4B Unit7 At a snack bar教学设计

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络




课 题

Unit7 At a snack bar教学内容Part B&C●教学目标

1.Ss Can understand, say, read and spell the words:apples, oranges, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears,

3.Ss can use the sentences: What are these/those?They’re …

I’d like some …, please.Here you are.●教学重难点

1.Can spell the words fluently.

2.Use the words and sentences to express the daily expressions.


Pictures, tape , CAI



Finish part C


1.Do the writing work on the copybook.

2.Write the words from memory after class.




Unit 7 At a snack bar

A: What would you like ? B: I’d like …, please.

A: Anything else ? B: How much are they ?

A: … yuan, please.


Step 1 Warming-up


T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss chen!

2.复习Let’s go to…,师生对话。

Eg. T:Let’s go to the park.

S:All right. But how?

T:Shall we go to the park by bus?

S:OK. Let’s go.

3.引出I’m hungry. Let’s go to the supermarket.(出示超市图片)

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1.Today our classroom is a supermarket, too.(让学生把带的食品及饮料摆放在桌面上)用What’s this?/What are these?与学生交流,同时学习单词。

Eg. T: Excuse me. What’s this?

S: It’s a pie.

T: What are these?

S: They’re pies.


2.以同样的方法学习sweets, chocolate, hamburgers, biscuits, noodles.

3.学习句子How much is it/are they ? It's ../They're …

T: What are these?

S: They’re biscuits.

T: How much are they?

S: They’re … yuan.

T: Here you are.

S: Thank you.

齐读How much are they? They’re … yuan.板书

4.Activity(教师扎上头巾扮演shop assistant,让学生购买食物)

Eg. T: Good afternoon. What would you like?

S: I’d like some pies.

T: Anything else?

S: A hamburger, please. How much are they?

T: Ten yuan, please.

S: Here you are.

T: Thank you.

学习Anything else?齐读并板书

5.Now I’m very thirsty, who can help me?引导学生用Here’s … for you.回答,学习饮料类单词coffee,tea, juice, milk,并加以扩展a cup of, a glass of, a carton of


Food: pies (a pie) hamburgers (a hamburger) (some) sweets biscuits

(a bowl of) noodles (a bar of) chocolate

Drinks: (a cup of) coffee/tea (a glass of) juice (a carton of) milk

7.Say a rhyme What would you like?

Pies , sweets and biscuits.

What would you like ?

Tea , coffee or juice ?

Sure , they’re very nice.

Step 3 Work in pairs

1.Practice in pairs(图2、3、4)


Eg. S1: Good afternoon. What would you like?

S2: I’d like …

S1: Anything else?

S2: …, please. How much are they?

S1: … yuan, please.

Step 4 Consolidation My own shop

事先准备好各种物品,布置食品、具、服装、玩具等各种小店,安排学生当shop assistants,其他学生可以去买自己想买的任何东西。

Eg. …S1: What would you like ?

S2: I’d like …, please.

S1: Anything else ?

S2: … How much are they ?

S1: … yuan, please.●教学后记

本单元的主要教学内容是“征求别人意见”及“询问价格”。我要求学生围绕食品饮料类的英语单词,在一定的情景下正确用“What would you like? How much is it/ are they?”进行交谈。

在英语中,像chocolate, tea, coffee, juice, milk, water 这类单词属物质名词,不可数,因此与some搭配时,应表达为some chocolate, some tea等。如需要“一个”的概念时,需加a cup of/ a glass of这类定语。cake一词,在表示整体时通常作单数,一些蛋糕可表示为some cake。另外像chips, noodles, sweets, biscuits这类词本身就是以复数形式出现的。





课 题

Unit7 At a snack bar


Part A&D


1.Can understand, say, read and spell the words: chocolate tea coffee juice milk

3.Ss can use the sentences: How much is it / are they ? It’s ../They’re …

Something to drink ?


1.Can read the dialogue fluently.

2.Use the words and sentences to express the daily expressions.


Pictures, tape , CAI



Finish part D Act out part A


1.Do the writing work on the copybook.

2.Write the words from memory after class.




Unit 7 At a snack bar

Something to drink ?


How much is it / are they ?

It’s / They’re ….


Step 1 Warming-up


T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss chen!

2.Free talk

T: Hello , xxx . What would you like ?

S: I’d like a hamburger .

T: How about you , xx ?

S: I’d like a hot dog .

