Unit8 Review and check教案

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Unit8 Review and check教案
Teaching Ais:
1, Students can understand, read, say and write the neords :
weather,spring,suer,autun,winter,hot,cold,plan,picnic,play,penfriend,also,glue,season,because,countryside,war,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snow,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball,fights,still,project,zebro,Africa,elephant,concert,outing,Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, an elephant, e─ail address, fax nuber, write a letter, take part in.
2, Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
Which season do you like best?
I like … why?
Because it is… I can…
Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are you going to do…?
What for?
I hope so.
Can I have ┄?
What should I do?
What is the weather like in suer there?
What are we going to do…?
We are going to ┄ I want┄ I want to do┄
3, Students can say the sound:
4, Students can sing the rhye: 《Seasons》

Period One
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part A,B
Ⅱ. Teaching Ais:
1.Students can understand, read, say and write the neords and phrases:
weather,spring,suer,autun,winter,hot,cold,plan,picnic,play,penfriend,also,glue,season,because,countryside,war,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snow,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball,fights,still,project,zebro,Africa,elephant,concert,outing,Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, an elephant, e─ail address, fax nuber, write a letter, take part in.
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
Which season do you like best?
I like … why?
Because it is… I can…
Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are you going to do…?
What for?
I hope so.
Can I have ┄?
What should I do?
What is the weather like in suer there?
What are we going to do…?
We are going to ┄ I want┄ I want to do┄
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
1.Students can aster the neords and phrases.
2.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, coputer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
1 Free talk(引导学生回答)
A: How any people are there in your faily?
B: There are ┄
A: Which school are you in?
B: I a in ┄
A: What is your favourite subject?
B: ┄
A: What is your hobby? B: ┄
Step 2 Revision
A: Which season do you like best?
B: I like ┄
A: Why?
B: Because it is ┄ I can ┄(学生在小组里准备,然后上台表演)
2 游戏.Guess 教师出示四个地名在黑板上,分别为:Beijing, London, Sydney, New York , 请一位学生上台背对着 黑板,用“What is weather like in suer there?”句型向其他同学提问,然后根据问答猜地名。
Step 3 Presentation
1 教师用语言描述班上某位学生,启发学生根据所听人物的特征猜出教师所描述的人物的名称。
2 给学生适当的时间自行阅读有关Bill的介绍及其陈述,再安排小组讨论。
3 通过讨论后,请学生拿出练习本将课中对ary的介绍仿照Bill的例子进行书面描述。完成后教师请若干学生上台进行介绍,并鼓励学生扩展介绍内容。(在评价学生的语言表达时,将重点放在评价其表达的灵活性、自然程度和完整程度上。对于大胆想象,敢于创新的发言要给予充分肯定。)
Step 4 Practice
1,do soe exercise
Step 5 Hoework
1. review Unit5
2. do WB
Unit 8 Review and check
A: Which season do you like best? B: I like ┄
A: Why? B: Because it is ┄ I can ┄
Beijing London Sydney New York

Period Two
Ⅰ. Teaching Content: Part A,B
Ⅱ. Teaching Ais:
2.Students can understand, read, say and write the neords and phrases:
weather,spring,suer,autun,winter,hot,cold,plan,picnic,play,penfriend,also,glue,season,because,countryside,war,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snow,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball,fights,still,project,zebro,Africa,elephant,concert,outing,Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports eeting, a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, an elephant, e─ail address, fax nuber, write a letter, take part in.
2. Students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:
Which season do you like best?
I like … why?
Because it is… I can…
Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are you going to do…?
What for?
I hope so.
Can I have ┄?
What should I do?
What is the weather like in suer there?
What are we going to do…?
We are going to ┄ I want┄ I want to do┄
Ⅲ. Teaching focus and difficulties:
3.Students can aster the neords and phrases.
4.Students can use the new sentences..
Ⅳ. Teaching Aids:
Pictures, cards, copybook,, coputer.
Ⅴ. Knowledge recurrences:
What do you like?
Ⅵ. Teaching Steps:
Step1: Pre-task preparation:
Step 1 Free talk
1.Check their Vocabularies
2.Teacher asks soe questions about the weather: What’s the weather like in spring?
( suer, autun, winter)
3.Ss find the words to describe the weather of spring
4.Ss give the answers to another seasons.
Step 2 Practice
Train their ability to ake dialogue
Ask Ss to ake a short dialogue about the weather of four seasons.
Then ask the to say it in a short context.They discuss in a group, and then act it out.
Then ask one to conclude
Step 3 Writing
Controlling of the words
Ask the to finish the exercise of page 65, “the four seasons”Then read follow the tape one by one, control the correct pronunciation
Ss first finish the passages, then repeat follow the tape , got the correct pronunciation
Step 4 Explanation
Got the iportant graar
Teacher explains the difficult points in the passage, then give soe ore exaples.
get warer get green in rivers and lakes go skating go skiing
Ss got the pronunciation and got the iportant points
Step 5 Hoework
read the passage five ties after class
recite toorrow
Step 6 Check their oral English
Teacher first greets to all the students, and then ask soe questions about their inforation, such as: How old are you? Where do you live? What’s your telephone nuber? Do you have a brother or a sister? sect.
Ss first do the orning greeting together, and then answer the questions about their own inforation.
Step 7 Practice
Check their correct answering of the questions
Let the ask questions to their partner about his/her best friend’s inforation, and then finish the notes on page 69.Then tell the passage
Ss practice and finish all the questions, and try to introduce their best friend to all the classates.
Step 8 Reading
Check their reading ability and learn to write a passage
Give the the exaple of how to introduce one person.
Show the passage, and play the tape, let the listen and read.Then follow it, and try to repeat
Read; learn the way of writing, and then repeat follow the tape
Try to write a passage with other two pictures.
Step 4 Hoe work
1.Write a passage about the introduction of their best friend.
2.Finish the exercise book.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/47184.html

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