牛津英语5BUnit 6 At a PE lesson教案

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

Unit 6 At a PE lesson
本单元中tie, right, back, with等单词的意义与以前所学的不同,教师应引导学生在应用中理解。
1.能正确听读、辨认字母组合ai , ay在单词中读音。
2.正确掌握四会词汇tie, left, right, stop, touch, an ar, a head, a
leg, a foot
3.熟练运用日常交际用语Stand in a line. Let’s do soe exercise. Now,
listencarefully. Jup up and down. Do this…ties.
Now, stand up everybody.
4.正确掌握四会句型Put…on Touch…with… All right
5.能熟练演唱歌曲:Do soe exercise with e.
第一课时学习A部分,Read and Say
第二课时学习B部分,Look, read and learn
第三课时学习C部分,Look read and coplete. F部分 Listen and draw
第四课时学习D部分,Work in pairs

5B. Unit 6 A部分 Read and Say
二 教学目标
1)能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Put… on…,Touch…with…
2)能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语及句型Stand in a line. Let’s do soe exercise. Put your feet together. Jup up and down. Do this … ties. Now, listen carefully. Turn left and righ. Lie on your back. Lift up your…leg. Now,stand up everybody.
三 教学重点
能听懂,会说,会读并能灵活运用句型:Stand in a line. Let’s do soe exercise. Put your feet together. Jup up and down. Do this … ties. Now, listen carefully. Turn left and righ. Lie on your back. Lift up your…leg. Now,stand up everybody.
四 教学难点
五 教学过程:
Step1. Waring-up
1.Sing a song:body song
(音乐是最能使人感到快乐的。优美的音乐,欢快的节奏,既愉悦身心又陶冶情操,还能激发学生的学习兴趣。从儿童的心理特征讲,欢快的节奏刺激大脑并引起兴奋。学生在唱歌时,随着旋律的起伏变换,在感到松弛,愉快,满足的同时,会产生兴奋情绪。而这首歌曲既可以缓解紧张的学习气氛 又巩固了新旧语言。)
2. Free talk
What’s your nae?
Nice to eet you.
How are you?
What day is it today?
What subject do you like?/Do you like PE?
(从本册书第一单元所学的重要句型:What subject do you like? 对学生进行提问,学生回答:I like PE.既复习了旧知又成功地导入本课的话题,引起学生的注意。)
T:We can jup,run,play basketball at PE lesons.We can do soe exercise.
T:Now,let’s do soe exercise.
T:I will give you soe orders.Now,listen carefully everybody.You should try to follow the orders.
Give soe orders,like:put up your hand,hand down,put up your left hand,put up your
right hand,put up your hands.
T:Good,stand up everybody.Turn left,turn right.
T:Good,sit down,please.
T:Show e your hands?Touch you head,touch your book,touch your book with your
right hand.
Step2.Presantation and practice
1.Learn the orders.
T:Now,I’ll give soe orders again.
1)T:Stand in a line.( show the video and learn the order)
Students read the sentence one bye one.
2)Put your feet together.
3)Jup up and down…ties.
4)Put your hands on your head.
5)Lie on your back.
6)Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand./Lift up your right hand and touch it with your left hand.
7)Do this…ties.
2.Review the orders
1)What’s issing?(show the pictures)
2)Play a gae:I say,you do.You do I say.
Step 3 .Dialogue practice(Part A :Read and say)
1.Listen and answer.
T:Boys and girls,we are in the classroo and having an English lesson.But 1)Where are r a and his students?2)What are they doing? Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
2.Listen and nuber. .
3.Read after the tape.
4.Read together.
Step 4 nsolidation
1.Act the three parts of the dialogue in pairs.
2.Task:Have a PE lesson.
3.Sing a song:Do soe exercise with e.
T:Everybody,we do soe exercise at PE lessons.And we can do a lot of erercise everywhere and everytie.If you want to be heathy,tall and strong,please try to do ore exercise.
Step 5.Assign hoework
1.Read Part A follow the tape 3 ties, try to read it fluently.
2.Assign soe orders ,write the down and do the with your friends.
Unit 6 A PE lesson
Let’s do soe exercise
Stand in a line.
Put your feet together.
Jup up and down…tie.
Turn left and right.
Lie on your back.

