
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络



一、Listen and choose
第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。 (每小题0.5分,共5分)
( ) 1. A. cap B. gap
( ) 2. A. led B. red
( ) 3. A. ya B. ja
( ) 4. A. bus B. fox
( ) 5. A. ban B. ba
( ) 6. A. back B. pack
( ) 7. A. vast B. fast
( ) 8. A. then B. than
( ) 9. A. rote B. rope ( ) 10. A. outh B. ouse
第二部分共10小题。你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项 。
每小题读两遍。 (每小题 0.5分,共5分)
( ) 1. A. party B. pork C. park
( ) 2. A. washing. B. watching. C. catching.
( ) 3. A. coat B. goat C. boat
( ) 4. A. war B. want C. wall
( ) 5. A. little B. letter C. atter
( ) 6. A. tail B. tell C. tall
( ) 7. A. failed B. feel C. tail
( ) 8. A. light B. night C. right
( ) 9. A. fro B. far C. far
( ) 10. A. nice B. rice C. nine
二、Listen and circlewww .xk b1. co

三、Listen and choose
( ) 1. A. I went to a park.
B. I went at 9:00.
C. I went shopping
( ) 2. A. No, he doesn’t.
B. Yes, he is.
C. Yes, he can.
( ) 3. A. He’s a student.
B. He likes apples.
C. He’s young and sart.
( ) 4. A. No, it isn’t.
B. Yes, it’s near.
C. Yes, there is.
( ) 5. A. It coes fro the vapour.
B. It coes fro the strea.
C. It coes fro the rain.
( ) 6. A. It’s ike’s.
B. He is ike.
C. It’s a coic book.
( ) 7. A. Because I like hot days.
B. Because it’s too hot.
C. Because it’s cold weather.
( ) 8. A. She is a great writer.
B. She does hoework every evening.
C. She is active.
( ) 9. A. It’s June 1st.
B. It’s October 1st .
C. It’s Septeber 10th.
( ) 10. A. We are listening to usic.
B. They listened to usic.
C. They are going to listen to usic.
四、Listen and fill
1. ike: Are you bored?
Ay: No, I a not. I’ just .
2. John: What you going to do next weekend?
To: I a going to y grandparents with y parents.
3. Teacher: Look at the children. They’re .
Sarah: Yes, and the girls are juping the tree.
4. Peter: What did you have for dinner last night?
Alice: I beef and toatoes.
5. John is taller , but Zhang Peng is .
6. They are insects and catching butterflies.
五、Listen and judge

( ) 1. Li ing lives in .
A. China B. Aerica C. Canada
( ) 2. Li ing’s cousin et hi at the
A. hoe B. school C. bus station
( ) 3. Li ing and his went to Guanhzhou Zoo.
A. parents B. cousin C. friends
( ) 4. LI ing and his cousin bought soe in Tianhe plaza.
A. shorts B. shirts C. socks
( ) 5. Li ing had a good tie .
A. yesterday B. next weekend C. today
六、Read and choose
Lily: Hi, Ay! 1
Susan: It’s Friday.
Lily: 2
Susan: It’s June 1st. And it is Children’s Day.
Lily: Oh, really? Then let’s go to the zoo On Children’s Day.
Susan: Good idea! _ 3
Lily: Let’s see pandas. They are very cute.
Susan: OK! 4
Lily: We can go by like.
Susan: But I have no bike. Let’s go by bus, OK?
Lily: OK. 5
Susan: What about eight o’clock?
Lily: 6

A: What’s the date?
B: What are we going to see?
C: What day is it today?
D: Where are you going?
E: How can we go there?
F: Great!
G: When are we going?

七、Read and choose (理解,每小题1.5分,共15分)
Helen’s uncle lives in Beijing. Helen went there with her parents last week. She went there by plane. It was a big trip. She slept on the plane. The next orning, she arrived at Beijing. Her uncle went to the airport to eet the. Helen played with her cousin. She ate good food. The next day, she visited the Great Wall. It was very beautiful. She took any pictures. She clibed a ountain, too. She stayed in Beijing for five days. She cae back to Dongguan yesterday.
( ) 1. Helen lives in .
A. Dongguan B. Beijing C. Guangzhou
( ) 2. Helen’s uncle waited the at .
A. the train station B. the airfield C. the bus stop
( ) 3. Helen visited the Great Wall on of her trip.
A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day
( ) 4. Helen went to Beijing with__________.
A. her father B. her other C. her other and father
( ) 5. Helen stayed in Beijing for ______ days.
A .four B. five C. fifth

根据短,判断对错,对的在括号内“√”, 错的打“×”(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)
It's Saturday orning. The students of Class4 are giving their classroo a good cleaning.
  iss Zhang , their teacher, is working with the. The children are busy. Soe are carrying water; soe are cleaning the boards and windows; others are sweeping the floor. Chen Hua is putting up a ap on the wall. It is a ap of China. Wang Qiang and Hong are ending soe broken chairs. The children are listening to the radio while they are working. The classroo looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very tired but they are very happy. They go hoe for lunch at noon.
( ) 1. iss Zhang, their other, is looking at the.
( ) 2. The children are playing chess in their classroo on Saturday orning.
( ) 3. There is a ap of China on the wall.
( ) 4. Two of the students are repairing the broken chairs.
( ) 5. They are singing while they are working.

八、Read and fill(共10空,每空1分)
Linda是一位外籍学生,下面给我们介绍了Linda的一家以及其家人的兴趣爱好等 。读下面的短,从所给的12个词中选出10个。每空只填一词,每词只用一次。(每空1分,共10分)
had, didn’t, her, work, did, like, eat, is, was, coe, study, played
Linda and ary are friends. Linda is Aerican. ary 1 fro Beijing. They 2 in the sae school. Linda’s parents 3 in a university. They teach English. They 4 cooking and eating Chinese food. Yesterday 5 Children’s Day. They 6 go to school. Linda invite(邀请)ary to 7 house. They 8 the piano and 9 soe chicken. 10 you have a good tie on Children’s Day?
九、Ask and answer
1. Teacher: _______________________________________?
Student: Yes, I can. I can play it beautifully.

2. ike: _________________________________________?
Ay: At 7:00 a.. Then I go to school at 7:15.

3. Granda: ______________________________________?
Grandson: Yes, it is.

4. :Sarah: ?
Lily: I clibed ountains with y friends last holiday.

5. Chen Jie: ____________________________________ ,
John and Wu Yifan?
Boys: We are planting trees in the garden.

十.Look and write(满分10分)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/47795.html