T: Anything else ?

S: Some chips , please .

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1、游戏猜谜引出新单词 chocolate

T: First , let’s play a game . What’s in my bag ?

S1: It’s a hamburger , I think .

S2: It’s a hot dog , I think.

S3: It’s an apple pie , I think .

T: No , it’s a bar of chocolate .

T: Now say after me , chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate .

S: Chocolate , chocolate , a bar of chocolate .

T: Do you like it?

S: Yes , I do .


T: Today is very hot. I’ m very thirsty . I want something to drink. Do you want something to drink ?

S:Yes , I do .

T: What’s in my bag ?

S: Some milk , I think.

T: Yes , you are right . Here’s some milk . Do you want some milk ?

S: Great !

T: Don’t worry . I have some drink . Guess ! What’s in my bag ?

S: Some orange juice .

T: Yes , you are right .It’s a bottle of orange juice . Anything else ?

S: Some apple juice .

T: No , you are wrong .(教师用同样的方法,逐个出示其他饮料单词,教授新词:tea、 coffee、 milk )

3、情景对话, 引出新句Something to drink ?

T: Hello , xxx. What would you like ?

S: I’d like a hamburger .

T: Something to drink ?

S: Some orange juice .

5、情景引出新句 How much is it / are they ?

T: I’m very thirsty , I want something to drink . What’s that on your desk ?

May I have one ?

S1: Sure , here you are .

T: How much is it ?

S1: Two yuan .

T: I’d like some milk . How much is it ?

S1: Three yuan .

T: How much are they ?


1、Say a rhye : What would you like ?

2、Listen to the tape and read the dialogue .


T: Hello , xxx. What’s the tie , now ?

S1: It’s about 11 o’clock .

T: It’s tie to have lunch , now . Shall we go to the superarket ?

S1: All right .

S2: Good afternoon . Can I help you ?

T: What would you like ?

S1: I’d like a hot dog .

T:Soething to drink ?

S1: Soe ilk , please .

T: e , too . How uch are they ?

S2: Eight yuan .

T: Here you are , thank you .





课 题

Unit 7 At a snack bar


Part E\G


1.巩固前两课所学的食物类单词,能用“What would you like ?”询问他人,并会用“I’d like ”进行回答。

2. 能用“What can you see in the picture ?”“How any ..?”正确询问并回答。

3.能熟练朗读小诗,并能自编小诗。 …


1.Let students use the sentences in daily life.

3.Say the rhye.


Pictures, tape , CAI



1. Say the rhye. 2. Act out part E


1.Do the writing work on the copybook.

2.Review Unit7




Unit7 At a snack bar

What can you see in the picture

I can see…

How any ..?

There are…


Step 1. Waring-up


T: Good orning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good orning/ afternoon, iss chen!



T:What can you see in the picture?

S:I can see …

2.Listen to the tape (Say a rhye),and say after it .

3.Students ake a new rhye.(教师给予一定指导)

odel: What would you like ?

I’d like soe orange juice .

What would you like ?

I’d like soe ilk .

Sure , they’re very nice .

4.Free talk :

T:Shall we go to the KFC , A?

S:Great.How do we go there ?

T:Shall we go to the KFC by bus ?

S:No,let’s go by inibus .

T:OK . Let’s go .

Step 2 Look at the picture of Part G 2

1.Ask Questions:

(1) What can you see in the picture ? I can see soe …

(2) How any ?

(3) Do you like sandwiches?

(4) I’d like …

2. Students ask in pairs and fill in the blanks of the table.

3. Teacher asks the students and check the answers.

4. Ss listen to the tape.

5. Ss listen and read after the tape.

6. Ss read it together.

Step 3:Presention and practice:

T Let’s go and buy soething to eat.


T:Who act the waiter and the waitress.

(Two students act the waiter and the waitress.)

1. Teacher akes a odel with soe students.

S1:What would you like ?

T:I’ hungry .I’d like a haburger

S1:Anything else ?

T: I’ thirsty , too.I’d like a glass of juice .S1:Hot or cold ?

T:Hot , please.

S1:Here you are .

T:Here’s y huburger and a glass of juice. Thank you.How uch are they ?

S1:They’re 18 yuan .

2. Students go to buy soething to eat in a group.

3. Act out the dialogue.

Step 4:Consolidation:

Look at the book of page 56.Act a waiter or a waitress , ask your classates and fill in the blanks.