5B.Unit 6 B 部分 Look, read and learn.
1. 四会单词:
tie, left, right, stop, touch.
2. 四会句型:
All right.
3. 日常交际用语:
Stand in a line.
Let’s do soe exercises.
Now, listen carefully.
Jup up and down.
Do this…ties…
Now, stand up, everybody!
1. 正确掌握四会单词。
2. 能正确掌握四会句型。
3. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
1. 正确掌握四会单词、句型。
2. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
3. 综合灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。
四. 课前准备
4.课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit 6 B 部分 Look, read and learn.
Step1: War up
1. Greeting: Nice to eet you, boys and girls.
2. 引出短语:three ties
T: Boys and girls, do you know y English nae?
S: No.
T: Guess, what’s y English nae? Such as: Helen? Lily? Nancy? ary?
S: Guess.
T: Yes, I’ Lily. Please call e three ties.
板书:three ties
中译英: 一次/ 两次
T: Boys, please call e five ties.
3. Free talk:
(1) What day is it today?
(2) What lessons do you have in the orning?
(3) What subject do you like?
(4) Do you like English/ PE?
(5) Who likes PE? Please put up your hand and let e kno
引出教学:hand (and---hand) hand, hand, put up your hand.
T: Oh, I know, any students like PE. So, today I’ not your English teacher.
I’ll as a PE teacher. Let’s have an English PE lesson. OK?
揭示课题:Unit 6 A PE lesson.
( Boys, read two ties, please./ Girls, read three ties, please.)
Step2 Presentation and practice
1. 教学touch.
First, let’s play a gae. I say, you do.
Hand, hand, put your hand on your face. ( Look, I’ touching y face.)
Hand, hand, put your hand on your eyes. ( Look, I’ touching y eyes.)
Hand, hand, put your hand on your back. ( Look, I’ touching y back.)
引出教学touch your desk/ pencil box/ English book……
touch. ou ---says / /, ch---says / /, ch, ch, ---
2. 教学身体部位单词
T: This tie, let’s play another gae. Do you like puzzles?
S: Yes, I do.
T: Let’s do the puzzle. OK?
T: ( Show the part of one’s body)Look, what’s this? You can speak in Chinese.
S: Guess---脖子
T: (show --- neck)n---says /n/ e---says /e/ ck---says /k/
指名读,小组读. (Group 1, read two ties. Group 2, read three ties.)
T: Follow e. Neck, neck, this is y neck.
I say: Neck, neck, touch your neck.You say: Neck, neck, touch y neck.
引出:Touch your neck two ties/ four ties.
同上教学shoulder, ar, hand, leg, knee, foot, toe, finger
(3)句型教学:Touch--- three ties
Touch--- with your hand/ fingers ---ties
3.review the sentence.
(1) Read the sentence
(2) ake a sentence and say the Chinese eaning.
4.T: Let’s do the puzzle. Who will try? Look, who is he?
S: He is Yao ing.
T: Yao ing is a basketball player. He plays basketball very well.
5. Review the words
(1) 听号, 读单词
T: Just now, we have learned soe neords. Let’s count. How any neords do we
Learn? ( 师边数,边标号。)
Now, I say the nubers, you read the words two ties.
( such as: I say No.1, you say : neck , neck.)
(2)atch the words
T: Take out your pictures, they are all the pictures of the stars. Like Yao ing, Liu Xiang… Do you like the? Beside the an, there are soe words. Let’s atch the words and the pictures.OK?
(Ask one student to coe to the blackboard and do it.)
6. Listen and do.
(1) T--- say the orders. S--- touch
Eg: Touch his shoulders ./ Touch his ars two ties. / Touch his legs with your fingers/ hand three ties./ Touch your ……
(2) Work in groups.
(3) Ask one student to coe the blackboard and as a teacher. The others listen and do.
(小组操练, 整班学生操练。)
Step3 Consolidation
Do the exercise at P47
(1) Work in pairs.
(2) Write it down.
Step4 Hoework:
1.抄写单词tie, left, right, stop, touch三遍。
Unit 6
tie left right stop touch
Put…on… Touch…with…. All right.

