking photos, too.
Drill: photo/take a photo.
Practise: The students say and do.(take a photo)
6 T:(请一男生和一女生到班前,教师指着女生对男生说)She’s your classate.
(指全班学生)They are your classates.
Drill: a classate
7 Teaching of the sentence patterns.
1) T:(做游泳的动作)I like swiing. Do you like swiing?引导学生用Yes, I
do./No, I don’t. I like…回答。
2) 请一学生用I like…句型说出自己喜欢做的运动,教师逐一想全班:He/She likes…领说句型,学生跟读。
3) 教师出示Read and say部分的挂图进行句型介绍This is Yang Ling. She likes
aking clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing
flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说句型Yang Ling likes aking clothes. Helen
likes cooking and growing flowers.
4) 教师利用挂图进行问答练习,引出Does Yang Ling like aking clothes? Yes, she
does. Does Helen like taking photos? No, she doesn’t.领说句型。
C Read and say
1、 The students look at the picture and listen to the tape.
2、 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape.
3、 The students read the dialogue theselves and the teacher
gives soe help.
4、 The students read the dialogue in roles and act out the
5、 Ask several groups of students to act out the dialogue.
D Listen to a song: Hobbies
E Assign hoework
1 Listen to the tape, read the dialogue and act out the
2 ake a new dialogue according to the dialogue of the text.

Unit 3 (第二教时)
一、 目标
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping.
2、 能正确地听、说、读词组ake odel ships, collect staps, collect coins,
grow flowers, keep goldfish, ake clothes.
3、 能唱本课英歌曲。
二、 重点
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping.
2、 能正确地听、说、读词组ake odel ships, collect staps collect coins,
grow flowers, keep goldfish, ake clothes.
三、 教学难点
1、 能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin 和词组take photos,go shopping.
2、 能熟练运用本课所学的词组。
四、 课前准备
1、 画有动作的多媒体
2、 B部分词组的动作图片和挂图
3、 录音机和磁带
五、 教学过程
A Free talk and otivation
1 Eg: Good orning!/How are you?/Nice to see you./Do you
like…?Does he/she like…?
2 The students act out the dialogues.
3 Listen to the song: Hobbies, and sing after the song.
B Presentation
1 Present the pictures and say the phrases: take photos, ake
clothes, collect staps.
2 T:(教师根据多媒体或动作图片提问)What’s he doing? He’s going
shopping.通过教师自问自答引出ake odel ships, collect coins, keep
goldfish,grow flowers等词组。
3 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape.
C Practice
1 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师说出一个词组并请一位学生指出黑板上相对的图片。
2 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如Do you like going shopping?No,I don’t. Do
you like keeping goldfish? Yes, I do.
3 教师引导学生看图,并用主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时叙述图片内容,如He likes aking odel
ships. She likes aking clothes.
4 学生同桌看图说话,自由操练词组。
D Consolidation
1 Listen and act or look and say.
2 Play the gae: What’s issing?
3 Play the gae: Chinese Whisper
E Assign hoework
1 read the phrases and copy the phrases.
2 ake soe sentences with the phrases.

Unit 3 Hobbies(第三教时)
一、 教学目标
1、 能熟练掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好词汇。
2、 能熟练掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.
3、 能用句型I like…和He/She likes…,too.描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。
4、 能用所学句型进行情景会话和交流。
二、 教学重点
能正确地听、说、读、写句子Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.和I
like…及He/She likes …,too.等句型。
三、 教学难点
能正确运用Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I
四、 课前准备
1、 有关活动方面的多媒体或图片
2、 录音机和磁带
3、 学生自带一些有关自己兴趣爱好或活动的照片。
五、 教学过程
A Sing a song
The students sing after the tape.
B Revision
1 Present the pictures of Part B with the CAI, the students
say the eight phrases.
2 The teacher present the picture of Part B, the students talk
about their hobbies with the sentence pattern: I like…..
3 Play a gae
likes …
C Ask and answer
1 Revision
Present the CAI and talk with the students.
Eg: S1: Do you have any hobbies?
T: Yes, I do. I like collecting staps.
2 Practise in groups
1) Work in groups.
Eg: S1: Do you have any hobbies?
S2: Yes, I do. I like collecting/…
2) Copete in groups.
The students ake sentences: Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I
do. I like…He/She likes…,too.(The group which akes the ost
sentences is the winner.)
3) ake an intervie
The student interview his classates with the topic: Hobbies.
Eg:S1: Do you have any hobbies?
S2:Yes, I do. I like aking odel ships/…
S1:(Point to another student) He likes aking odel ships,
too. Right?
S2: Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. He likes taking photos/…
D Look,read and coplete
1 The teacher present the pictures of PartD: This is a picture
of Su Hai’s faily. Su Hai and her faily have soe hobbies.
The talk about the picture with the students, ake the
students know the eaning of the picture.
2 The students do the exercise.
3 Check the answer.
F Assign hoework
1 Read and copy the words and sentences.
2 ake out a new dialogue.