Do a survey .教师设计一张调查表格, 样式如下:

odle :T: Hello . What’s your nae ? What would you like ?

S: I’ xxx. I’d like a haburger .

T:Anything else ?

S: Soe chips .

T:Soething to drink ?

S: Soe ilk .

T: How about you ? What’s your nae ? What would you like ? Soething to drink ?

S: (略)







Wang Bing





课 题

Unit 7 At a snack bar


Part F and exercise


1.Learn the pronunciation of “ds, ts” in the words.

2Ss can do the exercise correctly

3Ss can use the daily sentences freely


1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely

3.Learn the pronunciation of “ds, ts” in the words.





Do listening coprehension


Do the exercise on the WB





Step 1.Revision.


T: Good orning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good orning/ afternoon, iss chen!

2 Hungry,hungry ,I’ Hungry,

Haburger, haburger, here’s a haburger.

Thirsty ,thirsty ,I’ thirsty,

Coffee,coffee,here’s soe coffee.

(pies, juice;biscuits, ilk)

3 Free talk:

T:Do you like biscuits?

S:Yes , I do.

T:e,too.Do you like sweets?

S:Yes,I do.

T:Oh,no .I don’t like sweets.

Step 2:Look at the picture of Part F:

T: Look at those boys. What are those in their hands?

Ss: They’re biscuits and sweets.

T: What are those flying in the sky?(教师边说边做动作)

Ss: They’re birds.

Read the words and sentence.

birds friends biscuits sweets

y friends like birds ,sweets and biscuits.


Step 3:Read and act:


T: Hello,what’s the tie ?

S:It’s …

T:Let’s go and play basketball.

S:OK.Let’s go.

T:I can’t ove now . I’ hungry.

Teach the phrases“go and play”and the word “ove”.

2.Listen to the tape and answer soe questions:

What do they want to play ?

What does Gao Shan want?

Does Go Shan go to play basketball?

3.Read the dialogue after the tape .

4.Read in pairs.

5.ake a new dialogue and act it out.

Step 4:Consolidation


1 ?

They are workers.

2 ?

Yes, I’ a farer.

3 ?

I want to be a teacher.

4 ?

I’d like soe pears.


1. I can see a bird in the picture.(改为否定句)

I see a bird in the picture.

2、I’ a teacher.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)

a teacher?

No, .

3. This is an apple.(改为复数)


本堂课以操练句型What would you like?I’d like…Anything else?How uch are they?为主。What would you like?I’d like…这个句型学生在以前已经接触过了,所以操练起比较方便。首先我让学生根据书上的歌谣自编一首新的儿歌,由于学生对词汇的掌握已经很好了,所以在编的时候兴趣非常高,同时我让他们把自己编的歌谣朗读出,让全班都分享他的成果,学生都是很乐意的,再加上自编的动作,边说边演,课堂气氛很活跃。同时,我还创设了一个情境,让学生自己扮演服务员和顾客,让他们到快餐店里去买东西,在这个轻松的氛围中,学生的口语虽然说得不是特别流利,但是他们敢说,肯说,达到了英语教学中让学生乐说的效果。




课 题

Unit 7 At a snack bar




1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely


1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely




Do listening coprehension


Review Unit2





Period 1

A. Listen, respond and choose. 1. B A haburger, please. 2. C Soe arrange juice, please. 3. A No, thank you. 4. C I don’t like coffee. 5. B Thirty yuan, please. B. Read and coplete. Su Hai, Su Yang and their father are at a snack bar. Su Yang would like a haburger. Su Hai would like soe noodles. They would like to drink soe orange juice. Their father, r Su would like a cup of coffee. How uch are they? They are thirty-two yuan in all. C. Read and choose 1. C 2. C 3. B 4.B 5.A D. Read, choose and coplete What would you like? I’d like two hot dogs. How about you?

A haburger, please. Soething to drink?

A glass of ango juice, please. e, too.

Any thing else?

No, thank you. How uch are they? Forty yuan, please. Here you are. Period 2 A. Listen and atch. 1. c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.e B. Look and coplete NaeFoodDrinkHow uch?r GreenNoodles

Eight yuanHelenPies chocolateilk Twenty-five yuanikeBiscuits a haburgerOrange juiceEighteen yuan

C. Read and coplete 1. What do you like? I like grapes. 2. What are these in English? They’re peaches. 3. What would you like? I’d like a haburger.

