六年级英语上册Book7 Unit1 Dialogue检测试题

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

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Book 7 Unit 1 Dialogue 课中、课后练习
1. Xiangjiang Zootake photos
2. the Six Banyan Teplego shopping
3. Baiyun Hillsee white tigers
4. Guangzhou Restauranthave disu
5. Xiajiu Roadwatch birds

1. They are going to ____________________________________________________.
2. They are going to_____________________________________________________.
3. They are going to_____________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________

1. Ben isn’t going to _________ (go to / go on) the Pearl River Cruise.
2. Ben wants to go to ______________ (Xiangjiang Zoo / Guangzhou Zoo) instead.
3. Ben is going to see ______________ (white tigers / birds) in the Zoo.
4. They _______ (have / has) been to the zoos in Guangzhou _______ (any / uch) ties.
5. Janet is going to ____________ (take photos / go shopping) in the Six Banyan Teple.
6. r. Webb wants to go to _________________ (Yuexiu Park / Baiyun Hill).
7. r. Webb are going to ______________ (watch birds / clib hills) in Baiyun Hill.
8. They can see ore birds _____ (at / on) the zoo than _______ (at / on) Baiyun Hill.
9. rs. Webb wants to _________________ (go shopping / see a fil) in Xiajiu Road.
10. They can _________________ (eat ice-crea / have disu) at the faous Guangzhou Restaurant.
11. Janet wants to buy soe ________________ (new books / new clothes).
12. There are _______________ (a lot of / soe) beautiful clothes.
1. It’s your _______ __________ (学校假期).
2. Shall we go on ______ _______ _______ ________ (珠江夜游).
3. I’ going to _______ _______ ________ (观赏白老虎).
4. We _______ _______ ______ (到过) the zoos in Guangzhou ________ ________ (很多次).
5. We’re going to ______ _______ _______ ___________ (六榕寺).
6. We’re going to _______ ________ (照相).
7. _____ _____ _____ (我们所有人) are going to have fun there.
8. We are going to _______ ________ (赏鸟) in Baiyun Hill.
9. We can see _____ _______ (更多的鸟) at the zoo than on _______ _______ (白云).
10. Shall we _______ ___________ (去购物) in Xiajiu Road?
11. Then we can ______ _______ (吃点心) at the faous ___________ ___________ (广州酒家).
12. I want to buy soe _______ _________ (新衣服).
13. There are a lot of ________ __________ (漂亮衣服) there.
14. I like ___________ _________ (广式点心).

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本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/44989.html