Unit3 Hobbies(第四课时)
一、 教学目标
1、 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。
2、 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
3、 能进一步掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.并能用I
like…和He/She likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的爱好和多动。
4、 能初步了解字母u在单词中的读音。
二、 教学重点
能正确地听、说、读、写句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.和I
like…及He/She likes…,too.句式。
三、 教学难点
四、 课前准备
1、 有关活动的多媒体或图片
2、 E部分的教学挂图
3、 录音机和磁带。
4、 调查表
五、 教学过程
A Free talk and revision
Eg: Good orning, class./I like…Do you have any
hobbies?/He/She likes …Right?
B Sing a song
The students sing after the tape.
C Do a survey
1 Present the CAI or the picture of Part B, the students say
the phrases.
2 Free talk.
The students talk about hobbies with each other.
3 Do a survey.
1) The teacher do a survey as a odel.
Eg: T(Present the for)Do you have any hobbies?
S1:Yes,I do. I like…
T:(Fill the for)
2)The students do the survey in groups.
4 Su up.
Eg: T: Can you tell e about your survey?
S: Yes. Five student like taking photos. One student likes
aking odel ships.
taking photos 5
aking odel ships 1

D Read and act
1 T:(Present the picture) Now ,Boys and girls. Look at the
picture. What does Liu Tao like? Can you guess?
(The student listen to the tape.)
2 Teach the words: water, every, aunt, carefully with the
picture. Learn the dialogue.
3 Answer the questions:(ake sure the students understand the
Eg:1)What is Liu Tao doing?
2)Who likes growing flowers, too?
3)Does Liu Tao water the trees and flowers every day?
4 Read the dialogue after the tape and act out the dialogue.
E Listen and repeat.
1 Play a gae:
教师用多媒体快速展示图片,一闪即停,然后问学生:What’s issing?让学生看图后猜单词。
2 The students read the words together.
3 Su up the coon pronunciation.
4 Present the phonetic sybol and read after the teacher.
5 Read the sentence.
F Assign hoework
1 Read the dialogue of Part E and try to act out it.
2 ake a new dialogue.
3 Do the exercise of the Exercise Book.
Unit 4 An English friend
课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第1课时
课时目标:1. Four skills: fast high ,Does he/she…? Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jup high, dance
beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly
3. Require the Ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain
A. Waring up
1. Sing a song.
2. Free talk

B. Preparation
1. Greetings
2. Sing a song “Coe on and join into the gaes”

C. Presentation and practice
1. jup high
a. Now, let’s do soe exercise. Sun rise. Wave your ars.
Shake your body. Stand up. Jup high etc. Run fast.
b. Ask a student to jup high. (put “jup high” on the Bb)
c. Read in pairs.
2. run fast
a. Let’s act! Run fast! (Put “run fast” on the Bb.)
b. Read in pairs!
3. speak loudly
a. I say you do. fast→run loudly→speak
b. Put “speak loudly” on the Bb. and read loudly.
c. You say s. do. cry loudly sing loudly
4. Teach dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly in the
sae way
5. Listen to the tape and read after the tape
6. Hand out the cards to soe students, ask the others to
7. Show Ss soe photos and talk about the. Does he run fast?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t .Ask Ss try to say “Does he …?”
8. Talk about the picture in pair.
9. ake a dialogue and act it.

D. Consolidation
Do a survey

课题: Unit 4 An English friend
课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第2课时
课时目标:1. Four skills: an e-ail, busy, town, age, usually, what
does she usually do? He/she usually…
2. Three skills: I’ busy, we’re the sae age
3. Require the students to read and act the dialogue
A. Free talk
B. Preparation
3. Do soe exercise!
4. Talk about the photos.

C. Presentation and practice
1. What does he/she usually…? He/she usually…
a. What do you usually do? I usually play football. What does
he usually do? He usually…
b. Reading and practice.
2. Look at the picture and talk about it.
c. E-ail, surf the Internet, busy
What’s Wang Bing doing? Is he surfing the Internet? He’s busy.
d. town, age
Do you live in the city? No, I’ in a sall town. Are you
twelve? Yes, I a. And you? I’ twelve, too. You’re in the
sae age.
3. Listen to the tape, answer the question.
d. Does Wang Bing’s friend live in London?
e. How old is his friend?
f. Does he usually play football?
g. Does he play well?
4. Iitate!
5. Practice in groups.