4. Where are the noodles? They are on the table. 5. Soething to drink? A cup of coffee.

6. How any biscuits can you see? I can see eleven. D. Look, read and coplete. 1. What would you like? Soe biscuits, please. Soething to drink? A carton of ilk, please. Anything else? No. thanks. How uch are they? Thirteen yuan, please. ●教学后记




课 题

Unit 7 At a snack bar




1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely


1.Ss can do the exercise correctly

2.Ss can use the daily sentences freely




Do listening coprehension


Review Unit2






A. Listen and coplete

Helen Jack ary JohnAy Ben Haburger













Ice crea









orange juice


How uch?







B. Read and choose 1.B 2. C 3. B 4.B 5. C 6.A 7.C C. Read and atch 1.H 2.A 3.C 4.G 5.B 6.D 7.E 8.F D. Read and choose 1. C 2. A 3. C 4.C . D. Look, read and coplete. Can I help you? I’d like three ango pies. Soething to drink? A cup of coffee and two glasses of juice, please. Anything else? Soe sweets, please. How uch are they? Forty-three yuan, please. Here you are.

Period 2

A. Listen, find and circle 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b B. Listen and atch 1. B 2.C 3. A 4. F 5.D 6.E

C. Listen, atch and write. 1. C soe biscuits 2. A soe ilk 3. F soe sweets 4. B soe chocolate 5. E a banana 6. D an egg D. Look, guess and write 1. How uch are they? 2. How uch is the ilk?

3. How uch is the coffee?

4. How uch are the pies? 5. How uch are the sweets? 6. How uch are the noodles?

E. Look, think and fill in the for Nae Food 1Food 2 How uch?Su yang One orangeTwo haburgers¥16Ben Two bananasThree pies ¥13Yang lingThree pineapplesThree hot dogs¥51iss LITwo waterelonsTwo ice creas¥42





课 题

Unit 7 At a snack bar




Ss know the correct answer.


Words, phrases and sentences





Preview UNIT3






1、pie 2、noodles 3、tree 4、pineapple 5、their

6、like 7、friends 8、would 9、a glass of juice 10、soe biscuits

二、听问句,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。(听两遍) 1.Is this bus for Nanjing ?

2.How uch are the sweets ?

3.Here’s soe water for you.

4.Are you hungry ?

5.Shall we go to the park by bus?

三、听录音,根据听到的对话选出合适的答案。(听两遍)1. 1. A: What would you like,sir? B: I’d like a cup of coffee Q: What would the an like? 2. A: I’d like a haburger and a glass of orange. How uch are they? B: The haburger is uan,and the glass of orange is four. Q: How uch are they? 3. A: u, I’d like soe sweets. B: Sorry. Here’s soe chocolate for you. A: Thank you. Q: What can the girl have? 4. A: What would you like? B: I’d like soe apples. A: The big ones or the sall ones. B: The sall ones Q: what would you like? 5. A: What would you like? B: I’d like a sandwich and a glass of ilk. Q: What would the girl like to drink? 四、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。(听三遍)

1、A: What would you like?

B: Soe haburgers, please.

A: Anything else?

B: No, thank you.

A: How about you?

C: A carton of ilk, please.

A: Here you are.

2、A: Nancy, here’s soe juice for you.

B: I’ not thirsty. I’ hungry.

A: Here are soe cakes for you.

B: Thank you.


一、1、A 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、B 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、A

二、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A

三、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A


一、1. thirsty, outh 2. other, their 3. cards, birds 4. sweets, cats

二、1、three glasses of ilk 2、an apple pie 3、drink soe juice 4、soe noodles 5、his sweets

6、在一家小吃店/零食店 7、好主意 8、她的面包 9、看医生 10、去车站

三、1、B 2、B 3、A 4、C5、B 6、B 7、A 8、A 9、C 10、B


五、1. doctor 2. taxi 3. noodles 4. English 5. drink

六、DCBAEF 七、1.How do we go to the library ? 2.Let’s go and play basketball. 3.Here’s soe water for you. 4.I don’t want to go to school today. 5.Shall we go now ? 八、1. Anything, a cup of tea 2. How uch are ,sweets 3. like, carton 4. Here’s ,coffee 5. Is, for , it , isn’t 九、FFFTT●教学后记

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/48078.html

相关阅读:北师大版四年级英语下册Unit7 Today is Monday 教案