5B.Unit 6 C 部分Work in pairs.
F部分 Listen and draw
能灵活运用句型: Touch…with… All right.
1. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
2. 综合熟练运用日常交际用语。
1. 准备录音机和本课的磁带。
2. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6
Step1 Organizations.
1. Greetings
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning/afternoon ,iss Zhang.
2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 We can dance!
Step2 Revisions
1.Listen and do
1)Stand in a line
2)Put your feet together.
3)Jup up and down…ties.
4)Put your hands on your head.
5)Lie on your back.
6)Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand./Lift up your right hand and touch it with your left hand.
7)Do this…ties.
2. Let’s act:请两组同学站起表演
T: Put…on…, please… Touch your eyes…
Step3 Presentation
1. 出示图片:at a PE lesson T发命令,请同学作动作。
2. 再出示另外两个情境的图片。
(1)Lie on your back. Put your knees together.
Bend your knees. ove your legs to the left, then ove to the
(2)lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.
3 学生试着写出图片相对应的句子。
4 个别同学在黑板上写出句子。
Step4 Listen and draw
1 Guess: It has four legs, two big ears and a long nose.What is it?
2 教师讲解游戏规则。一学生想出一只怪物并把它画下。画好后,他向几位同学描述自己的怪物。其他同学试着根据描述画出一只怪物。画完后,所有人把自己的画与该生的形容比较一下,如画得与描述的相符就算赢。
3 自编谜语,同桌互相听音画画。
Step5 Hoework
1. 小组表演A部分对话
2. 抄写C部分的句型两遍(两英两中)。
Unit 6
All right.

5B.Unit 6 D 部分Look ,read and coplete.
1. 掌握四会词汇:Touch…with…
2. 学习人体部分名称。
1. 正确掌握人体部位名称。
2. 熟练运用四会句型。
1. 正确掌握四会单词、句型。
2. 熟练运用日常交际用语。
3. 综合灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。
4. 熟练运用四会句型。
1. 准备录音机和本课的磁带。
2. 准备D部分的图片。
3. 准备本课的单词卡片。
4. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6D部分Look, read and coplete.
Step1 Organization
1. Greetings
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning/afternoon, iss Zhang.
2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 Two jackets.
Step2 Revision
2.Play a gae: Listen and dra
Step3 Practice
1 . 由表演→句型操练Touch…with… three ties
3.Talk in pairs.
5. 学生展示所填内容,并读出完整的句子。
Step4 Consolidation
1. Play gaes Chinese Whisper
教师向某一排第一位学生耳语一个英语句子,如:Touch your head with your hands.并让其耳语传至最后一位学生,然后请最后一位学生和第一位学生先后到台前根据所听到的英语句子做出相应动作,看是否相同。
传句子:Touch your head with your hand.
Step5 Hoework
Unit 6 At a PE lesson
Touch…with…three tie

5B.Unit 6 E,G,H 部分.
1. 复习人体部位名称,以及体育课上的动作词组, D.E部分
2. 复习祈使句
3. 复习现在进行时
1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。
2. 能熟练的在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
3 能初步了解字母组合ai和ay在单词中的发音。
能正确听 说 读 写四会句型“Put…on… Touch…with… All right.”
1. 准备录音机和本课唱歌的磁带。
2 准备E部分图片
3. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6.
Step 1 Organizations.
1. Greetings
T: Good orning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good orning/afternoon, iss Zhang.
2. Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 Two jackets.
Step2 Revision
1. Free talk
T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: I a.
T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s onday.
T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…
T: What class are you in? Ss: I’ in Class Two.
T: What lessons do you have on onday? Ss: We have…
2. 教师出示人体图片,请学生快速说出人体部位名称
3.请同学板演默写人体部位名称单词新 课标 第 一 网
Step3 Look and read
1. 教师出示图片,复习单词 a pineapple, a grape, an egg, a head和a outh
2. 师生问答:Can you …? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.以及Where’s …? It’s in …
3. 教师出示图片,指导学生看图,并练习读句子。
4. 同桌互相讨论读对话。
5 同桌表演对话。
Step 4 Listen and repeat
1快速展示单词图片,一闪即停,然后问学生:What’s issing? 让学生看图后说单词。
2 集体认读单词,并让学生找出单词的共同音素。
Step 5 Sing a song
1 播放歌曲,学生静听欣赏。
2 学生读歌曲,并理解歌词大意。
3 跟随录音简单哼唱,再学唱歌曲。
4 生表演歌曲
Step6 Hoework

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/49220.html

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