D. Consolidation
6. Act the dialogue.
7. Talk about your own friends.


课题: Unit 4 An English friend
课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第3课时
2.进一步掌握句型“What does…usually do…?” “He/She usually…”
3.通过本课学习能灵活区别运用Do…? Yes,…do./No,…don’t.
                   Does…? Yes,…does./No,…doesn’t.
教学用具:图片 录音机 投影
A. Say a rhye
3. Try to read. (投影呈现)
4. Listen to the tape.
5. Let’s say together.

B. Revision
5. 图片闪现,生说本单元所学的词组
6. Introduction
T: I usually read English books and watch TV on Sundays.
y brother usually does his hoework…
y parents usually…
7. Do a survey in group
S1: What do you usually…?
S2: I usually…
S1: What do…
S3: I…
8. 从他人口中了解你的同学
e.g. SA: Excuse e ,B What does C usually do…
SB: She usually…
SA: Does D…?
SB: Yes,…/No,…
9. Play a gae
a. 游戏目的:复习What does…? Does…?
b. 游戏准备:师准备各类图片
c. 方法:看看,问问,猜猜

C. Ask and answer
8. 出示图片,师生示范一例
9. 同桌问答
10. 扩充对话,比比哪组说得好

D. Look and read
11. Look at the pictures
12. Listen to the tape, then repeat
13. Try to say (If you are the boy)
14. Describe
Use: He goes to school…
He has…
He likes…
15. 师提供类似的图片,出示关键词,生试说(同桌),比比谁说得既流利又正确。

E. Assign hoework
1. 回顾本单元所学的词组,单词,试默
2. 用所学的句型描述你同学的日常生活,兴趣爱好
提示:go to school at seven
have six lessons everyday
have lunch at 11:10
like singing


课题: Unit 4 An English friend
课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第4课时
课时目标:1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的动词词组
2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语
3. 能进一步掌握句型Does…? Yes,…does./No,…doesn≈acute;t.并能用What does …usually
A. Free talk and revision
T: I usually go shopping on Saturdays and Sundays.
Do you usually…?
S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
I usually play chess on Saturdays.
T: Does your other work on Saturdays and Sundays?
S1: Yes, she does.
T: What does your father usually do in the evening?
S1: He usually watches TV and reads newspapers.

B. Say the rhyes
C. Play a gae
e.g. cry /laugh/sing
You’re right. /great!
做错的:You’re wrong.
I’ sorry.
D. Read and act.
3. Look at the pictures, read after the tape in roles.
4. Change.
5. Try to ask and answer (Don’t look at your books.)
E. Listen and repeat
6. T writes soe words on the blackboard or use soe cards
with the words.
7. Read together or ask soeone to read.
3. 将单元按读音归类
[ju:] [A]
4. Look at the picture, describe it then say “The puppet jups
and runs in the bus”
e.g. T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a puppet.
T: Where is it?
Is it in the box?
Is it in the box?
F. Assign hoework
1. 能熟练表演本课对话
2. 模仿Part A并结合重点句型自编对话(分小组进行)
Try to write a sall passage (About your faily eber or your

Unit 5 Review and check
课时: 本单元共3课时 本课为第1课时
1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配.
2. 复习问句oes he/she…?yes, he /she does. No, he/she doesn’t.

Step 1.Revision
1. Greetings
2. Freetalk
1).Do you have any hobbies?
2).Do you like…?
3).Does he/she…?
4).What does he/she usually do…?
3. Answer quickly
The way: 当一个学生说出动词时,另一个学生快速的说出相应的副词.

Step 2.Look,read and write.
1. Show the pictures (1-4) and answer questions.
1).What does the girl/boy do?
2)do he/she…?
2. Read the sentences and fill in the blank.
3. Check the answers.
4. Show the pictures (5-8) and answer questions.
1).Does iss Li like keeping goldfish?
2).Does r Black like aking odel ships?
3).Does rs Brown like cooking?
4).Does r Green like collecting staps?

Step 3.Look and write.
1. Show the pictures of Part B.
2. Talk about the pictures.
3. Divide 8 groups and ake dialogues
4. Check out.

Step 4 Consolidation
Assign hoework: Finish Part A and B.
Read it and recite it.

课题: Unit 5 Review and check
课时: 本单元共3课时 本课为第2课时
1. 能熟练运用“打电话”及课程的日常用语
2. 能正确掌握like + doing的形式
二. 教学重难点
三. 教学用具
四. 教学过程

2.Free talk
ay I speak to…?
This is …speaking.
I a sorry to hear that.
See you soon..
Sorry, wrong nuber.

