Unit 2 How any Ters Do You Have In a School Year?
班别: 姓名: 学号: 评价:
ter January spring fourth autun winter begin end
二、看看课本93页单词表,再仔细阅读Unit 2对话内容,猜猜上面这些单词的意思分别是什么,并写在横线上。
ter ____________ January ____________
spring ____________ fourth ____________
autun ____________ winter ____________
begin ____________ end ____________
How any ters are there in your school year?
When does the autun ter start?
It starts in Septeber and ends in Deceber.
I have __________ in a school year.
The first ter starts in _____________ and ends in ____________.
The second ter starts in _____________ and ends in _____________.
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/46921.html
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