Step 2.Look read and coplete of part C
1. Show the picture and describe the dialogue
2. ake a dialogue in pairs
3. Check out
4. Play a gae: ake friends
The way:做两组卡片:一组是课程名称,另一组是代表该课程的图片。
5. Show the picture of part C2
6. ake a dialogue in pairs
7. Check out

Step 3nsolidation
1. Assign hoework: finish part C
2. Recite it

课题: Unit 5 Review and check
课时: 本单元共3课时 本课为第3课时
1. 通过复习,能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学的单词。
2. 能教熟练地在情景中运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
二. 教学重点
1. 能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学单词
2. 能综合运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
3. 能初步改编或扩充1-4单元所学的对话。
三. 教学难点
四. 教学准备

Step1. Revision
1. Greetings
2. Waring—up
3. Free talk
1) Do you have any hobbies?
2) What do you like?
I like…
3) What do you usually do?
4) What does he/she usually do?
He/she usually…

Step 2.Look and talk
1. Gae “Do and Guess”
The way: 根据动作猜词组 给名词快速说词组
2. Show the picture of part D
1) 指导学生观察图片。
3. According the odel to ake a new dialogue
4. Check out
Step 3nsolidation
Assign hoework: ake a new dialogue and write it down.

5B Unit 6 At a PE lesson

本单元中tie, right, back, with等单词的意义与以前所学的不同,教师应引导学生在应用中理解。
1. 能正确听读、辨认字母组合ai , ay在单词中读音。
2. 正确掌握四会词汇tie, left, right, stop, touch, an ar, a head, a
leg, a foot
3. 熟练运用日常交际用语Stand in a line. Let’s do soe exercise. Now,
listencarefully. Jup up and down. Do this…ties.
Now, stand up everybody.
4. 正确掌握四会句型Put…on Touch…with… All right
5. 能熟练演唱歌曲:Do soe exercise with e.
1. 正确掌握四会句型。
2. 熟练灵活运用日常交际用语。
3. 综合运用日常交际用语。
第一课时学习A部分,Read and Say
第二课时学习B部分,Look, read and learn
第三课时学习C部分,Look read and coplete.
第四课时学习D部分,Work in pairs

The First Period(第一课时)
5B. Unit 6 A部分 Read and Say
1. 四会掌握人体部位:ar , hand, foot , leg.
2. 熟练运用日常交际用语:Touch…with…
1. 熟练运用交际用语。
2. 灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。
1. 准备录音机和本课会话的磁带。
2. 准备本课会话的投影片。
3. 课前写好本课的课题5B. Unit 6 A部分 Read and Say
A Organization组织教学
1. Greetings
T: Good orning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning, iss Zhang.
2. Let’s sing a song 学生听录音跟唱英语歌曲What are you doing?
B Revision复习
1. Let’s speak English
T: What’s your nae? Ss: y nae is…
T: What are you doing? Ss: I’ reading…
T: Are you playing basketball? Ss: Yes, I a.
T: Does he play well? Ss: Yes, he does.
T: Does r. Black like aking odel ships? Ss: Yes, he does.
T: Does rs. Brown like cooking? Ss: Yes, she does.
2. Let’s act.
T: Stand up. Jup, please… Touch your nose…
C Presentation.新授
1. T又发命令作动作→人体部位名称。
2. T投影图片,由旧引新(T注音标,请学生试拼读)
3. ar, hand, leg, foot
4. 学生集体升降调朗读。
5. T指投影:T: Touch your nose with your hand.
6. 学生集体朗读。
D Practice练习
1. T指投影图片,请同学快速说出人体部位。
2. 男女竞赛,争说人体部位。
3. 在熟练具体部位名称后,运用句型练习。
4. T发命令,学生作动作,练习数组。
T: Touch your foot with your hands.
5. 学生模仿教师,互相发命令。
6. Talk in pairs. 同桌发命令。
E Consolidations:
1. 请学生个别发命令,作动作。
2. T投影图片,请同学看图,填空,写出相应的单词。
3. 听录音,跟读B部分。
4. 总结:
(1) 要求同学们熟练运用日常交际用语:Touch…with…
1. 抄写四会单词各一行。
2. 跟读本课会话录音二十分钟。
Unit 6
ar hand leg foot

The Second Period (第二课时)
5B.Unit 6 B 部分 Look, read and learn.
1. 四会单词:
tie, left, right, stop, touch.
2. 四会句型:
All right.
3. 日常交际用语:
Stand in a line.
Let’s do soe exercises.
Now, listen carefully.
Jup up and down.
Do this…ties…
Now, stand up, everybody!
1. 正确掌握四会单词。
2. 能正确掌握四会句型。
3. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
1. 正确掌握四会单词、句型。
2. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
3. 综合灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。
四. 课前准备:
5.课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit 6 B 部分 Look, read and learn.
A Organization 组织教学
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning/afternoon, iss Zhang.
2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 We can dance!
B Revision 复习
1. Let’s speak English.
T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: a.
T: Is everyone here today? Ss: Yes, we are all here.
T: What do you like? Ss: I like…
T: Do you like bananas? Ss: Yes I do.
T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s…
T: What lessons do you have in the orning? Ss: We have…
T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…
2.Let’s act:请两组同学站起表演
T: Put…on…, please… Touch your eyes…
C Presentation 新授
1. T投影图片:at a PE lesson 创建情境,让学生理解 ,在一节体育课上。
2. T创设两个情境:让学生理解。
(1)Stand in a line , please.
Put your feet together.
Jup up and down ten ties.
(2)Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.
Do this ten ties
D Practice 练习
1.T板书以上情境句型→四会单词 T注音,学生集体朗读。
4.Talk in pairs. 同桌互相发命令。
E Consolidations
(1)要求四会掌握的单词:ar ,hand ,foot, leg.
All right.
Unit 6
tie left right stop touch
Put…on… Touch…with…. All right.
The Third Period (第三课时)
5B.Unit 6 C 部分Work in pairs.
1. 四会单词:
tie, left, right, stop, touch.
2. 四会句型:
All right.
3. 日常交际用语:
Stand in a line.
Let’s do soe exercises.
Now, listen carefully.
Jup up and down.
Do this…ties…
Now, stand up, everybody!
掌握句型: Touch…with… All right.
1. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
2. 综合熟练运用日常交际用语。
1. 准备录音机和本课的磁带。
2. 准备C部分的投影片。
3. 准备本课的单词卡片。
4. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6 C部分Work in pairs.
A Organizations.组织教学
1. Greetings
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning/afternoon ,iss Zhang.
2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 We can dance!
B Revisions复习
1. Let’s speak English.
T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: I a.
T: Is everyone here today? Ss :Yes ,we are all here.
T: What do you like? Ss I like…
T: Do you like bananas? Ss: Yes, I do.
T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s…
T: What lessons do you have in the orning?
Ss: We have…
T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…
2. Let’s act:请两组同学站起表演
T: Put…on…, please… Touch your eyes…
C Presentation新授
1. 投影图片:at a PE lesson T发命令,请同学作动作。
2. 再投影另外两个情境的图片。
(1)Lie on your back. Put your knees together.
Bend your knees. ove your legs to the left, then ove to the
(2)lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.
D Practice 练习
1. 发命令学生作动作,理解明白后集体朗读。
2. 个别领读。
3. Talk in pairs.
4. 学生发命令作动作。
E Consolidation
1. T投影后,整节PE课,让学生试听录音。
2. 看图片,请学生跟读录音。
3. 请学生分片段表演。
4. 总结:要求学生熟练运用日常交际用语。
1. 听录音跟读二十分钟。
2. 抄写C部分的句型两遍(两英两中)。
Unit 6
All right.
The Fourth Period(第四课时)
5B.Unit 6 D 部分Look ,read and coplete.
1. 掌握四会词汇:Touch…with…
2. 学习人体部分名称。
1. 正确掌握人体部位名称。
2. 熟练运用四会句型。
1. 正确掌握四会单词、句型。
2. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
3. 综合灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。
4. 熟练运用四会句型。
1. 准备录音机和本课的磁带。
2. 准备D部分的投影片。
3. 准备本课的单词卡片。
4. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6D部分Look, read and coplete.
A Organization组织教学
1. Greetings
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning/afternoon, iss Zhang.
2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 Two jackets.
B Revision 复习
1.Let’s speak English.
T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: I a.
T: Is everyone here today? Ss: Yes, we are all here.
T: What do you like? Ss: I like…
T: Do you like bananas? Ss: Yes, I do.
T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s…
T: What lessons do you have in the orning? Ss: We have…
T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…
C Practice练习
1 . 由表演→句型操练Touch…with… three ties
3.Talk in pairs.
E Consolidation
1. Play gaes Chinese Whisper
传句子:Touch your head with your hand.
3. 总结:要求同学门熟练运用四会句型,以及日常交际用语。
Unit 6 At a PE lesson
Touch…with…three tie
The fifth period(第五课时)
5B.Unit 6 E,F,G,H 部分.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/43844.html

相关阅读:人教新版五年级英语下册Unit 4教案